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i4scada Knowledge Base

WCF Logbook Documentation


The i4scada WCF Logbook web service handles all the Logbook related operations. This article describes all the available methods.

This WCF web service handles all the Logbook related operations. The following methods are available:



AddLogbookEntry(LogbookEntryDTO logbookEntryDTO);


Adds a new entry in Logbook, based on the provided DTO


logbookEntryDTO (LogbookEntryDTO) - the Logbook entry data transfer object, containing:

  • ID (guid) - the unique id of the entry

  • CreatedOn (DateTime) - the date and time of the entry

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the new entry

  • Author (string) - the author of the new entry

  • Subject (string) - the subject of the new entry

  • Body (string) - the body of the new entry

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the new entry. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.

Return Value




GetLogbookEntries(LogbookEntryQueryDTO logbookEntryQueryDTO);


Retrieves Logbook entries based on the provided query DTO


logbookEntryQueryDTO (LogbookEntryQueryDTO) - the Logbook entry query data transfer object, containing:

  • TopN (int) - the number of (first) entries to be retrieved

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the entries

  • Author (string) - the author of the entries

  • From (DateTime?) - the optional date and time of the first entry to be retrieved

  • To (DateTime?) - the optional date and time of the last entry to be retrieved

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the entries. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.

Return Value

A list of LogbookEntryDTO objects, each corresponding to one retrieved logbook entry and containing:

  • ID (guid) - the unique id of the entry

  • CreatedOn (DateTime) - the date and time of the entry

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the new entry

  • Author (string) - the author of the new entry

  • Subject (string) - the subject of the new entry

  • Body (string) - the body of the new entry

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the new entry. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.