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i4scada Knowledge Base

WCF Alarms Service Documentation


The WCF Alarms web service handles all the alarm related operations. This article provides a list of all available methods.

This WCF web service handles all the alarm related operations. The following methods are available:


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAlarmGeneralComment(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmID, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates the text of the alarm's general comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmID (guid) - the unique id of the alarm

  • comment (string) - the updated text of the general comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateOnlineAlarmsOccurrenceComment(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmLogID, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates the text of the online alarm's occurrence comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmLogID (guid) - the unique id of the alarm log

  • comment (string) - the updated text of the occurrence comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetOnlineAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the online alarms based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (AlarmFilterDTO) - the alarm filter data transfer object that contains:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language for which the translations are applied

    • TimeZoneID (string) - the id of the time zone for which the alarms are retrieved

    • AlarmGroups (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm groups for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmTypes (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm types for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MinimumPriority (int) - the lowest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MaximumPriority (int) - the highest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • SortOrder (ServerSortOrder) - the object defining the server side sort order of the alarms, containing the following members:

      • DateDescending

      • PriorityDescending

    • MaxRowCount (int) - the maximum number of alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmStatusFilter (AlarmStatusFilter) - the object defining the status filters, containing the following members:

      • All

      • Gone

      • Active

      • NotAcknowledged

      • ActiveOrNotAcknowledged

    • StartTime (DateTimeOffset) - the time of the alarms

    • EndTime (DateTimeOffset) - the end time of the alarms

    • Column (enum FilterColumnType) - the object defining the columns to be retrieved for the alarms, containing the following members:

      • None

      • Text

      • SignalName

      • OpcItem

      • Name

      • HttpLink

      • HelpCause

      • HelpEffect

      • HelpRepair

      • GeneralComment

      • OccurrenceComment

      • AcknowledgeComment

      • NavigationSource

      • NavigationTarget

      • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32

    • ColumnFilters (string[]) - the list of filters for alarm columns

    • FilterAlarmGroupByUser (bool) - if true, only the alarms in the alarm groups to which the user has access will be retrieved

    • UserName (string) - the user name used for filtering alarm groups by user

    • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

    • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

    • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms will be retrieved)

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmsDTO containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved (by specifying the StartIndex and ItemCount)

  • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

  • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved)



GetOnlineAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, AlarmFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the online alarms based on the provided security token and filter


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (AlarmFilterDTO) - the alarm filter data transfer object that contains:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language for which the translations are applied

    • TimeZoneID (string) - the id of the time zone for which the alarms are retrieved

    • AlarmGroups (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm groups for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmTypes (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm types for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MinimumPriority (int) - the lowest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MaximumPriority (int) - the highest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • SortOrder (ServerSortOrder) - the object defining the server side sort order of the alarms, containing the following members:

      • DateDescending

      • PriorityDescending

    • MaxRowCount (int) - the maximum number of alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmStatusFilter (AlarmStatusFilter) - the object defining the status filters, containing the following members:

      • All

      • Gone

      • Active

      • NotAcknowledged

      • ActiveOrNotAcknowledged

    • StartTime (DateTimeOffset) - the time of the alarms

    • EndTime (DateTimeOffset) - the end time of the alarms

    • Column (enum FilterColumnType) - the object defining the columns to be retrieved for the alarms, containing the following members:

      • None

      • Text

      • SignalName

      • OpcItem

      • Name

      • HttpLink

      • HelpCause

      • HelpEffect

      • HelpRepair

      • GeneralComment

      • OccurrenceComment

      • AcknowledgeComment

      • NavigationSource

      • NavigationTarget

      • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32

    • ColumnFilters (string[]) - the list of filters for alarm columns

    • FilterAlarmGroupByUser (bool) - if true, only the alarms in the alarm groups to which the user has access will be retrieved

    • UserName (string) - the user name used for filtering alarm groups by user

    • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

    • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

    • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms will be retrieved)

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmsDTO containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved (by specifying the StartIndex and ItemCount)

  • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

  • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved)


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetOfflineAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the offline alarms based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (AlarmFilterDTO) - the alarm filter data transfer object that contains:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language for which the translations are applied

    • TimeZoneID (string) - the id of the time zone for which the alarms are retrieved

