Dashboards let you visualize the information from your Machine. Dashboards can include one or more Views and each View can include several Widgets. To navigate from one View to another in the Dashboard, click on the View name at the bottom of the Dashboard.
A dashboard can include several different types of Widgets or display objects. These can include:
Alarm Events
The Alarm Events table shows you the alarm events that occurred during the Date and Time range selected.
Different icons indicate whether there are no alarms, acknowledged alarms, or unacknowledged alarms for that period.
Clicking on the Alarm Events tables takes you to a detailed Alarm Events page. When you hover over an event entry in the table, a calendar icon will appear on the right side of the entry.
Clicking on the calendar icon changes the period displayed for the entire dashboard to the time the event occurred.
If the system is configured for manual alarm entry and you have sufficient user rights, you can also enter a new alarm event by clicking the New button on the table.
More information about managing alarms in the Alarms and service logs section.
The alarms displayed in the Dashboard are not necessarily the same alarms as are configured on the Ewon Flexy associated with this machine. Administrators can create separate alarm events within the visualization platform.
The KPIs widget shows the most recent values of important tags from your Machine. The KPIs always show the most recent values no matter what period is displayed for the dashboard.
The Monitoring Widget lets you see how the value of your tags are changing over time.Clicking on the names of the different tags in the graph remove them to allow you to more clearly see the trends for a specific tag or tags.
The option to print a report for this Machine can be included in a Dashboard.When you click on the Preview button in the Report widget, you can specify which time period to include on the report and which report template to use.
Service Log
The Service Log table shows you manually entered events that occurred during the date and time range selected.
Different icons indicate whether there are no events, acknowledged events, or unacknowledged events for that period.
Clicking on the Service Log table takes you to a detailed Service Log page. When you hover over an event entry in the table, a calendar icon will appear on the right side of the entry.
Clicking on the calendar icon changes the period displayed for the entire dashboard to the time the event occurred. If you have sufficient user rights, you can also enter a new Service Log event by clicking the New button on the table.
More information about managing alarms in the Alarms and service logs section.