i4scada Version 3.8.10
Check out the Changes and Fixed Bugs of i4scada 3.8.10 Version. The first i4scada version which brings along a large amount of improvements and bug fixes.
ID | Description |
SWC0074-408 | Add a user friendly message on login dialog, when user without SchedulerPro: Login rights tries to access the web app |
SWC0074-354 | The wf-historical-data-chart should be able to set a minimum and maximum value for the y axis |
Fixed Bugs
ID | Description |
SWC0074-296 | Studio application contains some small grammar mistakes |
SWC0074-412 | i4scada / i4BACnet installation displays blue screen when the wizard is trying to install the Dongle drivers (HASPDINST issue) |
SWC0074-137 | OID Replacement is not working for wf-signal-list extension |
SWC0074-232 | Filtering is not properly working for wf-alarm-viewer extension |
SWC0074-34 | Sorting does not work for a certain column in wf-table extension |
SWC0074-387 | User authorizations of SchedulerPro are not properly working |
SWC0074-294 | The wf-popover and modal dialog are forwarding the CSS on the page where they are used |
SWC0074-388 | Alarms are not refreshed after constantly running for 4 h |
SWC0074-287 | The "Threshold" configuration does not accept decimal places for the wf-gauge extension |
SWC0074-401 | The wf-gauge extension exposes some display issues |
SWC0074-390 | The wf-login extension does not load the textual content of the Login button, at run-time |
SWC0074-136 | Silverlight-Editor WFStateDisplay WFUserDisplay not working |
SWC0074-136 | Deletion of SchedulerPro Exception types does not properly behave and leads to errors |
SWC0074-247 | A script error occurs, when the mouse hovers over the Yes or No button in the Warning popup when closing i4scada Studio. |
SWC0074-195 | The Delete action is not visible anymore, under the UserAction panel of the User Manager |
SWC0074-409 | SchedulerPro User having only LOGIN rights can DELETE an event scheduled by a higher authority user |
SWC0074-230 | "Write signal" written from Test Center is not visible under "User Actions" |
SWC0074-403 | Copied SchedulerPro start-sequence can't be set to end-sequence and will Fail with an error after saving |
SWC0074-79 | The translations of the wf-logbook extension are not correctly processed |
SWC0074-81 | The wf-logbook Send dialog should be opened without needing to refresh the page |
SWC0074-83 | The wf-logbook DE and EN transation text is not correctly loaded |
SWC0074-241 | The User Manager dialog remembers its last position |
SWC0074-380 | MessengerPro does not open a deletion confirmation dialog, when user deletes entities |
SWC0074-402 | The width of the SignalName column is not expandable in SchedulerPro |
SWC0074-95 | The demo project allows the user to open a modal dialog only the first time |
SWC0074-435 | Calendar-based shift schedules are not working correctly |
MD5-Hash List
MD5-Hash | |
\i4scada_3_8_10.exe | 8e0c168562d38f22d03159654030dea5 |
\i4scada 3.8.10\i4scada\i4scada.msi | 9bfbf1fdd665ba548be73a9d8fbf4232 |
\i4scada 3.8.10\ScadaSetup.exe | c55f2f221a1fdaed14fbdaaff78a03d5 |
\i4scada\App Template\Installer.exe | a2b791776f21c972a460e473159d2371 |
\i4scada\Common\dcomperm.exe | 3429db43cd229b733eeefe9525268924 |
\i4scada\Common\MachineConfig.exe | a5281883589aff5672a2af8cba0f8750 |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoInstaller.exe | cc8f4482bae73c397aac783451d3d9a1 |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoProjectOpener.exe | 97ccfb2b71d20c60a3b03149529490cb |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoStarter.exe | 631d6ea7ac8671f27d90ec3c8835b1cc |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\ServerStarter.exe | 6231c3ac62058d79bdce76a036562103 |
