Screenshot of Ewon device's web interface

As the debug mode may affect global system performance, don’t forget to disable it when not needed anymore.

Serial communication

If your Ewon device contains a serial port, then this section allows to enable logging of the serial communication. The send and received packets on the serial port will then be available in the real-time log (Fifo).

The serial port can be of different types:

  • Debug COM (1..4): the serial port of the Flexy202 base unit or the serial ports of the Flexy Extension Card - 2 Serial Ports.
  • Debug PPP Port(1..2) / Debug AT Port (1..2): the serial ports of the 3G or 4G modem extension card (modem serial ports used by Ewon to communicate with the modem)

Following debug modes can be selected:

  • No debug (default value): no debug information logged.
  • HEX on RX/TX: Log hexadecimal data received and transmitted.
  • HEX and ASCII on RX/TX: Log hexadecimal and ASCII data received and transmitted
  • HEX and ASCII (no timeout): Log hexadecimal and ASCII data received and transmitted, without timeout information

Serial communication

Check the Error Debug to append hex location data to logged events.