On this screen, you can configure the base parameters for your modem. Which setting are available for configuration will depend your Ewon device’s type of modem.
These settings are configured automatically when running the Internet Connection Wizard. For the initial configuration of a modem for outbound data connections, we strongly recommend using the Internet Connection Wizard.

The Status section shows information about the detected modem. If the Ewon device is connected to a network, the name of the network, type of connection, and signal strength is displayed as well.
If your support representative has advised you to reset your modem, you can use the Reset Modem button in the upper right corner of the screen.

By default, your Ewon device will select the network operator associated with the default settings of the SIM card.
Use the Operator Selection field to force a connection with the selected operator. If the chosen operator is not available, no connection will be triggered.
Similarly, if multiple cellular networks (2G, 3G, 4G, etc) are detected, the Ewon device will connect to the highest one available.
Use the Wireless Network field to restrict which networks the Ewon device will connect to.

In the Outgoing Configuration section, you can set or modify the Access Point Name, Username, and Password required by your cellular provider for connecting to their network.
Unchecking the Enable Data Connection checkbox will disable cellular data connections.

If your support representative has advised to modify the Modem Init String, check the Show Advanced Configuration checkbox to display the string. Clearing this string will result in applying a well-known default initialization string.