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i4scada Knowledge Base

Signal Alarm List at design-time


Check out this article and learn more details about the Signal Alarm list extension and how you can manage it at design time.

The i4scada SmartEditor wf-signal-alarm-list extension is available in the toolbox panel, under the Control extensions category.


The wf-signal-alarm-list extension

At design time, besides the main configuration properties, the user can also define the extension layout, colors, appearance, and security.


The Signal Alarm List extension at design-time

The below table reflects all the configuration properties, of the wf-signal-alarm-list extension.




WEBfactory Info

Extension Name

The default name of the extension.

Extension Version

The extension's version number.

Object ID

The optional helper property. The value of the Object ID can be used via a placeholder [OID] in other properties of this extension.

Example Signame Name "Setpoint [OID]".

The placeholder is supported in all signal properties, symbolic texts, and states.


Alias names

Defines which signals are displayed in the table. Wildcards with "*" can also be used.

Configuration Namespace

Defines the abstract environment in which the configuration is uniquely saved.

The namespace can be used to organize multiple extension configurations.

Initial Configuration

Sets the configuration that is applied to the extension by default, when running inside the visualization.


Specifies the parameters which allow a certain configuration to be loaded.

Show Only Own Configurations

Defines whether only own configuration are displayed

Title Text

The text is displayed as a title by the extension.

Export File Name

Defines the name of the export file.

Export Column Delimiter

Defines the delimiter of the columns in the export file.

Max Signal Page Count

Sets the maximum count for search results in the signal table.

Max Signal Count

Sets the maximum count for search results in the signal selection.

Max Signals for Group Add

Sets the maximum count for signals which can be added at runtime when a complete signal group will be selected.


Defines a filter pattern for the signal names or signal descriptions.


Defines a filter for the unit.


Custom Header Color

Sets a custom color for the header bar. For the changes to be applied, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Custom Title Color

Sets a custom color for the panel title text.

Custom Buttons Color

Sets a custom color for the extension buttons. The color can be selected from the color picker tool. For the changes to be applied, the "btn-custom" button bar style must be selected.

Custom Buttons Foreground

Sets the custom foreground color for the buttons icon.

Inactive Alarm Background

Sets a custom color for the background of the inactive alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Inactive Alarm Foreground

Sets a custom color for the foreground of the inactive alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Acknowledged Alarm Background

Sets a custom color for the background of the acknowledged alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Acknowledged Alarm Foreground

Sets a custom color for the foreground of the acknowledged alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

On Alarm Background

Sets a custom color for the background of the active alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

On Alarm Foreground

Sets a custom color for the foreground of the active alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Off Alarm Background

Sets a custom color for the background of the inactive alarms. The color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.

Off Alarm Foreground

Sets a custom color for the foreground of the inactive alarms. The selection of the color can be processed using the color picker tool.

In order to apply this change, the "panel-custom" panel style must be selected.



Defines the string format of the numeric signal value. The available numeric formats can be seen, here.

Signals Filter

Allows the filtering of the signals available at run-time by their names.

Groups Filter

Defines a set of signal groups that can be selected.

Signal Name Pattern

Defines pattern for signals, which should be shown automatically


Draggable Modal Dialog

Defines if the modal dialogs are draggable.


Header Visibility

Sets the visibility of the header.

Pattern Visibility

Defines if the signal name and signal description search are displayed.

Unit Visibility

Defines whether the unit search is displayed.

Configuration Button Visibility

Defines if the button for the configuration manager should be shown.

Export Button Visibility

Defines if the button for exporting the data to CSV format should be shown.

Settings Button Visibility

Sets the visibility of the settings button.

Signals Button Visibility

Defines if the button for the signal selection dialog should be shown.


Defines the columns displayed by the alarms table, using the collection tool and selecting from the predefined drop-down list items.


Panel Style

Sets the style of the panel encapsulating the extension. Can be panel-danger, panel-default, panel-info, panel-primary, panel-success, and panel-warning.

Font Family

Allows the selection of the font face.

Custom CSS

Sets the custom CSS code that can be used to add additional styling to the extension.

Button Bar Style

Sets the predefined style of the top button bar of the extension. Can be danger, default, info, primary, success, warning.

Font Size

Sets the font size of the text inside the panel of the extension.


Sets the CSS Class for the row alarm element.


Visibility Signal Name

Sets the name of the signal which is used to hide the extension.

Visibility Signal Value

Sets the value of the Signal name set at Visibility Signal Name property, allowing the system to compare this value, against the Visibility Signal, using the Visibility Operator, as follows:

[Signal] [operator] [value], where:

  • [Signal] - is a placeholder with the % delimiters, between the delimiters is the complete required signalName

  • [operator] - is the value operator !=, ==, >=, >=, <, >.

  • [value] = any number or string value.

Visibility Operator

Allows selection of the operator for the condition of the extension. Available options are: !=, ==, >=, <=, <, >.

Project Authorization

Sets the project authorization required for displaying the extension. If the logged-in user does not have this project authorization, the extension will not be visible. If the property is left empty, the extension will be visible to all the users.

Configuration Project Authorization

Sets the project authorization required for displaying the configuration manager. The option is used in combination with the option "configuration Button Visibility".

Export Project Authorization

Sets the project authorization required for displaying the export button. This option is used in combination with the option "export Button Visibility"

Signal Selection Project Authorization

Sets the project authorization required for displaying the signal selection dialog. This option is used in combination with the "signal Button Visibility" option.

System Authorization

Sets the system authorization required for displaying the extension. If the logged-in user does not have this system authorization, the extension will not be visible. If the property is left empty, the extension will be visible to all the users.