    • AlarmGroups (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm groups for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmTypes (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm types for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MinimumPriority (int) - the lowest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MaximumPriority (int) - the highest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • SortOrder (ServerSortOrder) - the object defining the server side sort order of the alarms, containing the following members:

      • DateDescending

      • PriorityDescending

    • MaxRowCount (int) - the maximum number of alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmStatusFilter (AlarmStatusFilter) - the object defining the status filters, containing the following members:

      • All

      • Gone

      • Active

      • NotAcknowledged

      • ActiveOrNotAcknowledged

    • StartTime (DateTimeOffset) - the time of the alarms

    • EndTime (DateTimeOffset) - the end time of the alarms

    • Column (enum FilterColumnType) - the object defining the columns to be retrieved for the alarms, containing the following members:

      • None

      • Text

      • SignalName

      • OpcItem

      • Name

      • HttpLink

      • HelpCause

      • HelpEffect

      • HelpRepair

      • GeneralComment

      • OccurrenceComment

      • AcknowledgeComment

      • NavigationSource

      • NavigationTarget

      • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32

    • ColumnFilters (string[]) - the list of filters for alarm columns

    • FilterAlarmGroupByUser (bool) - if true, only the alarms in the alarm groups to which the user has access will be retrieved

    • UserName (string) - the user name used for filtering alarm groups by user

    • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

    • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

    • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms will be retrieved)

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmsDTO containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved (by specifying the StartIndex and ItemCount)

  • IdentityNumber (long) - the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request

  • RowNumber (long) - the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved



GetOfflineAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, AlarmFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the offline alarms based on the provided security token and filter


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (AlarmFilterDTO) - the alarm filter data transfer object that contains:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language for which the translations are applied

    • TimeZoneID (string) - the id of the time zone for which the alarms are retrieved

    • AlarmGroups (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm groups for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmTypes (ICollection<string>) - the collection of alarm types for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MinimumPriority (int) - the lowest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • MaximumPriority (int) - the highest priority for which the alarms to be retrieved

    • SortOrder (ServerSortOrder) - the object defining the server side sort order of the alarms, containing the following members:

      • DateDescending

      • PriorityDescending

    • MaxRowCount (int) - the maximum number of alarms to be retrieved

    • AlarmStatusFilter (AlarmStatusFilter) - the object defining the status filters, containing the following members:

      • All

      • Gone

      • Active

      • NotAcknowledged

      • ActiveOrNotAcknowledged

    • StartTime (DateTimeOffset) - the time of the alarms

    • EndTime (DateTimeOffset) - the end time of the alarms

    • Column (enum FilterColumnType) - the object defining the columns to be retrieved for the alarms, containing the following members:

      • None

      • Text

      • SignalName

      • OpcItem

      • Name

      • HttpLink

      • HelpCause

      • HelpEffect

      • HelpRepair

      • GeneralComment

      • OccurrenceComment

      • AcknowledgeComment

      • NavigationSource

      • NavigationTarget

      • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32

    • ColumnFilters (string[]) - the list of filters for alarm columns

    • FilterAlarmGroupByUser (bool) - if true, only the alarms in the alarm groups to which the user has access will be retrieved

    • UserName (string) - the user name used for filtering alarm groups by user

    • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

    • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

    • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms will be retrieved)

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmsDTO containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved (by specifying the StartIndex and ItemCount)

  • IdentityNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request)

  • RowNumber (long) - ignored here, only used for offline alarms (the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved)


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetExtendedAlarmProperties(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Returns a list of extended alarm properties


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of ExtendedAlarmPropertyDTO objects, each containing:

  • Index (int) - the index of the extended alarm property

  • IsActive (bool) - the status of the extended alarm property

  • DataType (ExtendedAlarmDataType) - the object defining the data type of the extended alarm property. It's members are:

    • String

    • Integer

    • Double

  • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the extended alarm property


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAlarmsWithChangedProcessingAndDisplayState(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves a list of alarms that have a modified processing and visibility state


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarms

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmProcessingAndDisplayDTO objects, containing:

  • AlarmID (guid) - the unique id of the alarm

  • AlarmTag (string) - the alarm tag

  • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm text

  • SignalName (string) - the name of the signal which triggers the alarm

  • OPCItemName (string) - the OPC name of the signal that triggers the alarm

  • State (AlarmProcessingAndDisplayState) - the object defining the processing and display state of the alarm, with the following members:

