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Ecatcher Online Help

How does the Talk2m credit work?

Once your Talk2m light or pro account has been refilled, a fixed fee will be deducted from your credit balance at the end of each month to pay for the service.

Unused VPN traffic, Datamailbox upload, SMS messages included in the bundle are not carried over to the next month.

If you need more than what’s included in the standard pro plan, Talk2m light and pro plans offer a lot of flexibility, but you will be charged for the overages/additional services used.

For instance:

  • Additional VPN traffic

  • Additional Data upload to the Datamailbox

  • Additional SMS sent through Talk2m (without SIM card)

  • Additional concurrent connections (can be requested directly from your Ecatcher app).

Those overages/options will be deducted from your credit (on top of the standard Talk2m light or pro fee) at the time of the billing.


Example: you decide to add a new concurrent connection to your light or pro account (to get 4 in total), the cost of the additional concurrent connection will be deducted each month from your balance on top of the standard Talk2m light or pro fee.

Additional concurrent connections cannot be decreased for a minimum of 3 months.

Additional traffic/data upload overages are charged only per full units of 1GB/ 1 million data points. Several products allow you to fill your credit line according to your needs.

All orders must be addressed directly to your Ewon distributor or local HMS office.


New to Ewon products/services?

Contact your local Ewon distributor or HMS office.

A summary of the Talk2m free, light and pro plans can be found on the Talk2m Pricing Plans section of this online help.