Enabling i4scada Communication Server (WCS) logging
Check out this tutorial to learn how to enable the logging for i4scada WCS Communication Server without any further help.
In order to enable the logging for the i4scada Communication Server (WCS) to following steps should be processed:
Open the i4scada Activity Analyzer tool.
Click the Options toolbar button.
The Options window is opened.
Switch to the File writer tab and process the following settings:
Mark the check-box for the Enable file writer option.
Set the desired value for the Max. trace log files option.
Set the desired value for the Max. size (in bytes) of all trace log files option.
Select the desired Trace logs path.
To create a new folder click on the three dots button, select the desired parent folder, and click the Make New Folder button.
Lower in the Options window, click on the New filter button, in the Advanced filter area.
Fill in the following information for the new filter:
Manually type in the Channel ID column, the value WCS*.
The wildcard * in the Message topic means that all the messages will be logged.
The wildcard * value in the Message topic column allows the system to filter by all message topics.
Select the desired Message level by clicking the three dots button. The options provided in this view can be combined as desired.
As soon as the filter has been set up, click the Save button.
Select a place for the XML configuration file, for your new filter.
After all the Activity Analyzer settings are done, click the OK button to close the Options window.
Next, go to the Windows Start menu and type "regedit".
Open the Registry Editor tool and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Wow6432Node / WEBfactory / WCS. Under WCS a key named 1.0 should be available. If it doesn't exist, create it.
The 1.0 key should contain a Default folder, a Message Level Mask folder, and a Web Client Timeout folder. Open the Message Level Mask folder by double-clicking it.
A new window is opened. In this window make sure to fill in the Value data for the Level mask to correspond to the setting done at step 6 c).
Click OK to preserve the changes and you can now close the Registry Editor tool.
As we are now set up and ready for the WCS logging, please make sure to stop the i4scada Server, using the Service Manager tool and all the other running i4scada services, using the Task Manager application.
Now restart the i4scada Server, using the i4scada Service Manager and all the other i4scada Services.
Please note that the WFRemoteController service should be started prior to the i4scada Service Manager application. Otherwise, the Service Manager will show errors.
The WCS log files will be created.