    • NotProcessedButVisible

    • ProcessedAndVisible

    • NotProcessedAndNotVisible

    • ProcessedButNotVisible


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, IEnumerable<Guid> alarmsID, int languageID, string timeZoneID, int millisecondsTimeOut, bool shouldResolvePlaceholders = true);


Retrieves a list of alarms based on the given parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmsID (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique ids of the alarms to be retrieved

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarms

  • timeZoneID (string) - the id of the timezone in which to retrieve the alarm

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

  • shouldResolvePlaceholders (bool) - if true, the replacement values placeholders will return resolved

Return Value

A list of AlarmsDTO objects, containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved

  • IdentityNumber (long) - the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request

  • RowNumber (long) - the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved



GetAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, IEnumerable<Guid> alarmsID, int languageID, string timeZoneID, int millisecondsTimeOut, bool shouldResolvePlaceholders = true)


Retrieves a list of alarms based on the security token and the given parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • alarmsID (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique ids of the alarms to be retrieved

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarms

  • timeZoneID (string) - the id of the timezone in which to retrieve the alarm

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

  • shouldResolvePlaceholders (bool) - if true, the replacement values placeholders will return resolved

Return Value

A list of AlarmsDTO objects, containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved

  • IdentityNumber (long) - the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request

  • RowNumber (long) - the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetCustomAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, string alarmQueryName, CustomQueryParameterDTO[] queryParameters, int languageID, string timeZoneID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves a list of alarms based on a custom made query created in the database


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmQueryName (string) - the custom query name

  • queryParameters (CustomQueryParameterDTO[]) - a list of custom query parameter data transfer objects, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the custom query parameter

    • Value (string) - the value of the custom query parameter

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarms

  • timeZoneID (string) - the id of the timezone in which to retrieve the alarm

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmsDTO objects, containing:

  • Alarms (IEnumerable<AlarmDTO>) - a list of AlarmDTO containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement values

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarms matching the filter besides the ones retrieved

  • IdentityNumber (long) - the index number of the last offline alarm at the point of the first request

  • RowNumber (long) - the index number from which the alarms were be retrieved


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetReplacedAlarm(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmDTO alarmDTO, int languageID, AlarmReplacement[] replacementValues, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves alarm with replacement values instead of placeholders, for the given alarm and language


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmDTO (AlarmDTO) - the alarm data transfer object, containing:

    • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

    • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

    • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

    • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

    • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

    • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

    • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

    • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

    • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

    • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

    • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

    • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

    • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - replacement value placeholders

    • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

    • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

    • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

    • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

    • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

    • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

    • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

    • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

    • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

    • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

    • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

    • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

    • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

    • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

    • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

    • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

    • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarm

  • replacementValues (AlarmReplacement[]) - an array of alarm replacement values, each containing the following members:

    • NumberValue (double?) - the possible numeric value to be replaced

    • StringValue (string) - the string value to be replaced

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmDTO, containing:

  • AlarmLogID (guid) - alarm log id

  • DateOn (DateTime) - the date and time when alarm was triggered

  • DateOff (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was closed

  • DateAck (DateTime?) - the date and time when alarm was acknowledged

  • SysTime (DateTime?) - the date and time of the OCP server

  • AlarmID (guid) - the global unique identifier for the alarm

  • AlarmTag (string) - the name of the alarm

  • SignalName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the OCP server

  • SignalAliasName (string) - the name of the attached signal in the server

  • ReplaceOn (int) - the flag that activates the replacement of placeholders

  • Priority (int) - the alarm priority

  • AckText (string) - the acknowledgment text

  • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL attached to the alarm

  • Value1 -> Value20 (string) - the replaced values

  • AlarmConstant (double?) - the constant used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be bigger, equal or smaller than the constant.

  • AlarmConstantTo (double?) - the constants used in alarm condition. The value of the attached signal can be between the two constants.

  • AlarmSymbolicText (string) - the original alarm name not translated

  • AlarmSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm name in the defined language

  • AlarmGroupSymbolicText (string) - the alarm group name not translated

  • AlarmGroupSymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group name in the defined language

  • AlarmTypeSymbolicText (string) - the alarm type name not translated

  • AlarmTypeSymbolicTextTranslated (string) - the alarm type name translated in the defined language

  • AckUserName (string) - the user name of the user that acknowledged the alarm

  • AlarmComment (string) - the general comment of the alarm

  • OccurrenceComment (string) - the comment at the alarm occurrence

  • Status (string) - the status of the alarm

  • ExtendedProperty1 -> ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties of the alarm.

