Screenshot of Ewon device's web interface

The Talk2M wizard offers two ways to register your Ewon device to Talk2M. It also provides a connectivity test to Talk2M.

Method #1: Activation Key

Click on the button next to Register with ACTIVATION KEY to use the activation key provided by eCatcher.

Learn more about generating and retrieving an activation key on the eCatcher online help.

Talk2M registration method: Activation key

Method #2: Ewon name

Click on the button next to Register with Ewon NAME to use an Ewon name and valid Talk2M account credentials for registration.

These are the same Talk2M account credentials used in eCatcher or M2Web.

The user associated with the Talk2M credentials must have sufficient user rights to add devices to the Talk2M account.

Talk2M registration method: Ewon name

Connectivity Test

If the Ewon device has already been registered to Talk2M, the Talk2M wizard offers the opportunity to perform a Talk2M Connectivity validation. This allows you to rerun the wizard without supplying an activation key or Ewon name and credentials.

During the Talk2M connectivity validation, you will have the opportunity to update any proxy configuration and to test the VPN connection.

The Talk2M connectivity validation is especially useful when the Ewon device was originally configured at a different location than its current location.

Click the Next button to go to the next step of the Wizard.

Connectivity test to Talk2M