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i4scada Knowledge Base

Historical Data at design-time


Check out this article in order to learn more details on how to configure the i4scada SmartEditor Historical Data extensions.

The i4scada SmartEditor extensions for Historical Data management are available in the toolbox panel under the Historical Data category.


The Historical Data extensions

The wf-historical-data-chart extension

The trend chart component provides a visual chart view over the data provided by a time series data provider. Check out this article for more details.

The i4scada SmartEditor wf-historical-data-chart extension provides a visual chart view over the data provided by a set of time series.


The wf-historical-data-chart extension

The wf-historical-data-chart extension is available in the SmartEditor Toolbox panel, under the Historical Data category. At design time the user can customise the extension layout, colours, appearance, security and configuration settings, as follows:


The Object Properties panel


Object property


WEBfactory Info

Extension name

The name of the extension as defined in the i4scada SmartEditor: "wf-historical-data-chart".

Extension Version

The WEBfactory extension number.

Object ID

Optional helper property. The value of the Object ID can be used via a placeholder [OID] in other properties of this extension.

Example: Signal name "Setpoint [OID]"

The placeholder is supported in all signal properties, symbolic texts and states.


Group Name

Allows the user to optionally define a Group for the serial provider. It should match with the i4scada Studio Signal Group name.

Control Name

Allows the user to define the unique namespace for the serial chart provider. The value of the Control Name property will be reusable in different contexts, as described in the upcoming articles.

Maximum entries

Allows the user to define the maximum amount of entries supported by the chart.

Time Series Mode

Allows the user to define the time series mode, selecting from the drop-down list options:

  • Offline - When the extension is configured to work in offline mode, the data will be loaded once and then rendered. A new reload will only occur when the zoom area of the Historical Data chart component is changed or the time interval is changed.

  • Online - When the extension is configured to work in online mode, the chart will be updated with the latest values, hence the time window will advance as time passes by, maintaining the specified start offset and offset interval.

Time Ranges

Allows the user to define the time range to be displayed, selecting from the drop-down list options: Actual, Custom, Day, Month, Today, Week, Year or Yesterday.

Series Configuration

Allows the user to open the Series configuration dialog in order to define the chart series. The Series Configuration dialog features the commonly met options: Add, Edit, Clone, Remove, Remove All, Move Up and Move Down.

The chart series feature the following configurable options:

  • Signal Name - the name of the Signal, as specified in the i4scada Studio application.

  • Tag - the name of the historical log, as specified in the i4scada Studio application.

  • Name - the unique name of the series (this can be the signal name, log name etc.). This is used in the legend and will not be translated at run-time.

  • Axis - the name of the assigned axis.

  • Fill Color - the color used for filling the axis.

  • Stroke Color - the color used for the axis stroke.

  • Series Display Type - the display type of the series, allowing the user to select from the drop-down list options: Name, Alias or Description.

  • Thickness - the thickness of the series line.

  • Chart Type - the preferred chart type for the series data, allowing the user to select from the drop-down list options: Bar, Dots, Line, Line Dots, Stacked Bar, Staked Line or Step.

  • Digital - allows the user to enable whether the values are manipulated into a digital line or not.

  • Digital Bit - this property allows the user to define a bit number inside the Byte or Word, which will be used to show the line.the value considered to be a digital 1. Any other signal/log value will be treated as 0 on the digital chart.

  • Invert Digital Representation - allows the user to enable whether the historical values are inverted or not.

  • Digits - the amount of digits displayed by the chart values.

  • Interpolation - sets the method of the line interpolation, selecting from the drop-down list options: none, Cubic Spline, Differential or Linear.

  • Horizontal Lines - allows the user to configure the horizontal marker lines, using an array of the following objects: name, color, offset, value and type. The Type array can use the following values: Value, Signal min, Signal max, Interval min, Interval max, Interval avg.


    For example:

    [{name: 'Level 1', color: '#2b9929', value: 12}]
  • Cursors - allows the user to configure the cursor lines, using an array of the following objects: name, timestamp, offset and offset interval.


    For example:

    [{name: 'Level 1', timestamp: 'date', offset: 'seconds', offsetInterval: 0}]


    The time series provider can expose series data by creating data cursors. Cursors can be of two types:

    • Fixed - defined with a fixed timestamp; the cursor will stay attached to the timestamp

    • Moving - defined with an offset from now; as time will advance the cursor will also advance in time and keep the relative offset to now.