  • HelpCause (string) - the cause of the alarm

  • HelpEffect (string) - the effect of the alarm

  • HelpRepair (string) - the fixing method for the alarm

  • OccurrenceCount (string) - the number of times the alarm has occurred before

  • NavigationSource (string) - the navigation page to be displayed at runtime

  • NavigationTarget (string) - the navigation area in which the page is displayed at runtime

  • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal attached to the alarm



SetAlarmState(string securityToken, Guid alarmId, AlarmProcessingAndDisplayState state, DateTime reactivation, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets the specified alarm to the specified state


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • alarmId (guid) - the unique id of the alarm for which the state is modified

  • state (AlarmProcessingAndDisplayState) - the object defining the new processing and display state of the alarm, with the following members:

    • NotProcessedButVisible

    • ProcessedAndVisible

    • NotProcessedAndNotVisible

    • ProcessedButNotVisible

  • reactivation (DateTime) - the time and date when the alarm is reactivated after changing the state

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The status of the operation: true for success or false for error



SetAlarmStates(string securityToken, IEnumerable<Guid> alarmIds, IEnumerable<AlarmProcessingAndDisplayState> states, IEnumerable<DateTime> reactivations, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets the specified alarms to the specified states


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • alarmIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) - a list of unique ids of the alarms for which the states are modified

  • states (IEnumerable<AlarmProcessingAndDisplayState>) - a list of objects defining the new processing and display states of the alarms, each one with the following members:

    • NotProcessedButVisible

    • ProcessedAndVisible

    • NotProcessedAndNotVisible

    • ProcessedButNotVisible

  • reactivations (IEnumerable<DateTime>) - a list of times and dates when the alarms are reactivated after changing the states

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The status of the operation: true for success or false for error


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


AcknowledgeAllAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, string password, bool IsDomainUser, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all unacknowledged alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the password of the user

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues



AcknowledgeAllAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all unacknowledged alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


AcknowledgeAlarmsByGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, string password, bool IsDomainUser, string groupName, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all alarms from the specified alarm group to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the password of the user

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • groupName (string) - the name of the alarm group for which to set the alarms to acknowledged

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues



AcknowledgeAlarmsByGroupByToken(string securityToken, string groupName, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all alarms from the specified alarm group to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • groupName (string) - the name of the alarm group for which to set the alarms to acknowledged

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


AcknowledgeAllGoneAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, string password, bool IsDomainUser, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all gone alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the password of the user

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues



AcknowledgeAllGoneAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all gone alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


AcknowledgeAlarms(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, string password, bool IsDomainUser, IEnumerable<Guid> alarmIds, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all specified alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the password of the user

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique ids of the alarms to be set as acknowledged

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The AcknowledgeResultDTO object, containing:

  • Result (bool) - the status of the operation: true for success or false for error

  • ErrorCodes (IEnumerable<int>) - an array of error codes, which can contain the following:

    • 0 - a single number 0 when the result is successful (Result = true)

    • -1, authorizationErrorCount, opcErrorCount - when the operation failed (Result = false), where:

      • authorizationErrorCount - the number of errors caused by authorization issues

      • opcErrorCount - the number of errors caused by OPC issues



AcknowledgeAlarmsByToken(string securityToken, IEnumerable<Guid> alarmIds, string comment, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Sets all specified alarms to acknowledged and provides the acknowledgment comment


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • alarmIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique ids of the alarms to be set as acknowledged

  • comment (string) - the acknowledgment comment

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The status of the operation: true for success or false for error


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllServers(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves all the available alarm servers


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of ServerDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the server

  • name (string) - the name of the server

  • description (string) - the description of the server


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAlarmConditions(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Returns all existing alarm conditions based on the provided parameters.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmConditionDTOs. The AlarmConditionDTO contains the following:

  • Server (ServerDTO) - the Server data transfer object, containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the server

    • name (string) - the name of the server

    • description (string) - the description of the server

  • Criteria (AlarmCriteriaDTO) - the AlarmCriteria data transfer object, containing:

