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i4scada Knowledge Base

OPCIO.DLL Error Codes


Check out this article and learn more details about the i4scada OPCIO.DLL error codes.



Error Code


Return value

0 = always


Return value

0 = always


Return value

0 = always

OPCIOPollForAsyncData(VARIANT *pServerHandle, VARIANT *pGroupHandle, VARIANT *pItemHandle, VARIANT *pValue, VARIANT *pQuality, VARIANT *pTimeStamp)

Return value

0 = here comes the data

1 = no data available

OPCIOPollForAsyncGroupData(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT *pItemHandle, VARIANT *pValue, VARIANT *pQuality, VARIANT *pTimeStamp)

Return value

0 = here comes the data

1 = no data available OR wrong group handle

OPCIOConnectServer(VARIANT vaCLSID, VARIANT vaComputerName, int *pServerHandle)

Return value

-1 = at least one of input parameters is of wrong variant type

0 = OK

-6 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and toolkit browsing call ( browse Server) for the OPC servers returned error

-7 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there are no OPC servers on the target machine

-2 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there is no such OPC server on the target machine

-3 = OPC server was located but addServer failed

-5 = start was executed on the OPC server but its state is not started


Return value

0 = OK

-1 = at least one of input parameters is of wrong variant type

-2 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there is no such OPC server on the target machine

-3 = OPC server was located but addServer failed

-5 = start was executed on the OPC server but its state is not started

-6 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and toolkit browsing call ( browse Server) for the OPC servers returned error

-7 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there are no OPC servers on the target machine

OPCIODisconnectServer(int nServerHandle)

Return value

-1 = invalid server handle

0 = OK

OPCIOGetServerState(int nServerHandle, int *pServerState)

Return value

-1 = invalid server handle

-2 = getStatus of server failed by the background thread

0 = OK or server status was not retrieved yet by the background thread


-2 = unable to retrieve server state

server status = when return code is 0, at the beginning value is predefined as OPC_STATUS_RUNNING


OPCIORestart(int nServerHandle)

Return value

0 = OK

OPCIOCreateGroup(int nServerHandle, VARIANT vaGroupName, int nUpdateRate, int *pGroupHandle)

Return value

-1 = vaGroupName is of wrong type OR wrong server handle

-3 = addGroup failed

-4 = connect failed

-5 = start failed

0 = OK

OPCIOTerminateGroup(int nGroupHandle)

Return value

-1 = wrong group handle

0 = OK

OPCIOCreateItem(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT vaItemName, int *pItemHandle, int *pItemDataType)

Return value

-1 = wrong group handle or itemName parameter is of wrong type

-3 = addItem fails

-4 = is not connected after connect was executed

-5 = item is not started after item start was executed

0 = OK

OPCIOCreateItems(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT vaItemName, VARIANT *pItemHandle, VARIANT *pItemDataType, VARIANT *pError)

Return value

-1 = vaItemName is of wrong type

-2 = wrong group handle

-3 = group is not started after group start was executed or group is not connected after group connect was executed ( depending of input parameters of OPCIOCreateItem )

0 = success


-1 = addItem fails on this item

-2 = this item is not connected OR is not started

0 = OK


Return value

-1 = vaItemName is of wrong type

-2 = wrong group handle

-3 = group is not started after group start was executed or group is not connected after group connect was executed ( depending of input parameters of OPCIOCreateItem )

0 = success


-1 = addItem fails on this item

-2 = this item is not connected OR is not started

0 = OK

OPCIOTerminateItem(int nItemHandle)

Return value

-1 = invalid item handle

0 = OK

OPCIOSyncReadGroup(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT vaItemHandle, VARIANT *pValue, VARIANT *pQuality, VARIANT *pTimeStamp, VARIANT *pError)

Return value

-1 = vaItemHandle is invalid or is of wrong type or all items have wrong handles or group handle is invalid

-2 = syncRead fails

0 = success


-1 = invalid item handle

2 = cannot convert item value to the type supported by VB

1 = item reading failed

0 = success

OPCIOSyncWriteGroup(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT vaItemHandle, VARIANT vaValue, VARIANT *pError)

Return value

-1 = vaItemHandle is of wrong type or vaValue is of wrong type or group handle is invalid or there is something wrong with all item values and/or handles

-2 = syncWrite fails

0 = OK


-1 = invalid item handle

-3 = cannot convert item array value to the type supported by VB

-2 = cannot convert item value to the type supported by VB

1 = item write fails

0 = item write succeeds

OPCIOAsyncWriteGroup(int nGroupHandle, VARIANT vaItemHandle, VARIANT vaValue, VARIANT *pError)

Return value

-1 = vaItemHandle is of wrong type or vaValue is of wrong type or group handle is invalid or there is something wrong with all item values and/or handles

-2 = asyncWrite fails

0 = OK


-1 = invalid item handle

-3 = cannot convert item array value to the type supported by VB

-2 = cannot convert item value to the type supported by VB

1 = item write fails

0 = item write succeeds

OPCIOBrowse(VARIANT vaCLSID, VARIANT vaComputerName, int *pIsV3, VARIANT *pName, VARIANT *pAccess, VARIANT *pTrueVartype, VARIANT *pIlusionVartype)

Return value

-1 = vaCLSID or vaComputerName are of the wrong type

-6 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and toolkit browsing call ( browse Server) for the OPC servers returned error

-7 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there are no OPC servers on the target machine

-2 = vaCLSID is not and CLSID and there is no such OPC server on the target machine

-3 = OPC server was located but addServer failed

-4 = connect failed

0 = OK


-1 = Invalid group handle

-2 = At least one item handle is Invalid

-100 = failed to execute state transition of the group and of all required items