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M2web Online Help

How to customize the M2web access ?

You can find an example of a customized M2web login page here or by the screenshot below.

  1. Custom M2web Access:

    You can customize the M2web portal to reflect the identity of your company. This customization feature is called M2web Logo Program and you can configure it directly from Ecatcher.

    Use the following syntax to access your custom M2web portal:


    In the M2web portal login page, the bottom banner including the Ewon/HMS logo and the term of use cannot be removed using the LOGO program "SKIN" feature.

    In the M2web interface, the general color of the M2web UI cannot be modified.Only your custom logo will be displayed on the top of the left menu.

  2. Custom Iframe:

    The M2web Logo Program also allows to use Iframes.

    This is an easy way to implement the M2web portal on your company website or platform.