    • ID (int) - the id of the alarm criteria

    • Name (string) - the name of the alarm criteria

  • Constant (double?) - the numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • constantTo (double?) - the secondary numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • OtherSignal (SignalDTO) - the Signal data transfer object, containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the signal used for comparison by the alarm criteria

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal used for comparison by the alarm criteria

    • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal used for comparison by the alarm criteria

    • Description (string) - the description of the signal used for comparison by the alarm criteria


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAlarmCondition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmConditionId, string name, Guid serverId, int alarmCriteriaId, double? constant, double? constantTo, Guid? otherSignalId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new alarm condition.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmConditionId (guid) - the id of the alarm condition

  • name (string) - the name of the alarm condition

  • serverId (guid) - the unique id of the alarming server

  • alarmCriteriaId (int) - the id of the alarm criteria

  • constant (double?) - the numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • constantTo (double?) - the secondary numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • otherSignalId (guid?) - the unique id of the signal used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAlarmCondition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmConditionId, string name, Guid serverId, int alarmCriteriaId, double? constant, double? constantTo, Guid? otherSignalId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates a new alarm condition.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmConditionId (guid) - the id of the alarm condition

  • name (string) - the name of the alarm condition

  • serverId (guid) - the unique id of the alarming server

  • alarmCriteriaId (int) - the id of the alarm criteria

  • constant (double?) - the numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • constantTo (double?) - the secondary numeric constant used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • otherSignalId (guid?) - the unique id of the signal used by the alarm criteria for comparison. Can be null.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAlarmCondition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmConditionId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes the specified alarm condition.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmConditionId (guid) - the id of the alarm condition

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The status of the delete operation: Success, Error or InUse


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAlarmDefinitions(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmDefinitionFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the list of alarm definitions that fulfill the filter conditions.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • AlarmDefinitionFilterDTO (filter) - the filter data transfer object that contains:

    • UserName (string) - the user name of the currently logged in user

    • IsDomainUser (bool) - the value is true when the user is an Active Directory user

    • LangID (int) - the id of the current language

    • Tag (string) - the tag of the alarms

    • Signal (string) - the name of the signal that triggers the alarms

    • Active (bool?) - the status of the alarms. If active, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • Custom (bool?) - the type of alarms. If custom, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • Online (bool?) - the online status of the alarms. If online, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • Groups (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of alarm groups to which the alarms belong

    • Types (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of alarm types to which the alarms belong

    • CondIDs (IEnumerable<guid>) - the list of global unique ids of the alarm conditions which apply to the alarms

    • Prio (RangeDTO) - the Range data transfer object of the alarms priority, containing:

      • Minimum (T) - the minimum priority value

      • Maximum (T) - the maximum priority value

    • Text (string) - the default text of the alarms

    • Link (string) - the link URL of the alarms

    • Suppression (RangeDTO) - the Range data transfer object of the alarms suppression interval, containing:

      • Minimum (T) - the start of the suppression interval

      • Maximum (T) - the end of the suppression interval

    • PlcOn (bool?) - the state of PLC acknowledgment. If on, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • PlcSignal (string) - the name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

    • ExecScript (bool?) - the state of script execution when the alarm is triggered. If on, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • ScriptPath (string) - the path to the script to be executed when the alarm is triggered

    • EnableLP (bool?) - the state of line printer output. If enabled, the value will be 1. Can be null.

    • NavSrc (string) - the name of the page to be displayed in the navigation target when the alarm is clicked in the visualization

    • NavTarget (string) - the control where the visualization page will display the navigation source

    • Comment (string) - the custom comment used for providing additional information

    • FilterAlarmGroupsByUser (bool) - the state of alarm group filtering. If on, the value will be 1 and only the alarms belonging to alarm groups to which the currently logged in user has access to will be displayed

    • DeactivationSignal (string) - the name of the signal which can deactivate alarms

    • Ep1 to Ep32 (RangeDTO<string>) - the Range data transfer object of strings, containing:

      • Minimum (string) - the minimum value of the extended property, which can be either an int, double or string passed as strings. The ExtendedProperty can contain the equal value of the Minimum and Maximum or a value defined by their range.

      • Maximum (string) - the maximum value of the extended property, which can be either an int, double or string passed as strings. The ExtendedProperty can contain the equal value of the Minimum and Maximum or a value defined by their range.

