MessengerPro Call Archive Result Codes inside the Database
Check out how to view the MessengerPro call archive directly in the SQL database, using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
The MessengerPro call archive can be viewed directly in the SQL database, using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
The call archive of the MessengerPro module is stored inside the dbo.MessengerCallArchive table from the working database, and the Result Codes are displayed in the CallResult column of the table.
The CallResults column will display the call archive result codes as shown in the table below:
Value of CallResult | Meaning (English) | Meaning (German) |
1 | Successful transmission | Erfolgreiche Übertragung |
2 | Line busy | Leitung besetzt |
3 | Subscriber unavailable | Teilnehmer nicht erreichbar |
4 | Communication error | Kommunikationsfehler |
5 | User interruption | Benutzerabbruch |
6 | Successful remote confirmation | Erfolgreiche Fernquittierung |
7 | Alarm escalation stopped on remote confirmation | Alarmeskalation gestoppt nach Fernquittierung |
8 | Alarm escalation stopped on alarm confirmation | Alarmeskalation gestoppt nach Alarmdeaktivierung |
9 | Alarm escalation stopped on alarm confirmation | Alarmeskalation gestoppt nach Alarmquittierung |
10 | Aborted by user | Abbruch durch Benutzer |