i4BACnet Generalities
i4BACnet is a modern, fully web-based, and BACnet compliant management and operating unit software, capable to detect all connected BACnet devices, even during runtime.
BACnet is a communication protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
i4BACnet is divided in:
BACnet Broker
BACnet Service(s)
BACnet Connector
BACnet Controls
In the present article, we shall describe each of the above-indicated components and present you with the potential installation topologies.
The BACnet Broker is the main means of communication, which can connect to multiple services and servers. The scope of the BACnet Broker is to intermediate communication between the i4scada Server and the BACnet Service(s). Communication is done through HTTP(S) and WebSockets protocol, in a bidirectional mode.
The BACnet Service is the component responsible for communication with the BACnet network. As earlier indicated, a BACnet Broker may connect to multiple BACnet Services.
The BACnet Connector represents the communication means between i4scada Server and the BACnet Broker. The scope of BACnet Connector is to establish the link between i4scada Server and BACnet Broker and to allow a bidirectional communication using Signals. More details about the configuration of the BACnet Connector can be found in the upcoming chapter BACnet Connector configuration.
The BACnet Controls are HTML components that are defined and configured, in the i4scada SmartEditor. The BACnet Controls are described in chapter i4BACnet HTML Components.
i4BACnet topologies
A network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a communication network.
i4BACnet can be deployed in two distinct network topologies:
Single-installation topology
Distributed topology
The most common topology, of i4BACnet is the Single-installation topology. The Single-installation topology allows situations where the i4scada Server and HTML SCADA Controls coexist in the same network as the rest of BACnet Services.

Single-installation topology
On the other hand, the Distributed topology allows users to connect to multiple independent installations (or networks) and to access them through a central visualization. The Distributed topology is most commonly met in large installations, central management, etc.
i4scada Server can run independently or it may be installed in the same network as the BACnet Broker.
BACnet Broker does not implicitly provide a security concept. By this, security must be managed at the level of broker installation using either the IIS Security concepts or by establishing a VPN tunnel between Broker and visualization.

Distributed topology