    • Translation (string) - the translated description of the alarms

    • Cause (string) - the translated text of the alarms cause hints

    • Effect (string) - the translated text of the alarms effect hints

    • Repair (string) - the translated text of the alarms repair hints

    • Replace (bool?) - the state of replacement values. If on, the value will be 1 and the placeholders will be replaced with signals values in the alarm messages

    • RSigl to RSig20 (string) - the name of the signals used to replace the placeholders in the alarm messages

    • Start (int) - the starting index from which the alarm definitions will be retrieved

    • Count (int) - the number of alarm definitions to be retrieved. To get all available alarm definitions, use int.MaxValue.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An AlarmDefinitionsDTO, containing:

  • Definitions (IEnumerable<AlarmDefinitionDTO>) - a list of alarm definition data transfer objects, which contain:

    • Signal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • Description (string) - the description of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

    • Tag (string) - the alarm definition tag

    • Active (bool) - the state of the alarm definition

    • Type (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm type

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm type

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Group (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm group

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm group

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Cond (NameDTO) - the name data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the alarm definition

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm definition

    • Replace (int) - the state of the signal replacement. If activate, the value will be 1.

    • Prio (int) - the priority of the alarm definition

    • PLCOn (int) - the state of the PLC acknowledgment. If active, the value will be 1.

    • PLCSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • Description (string) - the description of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

    • PLCValue (double?) - the value to be written to the PLC signal when the alarm is acknowledged

    • Link (string) - the URL link that can be opened when the alarm is active

    • Online (bool) - the online status of the alarm. If online, the value will be 1.

    • ExecScript (bool) - the state of script execution when the alarm is triggered. If on, the value will be 1.

    • ScriptPath (string) - the path to the script to be executed when the alarm is triggered

    • EnableLP (bool) - the state of line printer output. If enabled, the value will be 1.

    • Symbol (int) - the id of the alarm symbol

    • Status (int) - the status of the alarm

    • ReactTime (DateTime) - the time and date when the alarm is reactivated after changing the state

    • Suppression (int) - the time duration in which the alarm will be suppressed

    • DeactivationSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the deactivation signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the deactivation signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the deactivation signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the deactivation signal

    • RSigl1 to RSig20 (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the replacement signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the replacement signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the replacement signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the replacement signal

    • Cause (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help cause text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help cause text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help cause text

    • Effect (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help effect text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help effect text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help effect text

    • Repair (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help repair text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help repair text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help repair text

    • Ep1 to Ep32 (string) - the extended properties contents

    • NavSrc (string) - the name of the page to be displayed in the navigation target when the alarm is clicked in the visualization

    • NavTarget (string) - the control where the visualization page will display the navigation source

    • Comment (string) - the custom comment used for providing additional information

    • Custom (bool) - the type of alarm. If custom, the value will be 1.

  • HasMore (bool) - indicates if there are more alarm definitions matching the filter besides the ones retrieved (by specifying the StartIndex and ItemCount).


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAlarmDefinition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmDefinitionDTO alarmDefinition, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates the alarm definition.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmDefinition (AlarmDefinitionDTO) - the alarm definition data transfer object, which contains:

    • Signal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • Description (string) - the description of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

    • Tag (string) - the alarm definition tag

    • Active (bool) - the state of the alarm definition

    • Type (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm type

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm type

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Group (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm group

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm group

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Cond (NameDTO) - the name data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the alarm definition

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm definition

    • Replace (int) - the state of the signal replacement. If activate, the value will be 1.

    • Prio (int) - the priority of the alarm definition

    • PLCOn (int) - the state of the PLC acknowledgment. If active, the value will be 1.

    • PLCSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • Description (string) - the description of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

    • PLCValue (double?) - the value to be written to the PLC signal when the alarm is acknowledged

    • Link (string) - the URL link that can be opened when the alarm is active

    • On (bool) - the online status of the alarm. If online, the value will be 1.

    • ExecScript (bool) - the state of script execution when the alarm is triggered. If on, the value will be 1.

    • ScriptPath (string) - the path to the script to be executed when the alarm is triggered

    • EnableLP (bool) - the state of line printer output. If enabled, the value will be 1.

