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i4scada Knowledge Base

WCF Security Service Documentation


The WCF Security Service handles all the security related operations. This article describes all the available methods.

This WCF web service handles all the security related operations. The following methods are available:



ConnectWithToken(string securityToken);


Updates an existing security token with the current session ID


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

Return Value

The SecuritySessionDTO object, containing:

  • Session (SessionDTO) - the Session data transfer object which contains:

    • SessionId (string) - the id of the new session

    • IsValidLicense (bool) - true if the license is valid for the client

  • SecurityToken (string) - the new security toke with the updated session ID


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


Login(string sessionId, Guid clientId, string userName, string password, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Tries to perform a user login against server or ActiveDirectory. The login will be done in one single operation. If login fails, an exception will be thrown.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A security token which can be used in all subsequent secured operations or an error code if the operation fails. The following error codes can be returned in case of login failure:

  • -4095: User login failed (Login)

  • -4094: No user logged in (Write)

  • -4093: Insufficient user authorizations (Write)

  • -4092: User already logged on (Login)

  • -4091: Invalid user password (Login)

  • -4090: Max user count reached (Login)

  • -4089: Unspecified server error (Login, Write)

  • -4088: Signal is write protected (Write)



Logout(string sessionId, Guid clientId, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Logs out the currently logged in user


  • sessionId (string) - the unque ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A true or false depending on the success of the logout operation



LogoutByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Logs out the currently logged in user using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A true or false depending on the success of the logout operation



IsUserLoggedIn(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Checks if the current user is still logged in


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

True if the current user (identified by the security token) is still logged in; otherwise, false.



GetCurrentLoggedInUser(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets the username of the user that is logged in


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The UserDTO object, containing:

  • UserName (string) - the name of the user that is logged in at this moment for this securityToken

  • IsDomainUser (bool) - true if the user is an Active Directory user; false if the user is a user



GetCurrentUserAuthorizations(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets an object which contains all authorizations (both system and project authorizations) for the currently logged in user


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

The UserAuthorizationInfo object, containing the currently logged in user's authorizations:

  • ProjectAuthorizations (IEnumerable<ProjectAuthorizationDTO>) - a list of project authorization data transfer objects

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • SystemAuthorizations (IEnumerable<SystemAuthorizationDTO>) - a list of system authorization data transfer objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • AuthorizationGroups (IEnumerable<AuthorizationGroupDTO>) - a list of authorization group data transfer objects, each containing:

    • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

    • Version (long) -

    • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

    • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

    • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

    • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

    • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group



GetUserSystemAuthorizations(string securityToken);


Gets an object which contains all system authorizations for the currently logged in user


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

Return Value

A list of SystemAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization



CheckSystemAuthorizations(string securityToken, string[] systemAuthorizations, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Checks if the current user has some specific system authorizations


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • systemAuthorizations (string[]) - the list of system authorizations to be verified

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A dictionary which has for each requested authorization a flag which indicates if the user has (or not) that authorization



GetAllSystemAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all system authorizations for a specific user, based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of SystemAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization



GetAllSystemAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all system authorizations for a specific user, based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of SystemAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization



GetUserProjectAuthorizations(string securityToken);


Gets an object which contains all project authorizations for the currently logged in user


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

Return Value

A list of ProjectAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization



CheckProjectAuthorizations(string securityToken, string[] projectAuthorizations, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Checks if the current user has some specific project authorizations


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • projectAuthorizations (string[]) - the list of project authorizations to be verified

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A dictionary which has for each requested authorization a flag which indicates if the user has (or not) that authorization



GetAllProjectAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all project authorizations based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of ProjectAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertProjectAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, ProjectAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new project authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (ProjectAuthorizationDTO) - the data transfer object representing the project authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



InsertProjectAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, ProjectAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new project authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (ProjectAuthorizationDTO) - the data transfer object representing the project authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateProjectAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, ProjectAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing project authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (ProjectAuthorizationDTO) - the data transfer object representing the project authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



UpdateProjectAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, ProjectAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing project authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (ProjectAuthorizationDTO) - the data transfer object representing the project authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteProjectAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing project authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the project authorization to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



DeleteProjectAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing project authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the project authorization to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAccessAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access authorizations based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AccessAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

  • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

  • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

  • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

  • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

  • Version (long) -



GetAllAccessAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access authorizations based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of AccessAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

  • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

  • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

  • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

  • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

  • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

  • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

  • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

  • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

  • Version (long) -


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAccessAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AccessAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new access authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AccessAuthorizationDTO ) - the data transfer object representing the access authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



InsertAccessAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, AccessAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new access authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AccessAuthorizationDTO ) - the data transfer object representing the access authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAccessAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AccessAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing access authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AccessAuthorizationDTO ) - the data transfer object representing the access authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



UpdateAccessAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, AccessAuthorizationDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing access authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AccessAuthorizationDTO ) - the data transfer object representing the access authorization to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAccessAuthorization(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing access authorization using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



DeleteAccessAuthorizationByToken(string securityToken, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing access authorization using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access authorization to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAccessGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access groups based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AccessGroupDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

  • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group



GetAllAccessGroupByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access groups based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of AccessGroupDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

  • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAccessGroupDetails(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access groups details based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AccessGroupDetailsDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

  • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • AccessAuthorizations (IEnumerable<AccessAuthorizationDTO>) - a list of AccessAuthorizationDTOs, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -



GetAllAccessGroupDetailsByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all access groups details based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of AccessGroupDetailsDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

  • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • AccessAuthorizations (IEnumerable<AccessAuthorizationDTO>) - a list of AccessAuthorizationDTOs, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the access authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the access authorization

    • AccessType (bool) - if true, the access will be done using the computer name. If false, the access will be done using the IP address.

    • ComputerName (string) - the computer name

    • IPFilterClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP address

    • IPFilterClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP address

    • IPMaskClassA (byte) - the first byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassB (byte) - the second byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassC (byte) - the third byte of the IP mask

    • IPMaskClassD (byte) - the fourth byte of the IP mask

    • Version (long) -


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAccessGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AccessGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new access group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AccessGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the access group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



InsertAccessGroupByToken(string securityToken, AccessGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new access group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AccessGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the access group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAccessGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AccessGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing access group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AccessGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the access group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



UpdateAccessGroupByToken(string securityToken, AccessGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing access group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AccessGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the access group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAccessGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing access group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



DeleteAccessGroupByToken(string securityToken, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing access group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



GetUserAuthorizationGroups(string securityToken);


Gets the authorization groups for the currently logged in user, based on the provided security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

Return Value

A list of AuthorizationGroupDTO objects, each containing:

  • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

  • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

  • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

  • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

  • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAuthorizationGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all authorization groups based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AuthorizationGroupDTO objects, each containing:

  • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

  • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

  • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

  • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

  • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group



GetAllAuthorizationGroupByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all authorization groups based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of AuthorizationGroupDTO objects, each containing:

  • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

  • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

  • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

  • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

  • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllAuthorizationGroupDetails(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all authorization groups details based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of AuthorizationGroupDetailsDTO objects, each containing:

  • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

  • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

  • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

  • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

  • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • AccessGroups (IEnumerable<AccessGroupDTO>) - the list of AccessGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • AlarmGroups (IEnumerable<AlarmGroupDTO>) - the list of AlarmGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm group

    • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name of the alarm group

    • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group

  • AlarmTypes (IEnumerable<AlarmTypeDTO>) - the list of AlarmTypeDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm type

    • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm type

    • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translated name of the alarm type

  • Locations (IEnumerable<SchedulerLocationDTO>) - the list of SchedulerLocationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique ID of the scheduler location

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • Version (long) -

    • ServerId (guid) - the unique ID of the server

  • ProjectAuthorizations (IEnumerable<ProjectAuthorizationDTO>) - the list of ProjectAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • SystemAuthorizations (IEnumerable<SystemAuthorizationDTO>) - the list of SystemAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • WriteGroups (IEnumerable<WriteGroupDTO>) - the list of WriteGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the write group

    • name (string) - the name of the write group

    • description (string) - the description of the write group

    • Version (long) -

    • RestrictedAccess (bool) - if true, another user may perform a write operation only after the currently active user has logged off. The writing operations are allowed only for logged-in users.



GetAllAuthorizationGroupDetailsByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all authorization groups details based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of AuthorizationGroupDetailsDTO objects, each containing:

  • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

  • Version (long) -

  • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

  • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

  • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

  • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

  • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

  • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • AccessGroups (IEnumerable<AccessGroupDTO>) - the list of AccessGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the access group

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • TimeOn(DateTime) - the start of the time period when the access group is active

    • TimeOff(DateTime) - the end of the time period when the access group is active

    • Version (long) -

  • AlarmGroups (IEnumerable<AlarmGroupDTO>) - the list of AlarmGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm group

    • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name of the alarm group

    • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translation of the alarm group

  • AlarmTypes (IEnumerable<AlarmTypeDTO>) - the list of AlarmTypeDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the alarm type

    • symbolicTextName (string) - the symbolic name (language independent) of the alarm type

    • symbolicTextTranslation (string) - the translated name of the alarm type

  • Locations (IEnumerable<SchedulerLocationDTO>) - the list of SchedulerLocationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique ID of the scheduler location

    • Name (string) - the name of the access group

    • Description (string) - the description of the access group

    • Version (long) -

    • ServerId (guid) - the unique ID of the server

  • ProjectAuthorizations (IEnumerable<ProjectAuthorizationDTO>) - the list of ProjectAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • SystemAuthorizations (IEnumerable<SystemAuthorizationDTO>) - the list of SystemAuthorizationDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the system authorization

    • Name (string) - the name of the system authorization

    • Description (string) - the description of the system authorization

  • WriteGroups (IEnumerable<WriteGroupDTO>) - the list of WriteGroupDTO objects, each containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the write group

    • name (string) - the name of the write group

    • description (string) - the description of the write group

    • Version (long) -

    • RestrictedAccess (bool) - if true, another user may perform a write operation only after the currently active user has logged off. The writing operations are allowed only for logged-in users.


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


InsertAuthorizationGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AuthorizationGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new authorization group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AuthorizationGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the authorization group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

    • Version (long) -

    • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

    • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

    • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

    • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

    • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



InsertAuthorizationGroupByToken(string securityToken, AuthorizationGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Adds a new authorization group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AuthorizationGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the authorization group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

    • Version (long) -

    • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

    • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

    • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

    • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

    • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


UpdateAuthorizationGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, AuthorizationGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing authorization group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • model (AuthorizationGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the authorization group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

    • Version (long) -

    • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

    • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

    • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

    • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

    • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • AccessAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access authorizations belonging to this access group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



UpdateAuthorizationGroupByToken(string securityToken, AuthorizationGroupDTO model, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates an existing authorization group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • model (AuthorizationGroupDTO) - the data transfer object representing the authorization group to be inserted. It should contain:

    • CheckAccessGroups (bool) - if true, the user will be granted the authorization group permissions only if the conditions specified in the access authorizations are met

    • Version (long) -

    • AccessGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the access groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm groups included in the authorization group

    • AlarmTypeIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the alarm types included in the authorization group

    • LocationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the scheduler locations included in the authorization group

    • ProjectAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the project authorizations included in the authorization group

    • SystemAuthorizationIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the system authorizations included in the authorization group

    • WriteGroupIDs (IEnumerable<Guid>) - the list of unique IDs of the write groups included in the authorization group

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


DeleteAuthorizationGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing authorization group using the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • password (string) - the user password

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the authorization group to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed



DeleteAuthorizationGroupByToken(string securityToken, Guid id, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Deletes an existing authorization group using the provided security token and parameters


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • id (guid) - the unique id of the authorization group to be deleted

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

Returns true if the operation succeeded or false if the operation failed


This method follows the WEBfactory i4scada Security Protocol.


GetAllSchedulerLocation(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all scheduler locations based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of SchedulerLocationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique ID of the scheduler location

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • Version (long) -

  • ServerId (guid) - the unique ID of the server



GetAllSchedulerLocationByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all scheduler locations based on the provided token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value

A list of SchedulerLocationDTO objects, each containing:

  • id (guid) - the unique ID of the scheduler location

  • Name (string) - the name of the access group

  • Description (string) - the description of the access group

  • Version (long) -

  • ServerId (guid) - the unique ID of the server