i4designer Introduction
Before starting to work with the i4designer platform check out these articles for a brief introduction of this knowledge base.
Ewon by HMS Networks i4designer Knowledge Base is the web-help resource that aims to help users who are working with the i4designer software. This knowledge base will drive you through the following main sections:
The i4designer Administration section describes the roles and permissions system, allowing you to understand what is your current position and which actions are granted to you.
The i4designer Control Center section provides you with all the information needed to manage your user account and start setting up new projects.
The i4designer section is dedicated to the actual project management functionalities, guiding you through the i4designer visual structure and the three featured project platforms.
The i4designer Components section provides a detailed description of all the project components and their properties, hence allowing you to understand the purpose to which each and every one of them serves.
The i4designer Project Builds section describes the build methods that are available for you, as soon as you have set up your project.
The i4designer Project Deployments section provides all the needed information required to transfer the project files to the target system, via an FTP server, a USB interface or direct publish.