    • Symbol (int) - the id of the alarm symbol

    • Status (int) - the status of the alarm

    • ReactTime (DateTime) - the time and date when the alarm is reactivated after changing the status

    • Suppression (int) - the time duration in which the alarm will be suppressed

    • DeactivationSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the deactivation signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the deactivation signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the deactivation signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the deactivation signal

    • RSigl1 to RSig20 (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the replacement signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the replacement signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the replacement signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the replacement signal

    • Cause (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help cause text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help cause text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help cause text

    • Effect (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help effect text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help effect text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help effect text

    • Repair (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help repair text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help repair text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help repair text

    • Ep1 to Ep32 (string) - the extended properties contents

    • NavSrc (string) - the name of the page to be displayed in the navigation target when the alarm is clicked in the visualization

    • NavTarget (string) - the control where the visualization page will display the navigation source

    • Comment (string) - the custom comment used for providing additional information

    • Custom (bool) - the type of alarm. If custom, the value will be 1.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the alarm definition was successfully updated.


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAlarmDefinition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmDefinitionDTO alarmDefinition, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes the alarm definition


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmDefinition (AlarmDefinitionDTO) - the alarm definition data transfer object, which contains:

    • Signal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • Description (string) - the description of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

    • AlarmTag (string) - the alarm definition tag

    • Active (bool) - the state of the alarm definition

    • AlarmType (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm type

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm type

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • AlarmGroup (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm group

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm group

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Condition (NameDTO) - the name data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the alarm definition

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm definition

    • ReplaceON (int) - the state of the signal replacement. If activate, the value will be 1.

    • Priority (int) - the priority of the alarm definition

    • PLCOn (int) - the state of the PLC acknowledgment. If active, the value will be 1.

    • PLCSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • Description (string) - the description of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

    • PLCNewValue (double?) - the value to be written to the PLC signal when the alarm is acknowledged

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL link that can be opened when the alarm is active

    • OnlineAlarm (bool) - the online status of the alarm. If online, the value will be 1.

    • ExecuteScript (bool) - the state of script execution when the alarm is triggered. If on, the value will be 1.

    • ScriptPath (string) - the path to the script to be executed when the alarm is triggered

    • EnableLinePrinter (bool) - the state of line printer output. If enabled, the value will be 1.

    • SymbolID (int) - the id of the alarm symbol

    • Status (int) - the status of the alarm

    • ReactivationTime (DateTime) - the time and date when the alarm is reactivated after changing the status

    • SuppressionDuration (int) - the time duration in which the alarm will be suppressed

    • DeactivationSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the deactivation signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the deactivation signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the deactivation signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the deactivation signal

    • ReplaceSignal1 to ReplaceSignal20 (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the replacement signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the replacement signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the replacement signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the replacement signal

    • HelpCause (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help cause text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help cause text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help cause text

    • HelpEffect (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help effect text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help effect text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help effect text

    • HelpRepair (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help repair text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help repair text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help repair text

    • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties contents

    • NavigationSource (string) - the name of the page to be displayed in the navigation target when the alarm is clicked in the visualization

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the control where the visualization page will display the navigation source

    • GeneralComment (string) - the custom comment used for providing additional information

    • CustomAlarm (bool) - the type of alarm. If custom, the value will be 1.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the alarm definition was successfully deleted


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertNewAlarmDefinition(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, AlarmDefinitionDTO alarmDefinition, int millisecondsTimeOu);


Adds a new alarm definition.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmDefinition (AlarmDefinitionDTO) - the alarm definition data transfer object, which contains:

    • Signal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • Description (string) - the description of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the signal on which the alarm condition is based

    • AlarmTag (string) - the alarm definition tag

    • Active (bool) - the state of the alarm definition

    • AlarmType (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm type

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm type

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • AlarmGroup (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the alarm group

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the alarm group

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the symbolic text

    • Condition (NameDTO) - the name data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the alarm definition

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm definition

    • ReplaceON (int) - the state of the signal replacement. If activate, the value will be 1.

    • Priority (int) - the priority of the alarm definition

    • PLCOn (int) - the state of the PLC acknowledgment. If active, the value will be 1.

    • PLCSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • Description (string) - the description of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the PLC signal used for PLC acknowledgment

    • PLCNewValue (double?) - the value to be written to the PLC signal when the alarm is acknowledged

    • AlarmLinkURL (string) - the URL link that can be opened when the alarm is active

    • OnlineAlarm (bool) - the online status of the alarm. If online, the value will be 1.