Axes Configuration

Allows the user to open the Axes Configuration panel in order to configure the chart axes. The Axes Configuration dialog features the commonly met options: Add, Edit, Clone, Remove, Remove All, Move Up and Move Down.

In order to configure the multiple chart axes or edit the existing ones, the user is needs to organise the following settings:

  • Name - allows the user with possibility to set a unique name for the axis. This axes name will not be translated at run-time.

  • Color - the color of the axis.

  • Grid Color - the grid color.

  • Thickness - the thickness of the series lines.

  • Grid Thickness - the thickness of the grid lines.

  • Value Position - sets the position of the axis values, selecting from the drop-down list options: Inside and Outside.

  • Use Integer Values - sets if the chart values are integer or not.

  • Show Labels - sets the visibility of the chart labels.

  • Show First Label - sets the visibility of the first label.

  • Show Last Label - sets the visibility of the last label.

  • Inversed - allows the user to enable whether the axes labels are inverted or not.

  • Opposite - sets the axis to be displayed on the right side.

  • Digits - the amount of digits displayed by the axis.

  • Title Rotation - sets the angle of the title, where value 0 means no rotation.

  • Label Rotation - sets the angle of the label, where value 0 means no rotation.

  • Logarithmic - enables the logarithmic scale representation

  • Scientific - enables the scientific representation

  • Min Grid Distance - sets the value of the minimum grid representation.

Range Configuration

Allows the user to open the Ranges Configuration dialog, where the chart regions can be defined. In this dialog, the user can configure a collection of regions to indicate important areas of the graph. Each region can be configured with the following options:

  • Name - the unique name of the Region. This property will not be translated at run-time.

  • Color - the color of the Region.

  • Axis - the name of the assigned axis. This property will not be translated at run-time.

  • Start - the value or signal value that will be set as start point for the region.

  • Start Type - the type of the start value, allowing the user to chose between the drop-down list options:

    • Signal - if the Range Start Type is set to Signal, the Minimum Signal value is used to determine the start point of the region.

    • Value - In the Range Start Type is set to Value, the user can determine a custom start point of the region.

  • End - the value or signal value that will be set as end point for the region.

  • End Type - the type of the end value, allowing the user to chose between the drop-down list options:

    • Signal - if the Range Start Type is set to Signal, the Maximum Signal value is used to determine the end point of the region.

    • Value - In the Range Start Type is set to Value, the user can determine a custom end point of the region.

Start Offset

Allows the user to select the start offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks or years.

Start Offset Interval

Allows the user to set a numerical value for the start offset property. The specified offset interval is taken from the current time, constantly updating the length of the window.

End Offset

Allows the user to select the end offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks or years.

End Offset Interval

allows the user to set a numerical value for the end offset property. The specified offset interval is taken from the current time, constantly updating the length of the window.

Export Csv Delimiter

Defines the delimiter of the columns, in the export file.

Export Type

Defines the format in which the historical chart should be exported, allowing the user to chose between the drop-down list options: CSV, Excel, JSON or XML.

Export Date Time Format

Defines the export file date time format. Available formats can be found under the Custom date and time format strings article.

Scrollbar Show X

Defines whether the scrollbar for the X-axis is displayed.

Scrollbar Show Y

Defines whether the scrollbar for the Y-axes is displayed.

Date Time Tooltip Format

Defines the format of the date time in the chart tooltip and badge. Available tokens are - YYYY, YY, Y, Q, MM, MMM, MMMM, D, DD. Further information are available under the Year, month and day tokens article.

Min Polyline Step

When multi-segment lines (Polylines) are drawn, some points may be simplified if they are closer than the Min Polyline Step. The bigger this value, the more simplified lines come out.


Sets the text tile of the chart. The Chart title will not be translated at run-time.



Sets the chart height, expressed in pixels.

Dialog Toolbox Show Labels

Defines whether the toolbox for displaying the configuration dialog buttons should be displayed.

Data Toolbox Show Labels

Defines whether the toolbox for displaying the data configuration buttons should be displayed.

Show Legend

Enables the display of the legend, by setting property to True.

Show Legend Values

Enables the display of Legend values, by setting property to True.

Legend Position

Allows the user with possibility to set the position of the chart Legend, selecting from the drop-down list options: bottom, left, right or top.

Legend Vertical Align

Allows the user with possibility to set the chart Legend alignment, selecting from the drop-down list options: bottom, middle, none or top.

