Screenshot of Ewon device's web interface

The Dashboard is the first page you see when you log in succesfully in to your Ewon device.

The Dashboard is a read-only web page which means that it delivers the information but does not offer the possibility to create or modify a configuration / parameter.

You can quickly see the most important information of your Ewon device:

  • Is your Ewon device connected to the Internet? And to a Talk2M VPN server?
  • What are the different labels of my Ewon device
  • ...

Template Overview

Before explaning the Dashboard itself, it is good to detail the general template of your Ewon device.

The header
You will find information such as your current location (breadcrumbs), the current user logged in and a button to launch the configuration wizards.

The menu
You can navigate through your Ewon device's web interface thanks to the menu.

The content
This is the main area where to focus as it shows the information, configuration fields, ... allowing you to configure your Ewon device as wanted.

The footer
You will find information such as the name of your Ewon device, its firmware version as well as its serial number. You can also see the current status of the Internet and VPN connections.

Internet Connection

The Internet Connection frame describes the current status of your Ewon device's Internet connection:


The Ewon fallback feature switches the primary WAN interface to the second one in case the primary interface fails.

You can configure the fallback only if if your Ewon device embeds two WAN interfaces: Ethernet and, Cellular or Wi-Fi.

The value for this element is either Disabled or the name of the second WAN interface (considered as the WAN fallback).

You can configure the WAN fallback while going through the Internet wizard.

Internet Status

This element indicates that the Internet connection hasn't been configured yet.

This element is hidden if you have configured the Internet connection of your Ewon device.

Connected since

How long your Ewon device has been online (= connected to Internet).

This element is hidden if the Ewon device has no Internet connection established.

WAN IP Address

The IP address of your Ewon device used when connected to Internet.

This element is hidden if the Ewon device has no Internet connection established.

Connected interface

This element displays which WAN interface your Ewon device is using to connect to the Internet.

The (Primary) or (Fallback) value represents respectively the main / by-default interface and its fallback in case the main interface fails.

This element is hidden if the Ewon device has no Internet connection established.

WiFi Status

The SSID of the the Wi-Fi network your Ewon device is currently connected to.

This field is hidden if your Ewon device is not equipped with a Wi-Fi modem.

GSM Status

You will see the name of the cellular operator, the signal strength and the cellular technology (e.g.: 4G).

This field is hidden if your Ewon device is not equipped with a cellular modem.

GSM data consumption

This element indicates the amount of cellular data your Ewon device has consumed.

This field is hidden if your Ewon device is not equipped with a cellular modem.

VPN Connection

The VPN Connection describes the current status of your Ewon device's VPN connection:


This field appears only if you haven't configured the VPN connection of your Ewon device.

Connected since

How long your Ewon device has been online (= connected to a Talk2M VPN server).

This field is hidden if your Ewon device has no VPN connection established.

VPN IP Address

The VPN IP address of your Ewon device used when connected to Internet, more specifically to the Talk2M VPN serveur.

This field is hidden if your Ewon device has no VPN connection established.

System Information

The System Information frame lists the general information of your Ewon device:

Ewon Type

The model of your Ewon device.


The LAN IP address and subnet mask of your Ewon device.

By default, the LAN IP address is set to, and a subnet mask set to

Gateway Status

The following information shows the status of the USB and NAT 1:1 features.


This element represents the status of the USB connectivity. It also display a list of the USB devices plugged in to your Ewon device.

You can change the status of the USB connectivity by clicking on it. You will be redirected to the Communication: USB IP section.

The possible values for this element are Disabled and Enabled.

NAT 1:1

The NAT 1:1 feature allows you to map one custom WAN/VPN IPv4 address to one LAN IPv4 address. This makes the LAN device - plugged in your Ewon device - easily accessible from the WAN or VPN interface.

By default, the LAN IP address is set to, and the subnet mask is set to

You can modify the state and behavior of the NAT 1:1 by clicking on it. You will be redirected to the Networking: Routing section.

The possible values for this element are Disabled and Enabled.