\i4scada\IoT\IoT.ScadaManager.Server.exe | 843e705ca3a08adde35383910825d4bf |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\Simulation OPC Server\WFSIMOPCDA.exe | eca64aa16637c90ad89993454a2150ff |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\WCS OPC Server\WFWCSOPC.EXE | fb639e4c35703533037c7782243a8b74 |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\WCS OPC UA Server\WCSOPCUA2.exe | 3f31d6daf050b0a0699e01ab20bd6a9b |
\i4scada\Server\ServerSvc.exe | 46ac28949e893dea4b793e957788ace0 |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\SmartEditor.exe | f7c5611c5e752a5a981bfd47bbdfa2f3 |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\Launcher.exe | 4bb4ddc41213e1b9f314623d9dacfa33 |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\ExtensionBuilder.exe | 5b5626d670a9ea2ceeb2739e4e4a907a |
\i4scada\Studio\WFStudio.exe | 4353b5130e7a4f16a10f96551d93136e |
\i4scada\Studio\AGLink40_Config.exe | b49dd0ae544c34e7591606f36c25c4f5 |
\i4scada\Tools\Export Import\WFExportImport.exe | da8866de50c6ef994dc9e43e9924fabe |
\i4scada\Tools\Activity Analyzer\WFActivityAnalyzer.exe | c049ce133fe09fbb370d4fadaf10e2b5 |
\i4scada\Tools\Test Center\WFTestCenter.exe | dd911551be2bb51c24f2357de8bdaa35 |
\i4scada\Tools\Service Manager\WFServiceManager.exe | 33f9851ce0b01b8bc3b9fc638c9b933b |
\i4scada\Tools\Service Manager\WFServiceManagerTray.exe | 1bde77bcfa1079db043e659e82fc9d07 |
SHA1-Hash List
SHA1 | |
\i4scada_3_8_10.exe | 7f939cd7c320858ae84cc43d5130660204f81d92 |
\i4scada_3_8_10\i4scada 3.8.10\i4scada\i4scada.msi | 30d2dfa356c22a4dfa1af4502abc413f043a04ba |
\i4scada_3_8_10\i4scada 3.8.10\ScadaSetup.exe | bab562bf7c27f6cb25856cd7fb0445a62c154213 |
\i4scada\App Template\Installer.exe | d84e3c680925a963f5114b448b587d019ff94817 |
\i4scada\Common\dcomperm.exe | 7f7f89a464e3fbe55605169843eeae2d4e970968 |
\i4scada\Common\MachineConfig.exe | 806e46d200906cead4987b2c81745a636120c832 |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoInstaller.exe | 539bd3c26150868bbb453983b7d61d78d0f57b5b |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoProjectOpener.exe | c2a8636d5728cdaa4aefe8631a6a5686301c60f7 |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\DemoStarter.exe | 5e9721d49b4b1990c91040d0bd525856b42a10e4 |
\i4scada\Demo Installer\ServerStarter.exe | 73825cedca90784be54517d246aae0954c7df189 |
\i4scada\IoT\IoT.ScadaManager.Server.exe | 74d4424c40bef87bd304188bec647044fc15027a |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\Simulation OPC Server\WFSIMOPCDA.exe | cd2d9f030ff9e664f306c662a2e679ff187460b1 |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\WCS OPC Server\WFWCSOPC.EXE | 3d7379406210b8ccb5e32b3986c307e512645229 |
\i4scada\OPC Servers\WCS OPC UA Server\WCSOPCUA2.exe | 7cee117654d272f29bdfe4637b5a5811c7dd1d76 |
\i4scada\Server\ServerSvc.exe | be0cb0465607c12a272c56425abbf1ba84abd97a |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\SmartEditor.exe | c54a295e06c24b491733d0d22401d5c29d10ba69 |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\Launcher.exe | 2e04de8b338b5ed7b41dc49f90461e1ea7d8dbe2 |
\i4scada\Smart Editor\ExtensionBuilder.exe | 979797636aa6bce45b222a4e9e8401adbf44684a |
\i4scada\Studio\WFStudio.exe | ab8ed5948fd53665b785395ead3d3a24c24d4c5d |
\i4scada\Studio\AGLink40_Config.exe | 8b44a1f3212c135183ce73676756ff6dbb0e865a |
\i4scada\Tools\Export Import\WFExportImport.exe | 74313ab83c0bac2872c858820f1f8dca2fde2de8 |
\i4scada\Tools\Activity Analyzer\WFActivityAnalyzer.exe | 8c2c5267dd362bfb647ea3c674e4d446c40dd49a |
\i4scada\Tools\Test Center\WFTestCenter.exe | 8a5de8909e7fedea9b749e54580b1e04ef754de1 |
\i4scada\Tools\Service Manager\WFServiceManager.exe | 8c2b8d6d70119e6b16a25b840e2337f5adf695b7 |
\i4scada\Tools\Service Manager\WFServiceManagerTray.exe | aaef96f72c8cb9331318d7534dc6c9c082077e65 |