    • ExecuteScript (bool) - the state of script execution when the alarm is triggered. If on, the value will be 1.

    • ScriptPath (string) - the path to the script to be executed when the alarm is triggered

    • EnableLinePrinter (bool) - the state of line printer output. If enabled, the value will be 1.

    • SymbolID (int) - the id of the alarm symbol

    • Status (int) - the status of the alarm

    • ReactivationTime (DateTime) - the time and date when the alarm is reactivated after changing the status

    • SuppressionDuration (int) - the time duration in which the alarm will be suppressed

    • DeactivationSignal (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the deactivation signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the deactivation signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the deactivation signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the deactivation signal

    • ReplaceSignal1 to ReplaceSignal20 (SignalDTO) - a signal data transfer object containing:

      • Name (string) - the name of the replacement signal

      • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the replacement signal

      • Description (string) - the description of the replacement signal

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the replacement signal

    • HelpCause (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help cause text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help cause text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help cause text

    • HelpEffect (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help effect text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help effect text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help effect text

    • HelpRepair (TranslatableDTO) - the translatable data transfer object which contains:

      • SymbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic text name of the help repair text

      • SymbolicTextTranslation (string) - the actual translation of the help repair text

      • id (guid) - the unique id of the help repair text

    • ExtendedProperty1 to ExtendedProperty32 (string) - the extended properties contents

    • NavigationSource (string) - the name of the page to be displayed in the navigation target when the alarm is clicked in the visualization

    • NavigationTarget (string) - the control where the visualization page will display the navigation source

    • GeneralComment (string) - the custom comment used for providing additional information

    • CustomAlarm (bool) - the type of alarm. If custom, the value will be 1.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the alarm definition was successfully inserted


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAlarmGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmGroupId, string symbolicText, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new alarm group


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmGroupId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm group

  • symbolicText (string) - the symbolic text (language independent text) of the new alarm group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAlarmGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmGroupId, string symbolicText, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing alarm group


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmGroupId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm group

  • symbolicText (string) - the symbolic text (language independent text) of the new alarm group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAlarmGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmGroupId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing alarm group


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmGroupId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the alarm group was successfully deleted


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAlarmGroups(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the list of available alarm groups


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • languageID (int) - the id of the current language, for which the translations are applied

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmGroupDTOs, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm group

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name of the alarm group

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group



GetAlarmGroupsByToken(string securityToken, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the list of available alarm groups using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • languageID (int) - the id of the current language, for which the translations are applied

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmGroupDTOs, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm group

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name of the alarm group

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetUserAlarmGroups(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the list of available alarm groups for a specific user


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • languageID (int) - the id of the current language, for which the translations are applied

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmGroupDTOs, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the id of the alarm group to which the specified user has access

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm group to which the specified user has access

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group to which the specified user has access



GetUserAlarmGroupsByToken(string securityToken, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut)


Retrieves the list of available alarm groups for a specific user using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • languageID (int) - the id of the current language, for which the translations are applied

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmGroupDTOs, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the id of the alarm group to which the specified user has access

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm group to which the specified user has access

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group to which the specified user has access


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAlarmTypes(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves all available alarm types using the provided language


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarm types

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmTypeDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm type

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm type

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translated name of the alarm type


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAlarmType(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmTypeId, string symbolicText, bool isAutoConfirm, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Ads a new alarm type using the provided id, name and auto acknowledge option


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmTypeId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm type

  • symbolicText (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the new alarm type

  • isAutoConfirm (bool) - if true, the alarms of this new type will be auto acknowledged

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAlarmType(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmTypeId, string symbolicText, bool isAutoConfirm, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing alarm type using the provided id, name and auto acknowledge option


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmTypeId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm type

  • symbolicText (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the new alarm type

  • isAutoConfirm (bool) - if true, the alarms of this new type will be auto acknowledged

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value



This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAlarmType(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, Guid alarmTypeId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes and existing alarm type based on the provided id


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • alarmTypeId (guid) - the unique id of the new alarm type

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The status of the delete operation: Success, Error or InUse



GetAlarmTypesByToken(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool IsDomainUser, int languageID, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves all available alarm types using the provided security token and language ID


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login method

  • languageID (int) - the id of the language in which to retrieve the alarm types

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AlarmTypeDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm type

  • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm type

  • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translated name of the alarm type