Screenshot of Ewon device's web interface

The Users area allows the management of the list of authorized users.

Different login procedures use this list as reference to authorize / deny access. Those are:

  • The access to web interface.
  • The access to FTP access.
  • The access to a user defined page which is based on a Basic Access authentication.

The default view is the one displaying all users and their attributes configured in the Ewon device.

The default view of the Users page is as follows:


Allows the filtering of the users based on all columns except Rights.

Refresh button

Allows the refresh of the list


Allows the creation of a new user.


Edit the information and permissions of a user.

This button is shown only if a user has been selected


Delete a user.

This button is shown only if a user (other than “adm”) has been selected.

User Login

The username.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.


The type of permissions granted to the user.


Custom description about the user.

Rights / Permissions

Each user can be granted / denied rights. These permissions will authorize the user to access different parts of the Ewon device or use specific functionnalities of the Ewon device.

These permissions can be granted when creating the user, or afterwards by editing the profile of a user.

Tag Page

When creating a tag, you can associate this tag to a specific page (which can then be used as a filter).

Those pages contain a defined set of tags thus this parameter limits the number of tags the user can access /see.


Access to all tag pages is granted.


Only the Default page is accessible.


Default and System pages are accessible.


Default and CUSTOM-PAGE pages are accessible.

Users will always have access to the Default page (even if not selected) which is also the value set by default.

User Directory

You can build a custom website (or at least publish custom web pages) by placing HTML / SHTM files directly in the common user directory or in its subdirectories.

This user folder is located at the root of the Ewon device when accessing this Ewon device through FTP.

Considering the FTP directory structure, the root directory of this user folder is labeled /usr.

Every user has access to that directory and is considered as the default directory.


Access to all content & subdirectories in root directory is granted.


Only the root directory /usr is accessible.


Default and System directories are accessible.


Default and CUSTOM-PAGE directories are accessible.

When a subdirectory of the root directory “/usr” is accessible, all the subdirectories of this specific subdirectory are accessible as well.

Global User Rights

View IO

Allows the access to the tags values screen.

Force outputs

Allows the modification of the Ewon device's tags.

Acknowledge alarms

Allows the acknowledgement of the alarms.

Change configuration

Allows the access to the configuration part of the Ewon device.

FTP server access

Allows this user to access the FTP server of the Ewon device.

Ewon File access [EBD]

Allows the access to the file transfer page (check Files Transfer).

Allows the user to retrieve files (containing Export Block Descriptor) from the Ewon device with HTTP requests using /rcgi.bin/ParamForm?AST_Param=$$...EBD...

As the web interface of the Ewon device needs the EBD, this options is always checked (and cannot be unchecked).

Java Forms access

Allows the access to the Java forms.

Control Java JVM

Allows this user to control the Java JVM

Upgrade FW

Allows this user to upgrade the Ewon device.