Talk2m Onsite Firewall Requirements
The section provides customers with the Talk2m servers information: their host name and their IP address.
The Talk2m architecture consists of multiple interconnected servers and services. This architecture permits a single rule when adding the Talk2m servers and services to a firewall: whitelist the Talk2m domain name.
The simplest solution is to whitelist the wildcard domain * for outgoing port TCP 443 and UDP 1194.
A detailed explanation of the Talk2m Onsite Firewall Requirements can be found in this document. This document is addressed to the onsite IT engineers. However, the Endpoins/IP addresses used to connect to the Talk2m cloud are only available on this webpage.
Talk2m Connection Checker:
The Talk2m connection checker application tests the compatibility of your network towards Talk2m and can therefore identify potential Talk2m connection issues when using Ecatcher or installing an Ewon device on a network.
It is recommended to provide your Talk2m account credentials in the Talk2m Connection Checker when running the test. This way, you will know which Talk2m VPN server is linked to your Talk2m account.
Download for Windows older than v10
Talk2m Servers List
As described in our document, authorizing the entire Talk2m - wildcard - domain * is the easiest way to configure the onsite firewall or proxy server. For some customers this is not an option and they must whitelist specific IP addresses or host names.
You can find an list available in the Endpoints for Ewon Devices and the Endpoints for computers and tablets section.
This list is being updated frequently as servers are constantly being added to the Talk2m environment.
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