The file transfer section will let you have a direct access to the Ewon files.
You can open or download the files located in the root folder of the Ewon
- Events.htm
The events log represented as a table.
- Events.htm
The events log represented as a table.
- sstat.htm
The scheduled status represented as a table.
- estat.htm
The system status represented as a table.
- rt_alm.txt
The real-time alarms.
- inst_val.txt
The instantaneous values displayed as text.
- inst_val.bin
The instantaneous values displayed as binary
- events.txt
The events log.
- hst_alm.txt
The history of alarm tags.
- var_lst.txt
The list of variables and their details in a text file.
- var_lst.csv
The list of variables and their details in a csvfile.
- program.bas
The BASIC program scripting.
- ewonfwr.edf
The firmware file.
- dump.ppp
The PPP dump file.
- config.bin
The system configuration file of the Flexy as binary file.
- config.txt
The system configuration file of the Flexy as text file.
- comcfg.txt
The communication configuration file of the Flexy as text file.
- ircall.bin
All historical logs.
- backup.tar
Backup file of the Ewon device.
- irc_#
The historical log of the tags set up in the Flexy where “#” is the name of the tag.
There will be as many “irc_#” as there are tags in the Flexy.