Show Date Time Tooltip

Allows the user with possibility to set the contents of the chart legend alignment, selecting from the drop-down list options: centre, none, right or top.

Layout Vertical

Changes the orientation of the axes, the axes have two containers in which they can be placed (left or right). The containers can change their behavior between side-by-side or one-on-top-of-each-other.

If the property is set to True all axes are displayed one above the other.


Custom Header Color

Sets a custom color for the header bar. For the changes to be applied "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Custom Title Color

Sets a custom color for the panel title text. For the changes to be applied "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Custom Butons Color

Sets a custom background color for the buttons. For the changes to be applied "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Custom Buttons Foreground

Sets a custom foreground color for the buttons icon. For the changes to be applied "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.


Panel Style

The style of the panel encapsulating the extension. Can be panel-danger, panel-default, panel-info, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-warning or panel-custom.

Panel Bar Css Class

The style of the extension panel bar. Can be panel-danger, panel-default, panel-info, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-warning or panel-custom.

Button Bar Css Class

The style of the buttons displayed on the panel bar. Can be panel-danger, panel-default, panel-info, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-warning or panel-custom.

Font Family

Sets the font family of the extension textual information.

Custom CSS

Allows the insertion of a custom CSS code that can be used to add additional styling to the extension.


Visibility Signal Name

The name of the signal which is used to hide the extension.

Visibility Operator

Allows selection of the operator for the condition of the extension. Available options are: !=, ==, >=, <=, <, >.

Visibility Signal Value

Sets the value of the Signal name set at Visibility Signal Name property, allowing the system to compare this value, against the Visibility Signal, using the Visibility Operator, as follows:

[Signal] [operator] [value], where:

  • [Signal] - is a placeholder with the % delimiters, between the delimiters is the complete required signalName

  • [operator] - is the value operator !=, ==, >=, <=, >, <.

  • [value] = any number or string value

Project Authorization

The Project Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.

System Authorization

The System Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.

Initial Configuration

The name of the chart configuration to be loaded by default. It is mandatory that the respective configuration exists, otherwise the chart display will be as per default defined.

Configuration Namespace

The namespace for the preferred configuration saved at run-time.

Configuration Name

Defines a default name for the configuration to be saved at run-time.

Clientside Configuration

Defines whether configurations are saved locally.

The wf-historical-data-cursor extension

The cursor details component showing cursor information configured inside a set of time series. For more details check out this article.

The i4scada SmartEditor wf-historical-data-cursor extension is a lightweight component which can display information regarding the data cursor, inside a time-series provider.


The wf-historical-data-cursor extension

The wf-historical-data-cursor extension is available in the SmartEditor Toolbox panel, under the Historical Data category. At design time, the user can set the extension appearance, security and configuration settings as follows:


The Object Properties panel


Object Property


WEBfactory Info

Extension Name

The name of the extension as defined in the i4scada SmartEditor: "wf-historical-data-cursor

Extension Version

The WEBfactory extension number.

Object ID

Optional helper property. The value of the Object ID can be used via a placeholder [OID] in other properties of this extension.

Example: Signal name "Setpoint [OID]"

The placeholder is supported in all signal properties, symbolic texts and states.


Group Name

Allows the user to optionally define a Group namespace for the serial provider. It should match with the i4scada Studio Signal Group name.

Control Name

Allows the user to define the unique namespace for the serial chart provider. The value of the Control Name property will be reusable in different contexts, as described in the upcoming articles.

Display Name

Allows the user to select the desired display mode, selecting from the drop-down list options:

  • Row - oriented table format

  • Column - oriented table format

  • Card format


Allows the user to define which fields are displayed by the extension. The supported entries are: CursorsName, CursorsValue, CursorsTimestamp.


The wf-historical-data-series fields need to be added between quotation marks and square brackets. For example: ['CursorsName', 'CursorsValue', 'CursorsTimestamp']

Ignore Common Configuration

Allows the user to configure if the new configuration will ignore the common configuration, hence the configuration will not be overwritten on subscription, by setting property to "True".

Time Series Mode

Allows the user to define the time series mode, selecting from the drop-down list options:

  • Offline - When the extension is configured to work in offline mode, the data will be loaded once and then rendered. A new reload will only occur when the zoom area of the Historical Data chart component is changed or the time interval is changed.

  • Online - When the extension is configured to work in online mode, the chart will be updated with the latest values, hence the time window will advance as time passes by, maintaining the specified start offset and offset interval.

