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Using the web services via HTTP requests


Check out this article and learn how to access a WCF web service method using HTTP requests from a HTML application

The WCF web services can be used programatically (from a C# environment, for example) but can also be accessed using HTTP requests from a HTML application. Take a look below to see how a web service method can be called via HTTP.

Login example

The WCF SecurityService Documentation lists the Login method as follows:

Login(string sessionId, Guid clientId, string userName, string password, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


Login(string sessionId, Guid clientId, string userName, string password, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Tries to perform a user login against server or ActiveDirectory. The login will be done in one single operation. If login fails, an exception will be thrown.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A security token which can be used in all subsequent secured operations

HTTP request for the Login method

Using the above information, the HTTP request can be constructed as follows:

Request URL

http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js/Login

The URL is created using the HTTP endpoint and the method name:

  • endpoint: http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js

  • method name: Login

Request Method


Request Payload

    "sessionId": "5c1dea15-2516-4836-a1b0-b7bf6769cf31",
    "clientId": "94e87366-c0ac-407d-b61a-3a5a4a5eec06",
    "userName": "webfactory",
    "password": "webfactory",
    "isDomainUser": false,
    "millisecondsTimeOut": 10000

The same parameters as listed in the method documentation are sent as payload for the POST request.


    "d": "H4sIAAAAAAAEAAXB22JDMAAA0A/y0NWkeNhD3BOteyS8oaC7FAA=="

The request will return the security token if the log in was successful. This security token can be further used in all security methods. If the login fails, an empty string will be returned.

LogoutByToken example

After a successful login, any other security related actions, like logging out, can be called using the security token returned by the Login method. The WCF SecurityService Documentation lists the LogoutByToken method as follows:


LogoutByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Logs out the currently logged in user using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A true or false depending on the success of the logout operation

HTTP request for the LogoutByToken method

Using the above information, the HTTP request can be constructed as follows:

Request URL

http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js/LogoutByToken

The URL is created using the HTTP endpoint and the method name:

  • endpoint: http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js

  • method name: LogoutByToken

Request Method


Request Payload

    "securityToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAEAAXB22JDMAAA0A/y0NWkeNhD3BOteyS8oaC7FAA==",
    "millisecondsTimeOut": 10000

The same parameters as listed in the method documentation are sent as payload for the POST request. The securityToken is returned by the Login method.


    "d": true

The request will return a boolean value, as described in the method documentation.

IsUserLoggedIn example

Another useful request could be for checking if a user is logged in. The WCF SecurityService Documentation lists the IsUserLoggedIn method as follows:


IsUserLoggedIn(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Checks if the current user is still logged in


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

True if the current user (identified by the security token) is still logged in; otherwise, false.

HTTP request for the IsUserLoggedIn method

Using the above information, the HTTP request can be constructed as follows:

Request URL

http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js/IsUserLoggedIn

The URL is created using the HTTP endpoint and the method name:

  • endpoint: http://[computer name or IP]/_SERVICES/WebServices/WCF/SecurityService.svc/js

  • method name: IsUserLoggedIn

Request Method


Request Payload

    "securityToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAEAAXB22JDMAAA0A/y0NWkeNhD3BOteyS8oaC7FAA==",
    "millisecondsTimeOut": 10000

The same parameters as listed in the method documentation are sent as payload for the POST request. The securityToken is returned by the Login method.


    "d": true

The request will return a boolean value, as described in the method documentation.