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WCF Additional Configuration


The WCF Web.config file allows the user to perform additional configurations by altering the default settings specified in the file.

The WCF Web.config file allows the user to perform additional configurations by altering the default settings specified in the file. The default location of the WCF Web.config file is: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\_SERVICES\WEBservices\WCF\. All the options that can be tweaked in the WCF Web.config file are available under the configuration node.

The appSettings node

The appSettings node, available under the configuration node, allows the user to modify the following keys:

  • SecuritySystem.LoginResponseReadRetryInterval - allows the user to specify the time, in milliseconds, between two consecutive verifications of the signal which indicates the success or timeout of a login operation.

    <add key="SecuritySystem.LoginResponseReadRetryInterval" value="100" />
  • CacheLifetime.AlarmGroups - allows the user to specify the lifetime, in milliseconds, of the alarm groups cache. When this lifetime is exceeded, a new query will be made to retrieve the alarm groups.

    <add key="CacheLifetime.AlarmGroups" value="5000" />
  • CacheLifetime.AlarmTypes - allows the user to specify the lifetime, in milliseconds, of the alarm types cache. When this lifetime is exceeded, a new query will be made to retrieve the alarm types.

    <add key="CacheLifetime.AlarmTypes" value="5000" />
  • CacheLifetime.Translations - allows the user to specify the lifetime, in milliseconds, of the translations cache. When this lifetime is exceeded, a new query will be made to retrieve the translations.

    <add key="CacheLifetime.Translations" value="60000" />