Start Offset

Allows the user to select the start offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks, years.

Start Offset Interval

Allows the user to set a numerical value for the start offset property.

End Offset

Allows the user to select the end offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks, years.

End Offset Interval

Allows the user to set a numerical value for the end offset property.


Font Family

Sets the font family of the extension textual information.


Visibility Signal Name

The name of the signal which is used to hide the extension.

Visibility Operator

Allows selection of the operator for the condition of the extension. Available options are: !=, ==, <=, >=, <, >.

Visibility Signal Value

Sets the value of the Signal name set at Visibility Signal Name property, allowing the system to compare this value, against the Visibility Signal, using the Visibility Operator, as follows:

[Signal] [operator] [value], where:

  • [Signal] - is a placeholder with the % delimiters, between the delimiters is the complete required signalName

  • [operator] - is the value operator !=, ==, >=, <=, >, <.

  • [value] = any number or string value

Project Authorization

The Project Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.

System Authorization

The System Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.

The wf-historical-data-series extension

The series details component is a lightweight component which can display information regarding the data series configured inside a time series provider.

The i4scada SmartEditor wf-historical-data-series extension is a lightweight component which can display information regarding the data series configured inside a time series provider.


The wf-historical-data-series extension

The wf-historical-data-series extension is available in the SmartEditor Toolbox panel, under the Historical Data category. At design time, the user can set the extension appearance, security and configuration settings as follows:


The Object Properties of the wf-historical-data-series extension


Object Property


WEBfactory Info

Extension Name

The name of the extension as defined in the i4scada SmartEditor: "wf-historical-data-cursor

Extension Version

The WEBfactory extension number.

Object ID

Optional helper property. The value of the Object ID can be used via a placeholder [OID] in other properties of this extension.

Example: Signal name "Setpoint [OID]"

The placeholder is supported in all signal properties, symbolic texts and states.


Group Name

Allows the user to optionally define a Group namespace for the serial provider. It should match with the i4scada Studio Signal Group name.

Control Name

Allows the user to define the unique namespace for the serial chart provider. The value of the Control Name property will be reusable in different contexts, as described in the upcoming articles.

Display Name

Allows the user to select the desired display mode, selecting from the drop-down list options:

  • Row - oriented table format

  • Column - oriented table format

  • Card format


Allows the user to define which fields are displayed by the extension. The supported entries are: SeriesName, SignalName (the series name(s) need to be unique), SignalAlias, SignalDescription, SignalMin, SignalMax, SeriesAvg, Unit, LastValue, LastTimestamp.


The wf-historical-data-series fields need to be added between quotation marks and square brackets. For example: ['SeriesName', 'SignalAlias', 'LastValue', 'LastTimestamp'].

Ignore Common Configuration

Allows the user to configure if the new configuration will ignore the common configuration, hence the configuration will not be overwritten on subscription, by setting property to "True".

Time Series Mode

Allows the user to define the time series mode, selecting from the drop-down list options:

  • Offline - When the extension is configured to work in offline mode, the data will be loaded once and then rendered. A new reload will only occur when the zoom area of the Historical Data chart component is changed or the time interval is changed.

  • Online - When the extension is configured to work in online mode, the chart will be updated with the latest values, hence the time window will advance as time passes by, maintaining the specified start offset and offset interval.

Start Offset

Allows the user to select the start offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks, years.

Start Offset Interval

Allows the user to set a numerical value for the start offset property.

End Offset

Allows the user to select the end offset used to load historical data. The user can select from the drop-down list options: hours, seconds, minutes, months, weeks, years.

End Offset Interval

Allows the user to set a numerical value for the end offset property.


Font Family

Sets the font family of the extension textual information.


Visibility Signal Name

The name of the signal which is used to hide the extension.

Visibility Operator

Allows selection of the operator for the condition of the extension. Available options are: !=, ==, <=, >=, <, >.

Visibility Signal Value

Sets the value of the Signal name set at Visibility Signal Name property, allowing the system to compare this value, against the Visibility Signal, using the Visibility Operator, as follows:

[Signal] [operator] [value], where:

  • [Signal] - is a placeholder with the % delimiters, between the delimiters is the complete required signalName

  • [operator] - is the value operator !=, ==, >=, <=, >, <.

  • [value] = any number or string value

Project Authorization

The Project Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.

System Authorization

The System Authorization required for the user to have, in order to see the extension at run-time. The extension will be shown by default if property is not set.