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i4scada Knowledge Base

SMS Messaging Service Section


Check out this article for details concerning the i4scada SMS Messaging Service configurations and settings.

The SMS Messaging Service section allows the user to configure the settings for sending SMS alarm messages with Messenger or MessengerPro.


SMS Messaging Service Section

The options listed in the SMS Messaging Service section are split in three categories: General, Communication and Confirmation.

The settings will only be saved upon pressing the Save button.

General options

UI Option



Toggles the SMS messaging service on or off. If disabled, the SMS service won't be available in Messenger or MessengerPro.

Phone number for SMS provider

The SMSC (Short Message Service Centre) number required to send SMS messages via the chosen provider.

  • The special characters, Ü, $ and § are not permissible.

  • To send an SMS message via GSM, the number must include the country code (+49 for Germany).

transmission  error

The period of time (in minutes) to wait before sending again the alarm SMS, if an error was encountered when sending it initially.

Lifetime for alarm message

The life time (in minutes) for an alarm SMS, in case of a persistent transmission error. The SMS message will be deleted from the system after this time passes.

SMS Providers

Below, you will find a table with the dial-up numbers of various SMS providers. Please ask your provider for information concerning current dial-up numbers.

Please note: Forwarding an SMS into a foreign provider network (e.g. from D1 to E-Plus) is not supported by all providers.




01712521002 (analogue)

01712521001 (ISDN)


01722278025 (analogue)

01722278000 (ISDN)


01771167 (analogue/ ISDN)


This provider supports SMS forwarding into all networks

Protocol type: UCP

Communication options

The Communication options allows the user to choose and configure the Exchange service or the Device settings for sending the alarm SMS.


In this communication mode, the alarm SMS messages are sent using a modem, a CAPI device or a GSM device.


SMS Messaging Communication options

UI Option


Dial prefix

The prefix required to be dialed in order to send the alarm SMS, if the receiver is using a different provider or needs a country/region prefix to be called.


If enabled, the receiver will be dialed directly, without checking for dial tone.

Hardware interface

The hardware interface used for sending the alarm SMS. Can be:

  • Modem

  • CAPI (Common ISDN Application Programming Interface)

  • GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)


The the period of time to wait before redialing, when the receiver cannot be reached.

Modem settings

SMS Messaging Modem Settings

UI Option


Protocol type

The protocol used by the SMS provider for sending the SMS messages. Can be:

  • TAP (Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol)

  • UCP (Universal Computer Protocol)

COM port

The COM port used to access the modem.

Dial method

The dial method of the modem: Tone or Pulse.

The preferred dial method is Tone!

Transfer rate

The rate of transfer between the computer and the modem. Please read the modem documentation to find out the recommended transfer rate.

For newer modems, the MAX setting can be used.



If the modem requires additional AT (Hayes) initialization commands, they can be entered here.

The AT commands will be sent to the modem before a connection is established.

CAPI hardware interface settings

SMS CAPI hardware interface settings

UI Option


Protocol type

The protocol used by the SMS provider for sending the SMS messages. Can be:

  • TAP (Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol)

  • UCP (Universal Computer Protocol)

CAPI interface

The CAPI interface to be used, from 0 to 7.

If you don't know which CAPI interface to select, please ask your hardware vendor/manufacturer.

If you have only one ISDN card installed, try the CAPI interface 0.

GSM hardware interface settings

GSM hardware interface settings

UI Option


SMS Mode

The SMS format. Can be:

  • Text: the information is sent as readable text;

  • PDU-7: sends binary information in 7-bit format;

  • PDU-8: sends binary information in 8-bit format;

Both PDU formats are used when sending compressed or binary data.

Transmits SMSC header in PDU format

Sends the SMS user data header using the PDU format. The header specifies how the SMS should be formatted and processed.

Use default AT commands

Uses the default Hayes AT command parameters for SMS. If disabled, AT commands used by default by the GSM device will not be transmitted.

COM port

The COM port used to access the GSM modem.

Transfer rate

The rate of transfer between the computer and the GSM modem. Please read the modem documentation to find out the recommended transfer rate.

For newer modems, the MAX setting can be used.

AT init command

The AT command used for initialization, if the modem requires this command.

AT deinit command

The AT command used for deinitialization, if the modem requires this command.

Confirmation options

The Confirmation options allows the configuration of the SMS message replies and feedback notifications.


SMS Messaging Confirmation options

UI Option



If enabled, the system will check for incoming replies to the alarm SMS message. If disabled, the user will not be able to issue any command (e.g. confirmation or acknowledgment) via SMS reply.

Polling interval

The time interval (in minutes) between two consecutive queries for replies to the alarm SMS message.

Notification - Successful  confirmation

The feedback notification that will be sent back to the user if the command sent by the user when replying to the SMS (e.g. confirmation or alarm acknowledgment) was successfully executed.

The user has the possibility to edit the following options for the success confirmation:

  • Active: toggles the success feedback notification on or off. If turned off, the system will not notify the user if the command was successfully executed.

  • Body: the body of the feedback notification SMS message.

Notification - Error occurred

The feedback notification that will be sent back to the user if an error occurred while executing the command sent by the user when replying to the SMS (e.g. confirmation or alarm acknowledgment).

The user has the possibility to edit the following options for the error notification:

  • Active: toggles the error feedback notification on or off. If turned off, the system will not notify the user if an error occurred when the command was executed.

  • Body: the body of the error feedback notification SMS message.

Notification - Invalid request

The feedback notification that will be sent back to the user if the command sent by the user when replying to the SMS (e.g. confirmation or alarm acknowledgment) is invalid.

The user has the possibility to edit the following options for the invalid request notification:

  • Active: toggles the invalid request feedback notification on or off. If turned off, the system will not notify the user if the command is invalid.

  • Body: the body of the invalid request feedback notification SMS message.