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i4connected Knowledge Base

Audit Events


Check out this article and learn more details about the Audit Events, which Events are of Audit type, and where the user can find them.

Audit Events are event definitions for occurrences triggered on basis of sensitive operations performed by a user or auditable actions.

As these occurrences are triggered automatically each time an auditable operation takes place, their scope is to help i4connected administrators identify system activities and extract information about each record that is subjected to an audit examination.

Audit Events list

The list of Audit Events can be viewed in the Audit Events panel by all system users, regardless of their permission set.


The Audit events panel

Quite similar to the Events panel, the Audit events list can be filtered as follows:

  • filtering by audit event name;

  • filtering by event priority;

  • filtering by event type;

  • filtering by event group.

Further on, the user can manually update the list of Audit events by clicking the Refresh toolbar button.


The Refresh button

Users having the Manage events permission enabled can also open the listed audit events in Edit mode and change the following settings:


The Edit audit event panel

  • Alias - the friendly name of the event. If set, it will be displayed by default instead of the Name.

  • Description - the description of the event.

  • Event cause - the description of the cause of the current event.

  • Event effect - the description of the effect that the current event has.

  • Event repair - the description of the mitigation procedure for the current event.

  • Help link - the link leading to the documentation that provides help for the current event.

  • Enable event queries - enables additional query processing for the event. The user should enable this setting only if it is necessary to run additional queries in the post-processing pipeline for this event.

  • Acknowledge interval - enables an acknowledge monitoring interval.

    • Insert Acknowledge Interval - allows the user to set the acknowledge interval (number of Days, Hours, and Minutes).

  • Ownership interval - enables an ownership monitoring interval.

    • Insert Ownership Interval - allows the user to set the ownership interval (number of Days, Hours, and Minutes).

  • Close interval - enables a close monitoring interval.

    • Insert Close Interval - allows the user to set the close interval (number of Days, Hours, and Minutes).

  • Event priority - the event priority. The priority can be chosen using the Priorities panel.

  • Event type - the event type. The type can be selected from the Event types panel.

  • Event group - the group to which the event belongs. The group can be selected by marking the radio button of the desired group. Due to the inheritance mechanism, selecting a derived group enables the assignment of the parent group as well.

To preserve the changes, the user can click the Save button. Otherwise, the Close button will close the panel without storing any changes.


Unlike an Event, the Audit events are limited from the management point of view, regardless of the currently logged-in user permissions set.

  • It is not possible to change the name of an audit event, while in the Edit event panel;

  • It is not possible to delete an audit event;

  • It is not possible to manually create an audit event, as they are automatically generated by the system and listed in the Audit events panel;

  • It is not possible to manually trigger an audit event, as the audit events are triggered automatically by the system on basis of various Login, Logout, and CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.

Audit Event


Adapter created

Occurs when an adapter is created.

Adapter deleted

Occurs when an adapter is deleted.

Adapter restarted

Occurs when an adapter is restarted.

Adapter updated

Occurs when an adapter is updated.

Application component configuration created

Occurs when the configuration of an i4designer component is created, using the i4designer visualization (application mapping).

Application component configuration deleted

Occurs when the configuration of an i4designer component is deleted, using the i4designer visualization (application mapping).

Application component configuration updated

Occurs when the configuration of an i4designer component is updated, using the i4designer visualization (application mapping).

Application created

Occurs when an i4designer application is created.

Application deleted

Occurs when an i4designer application is deleted.

Application synchronized

Occurs when an i4designer application is synchronized.

Application updated

Occurs when an i4designer application is updated.

Archived report deleted

Occurs when an archived report is deleted.

Area created

Occurs when an area is created.

Area deleted

Occurs when an area is deleted.

Area measure aggregations updated

Occurs when the list of measure aggregations of an area is updated.

Area updated

Occurs when an area is updated.

Assigned response team to entity

Attachment created

Occurs when an attachment is uploaded to an entity.

Attachment deleted

Occurs when an attachment is deleted from an entity.

Attachment updated

Occurs when an attachment is updated for an entity.

Attachments cleared

Occurs when an attachment is deleted.

Authentication ticket revoked by user

Occurs when the user revokes an authentication ticket, by invalidating the authenticated session.

Clone device

Occurs when a device is cloned.

Compression added

Occurs when compression settings are added to a signal.

Compression applied

Occurs when compression settings are applied to a signal.

Custom field created

Occurs when a new Custom field definition is added.

Custom field deleted

Occurs when a Custom field definition is removed.

Custom field updated

Occurs when a Custom field definition is edited and the changes are saved.

Custom fields reordered

Occurs when the order of Custom field definitions is updated by means of drag and drop intervention.

Custom report parameters replaced

Occurs when a report's custom parameters are added, removed, or applied from an existing list of parameters.

Department created

Occurs when a department is created.

Department deleted

Occurs when a department is deleted.

Department updated

Occurs when a department is updated.

Device created

Occurs when a device is created.

Device deleted

Occurs when a device is deleted.

Device hw version created

Occurs when a device hardware version is created.

Device hw version deleted

Occurs when a device hardware version is deleted.

Device hw version updated

Occurs when a device hardware version is updated.

Device list created

Occurs when a device list is created under the Counter routes panel.

Device list deleted

Occurs when a device list is deleted from the Counter routes panel.

Device list devices replaced

Occurs when changing the order of listed devices, by means of drag and drop, in the List of Devices panel.

Device list locked

Occurs when a device list is set to status locked.

Device list reordered

Occurs when the order of the list of devices is updated by means of drag and drop intervention.

Device list unlocked

Occurs when a device list is set to status unlocked.

Device list updated

Occurs when a device list is updated.

Device manufacturer created

Occurs when a new device manufacturer is created.

Device manufacturer deleted

Occurs when a device manufacturer is deleted.

Device manufacturer updated

Occurs when a device manufacturer is updated.

Device model created

Occurs when a new device model is created.

Device model deleted

Occurs when a device model is deleted.

Device model updated

Occurs when a device model is updated.

Device sw version created

Occurs when a new device software version is created.

Device sw version deleted

Occurs when a device software version is deleted.

Device sw version updated

Occurs when a device software version is updated.

Device type created

Occurs when a device type is created.

Device type deleted

Occurs when a device type is deleted.

Device type reordered

Occurs when a device type position is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Device types panel.

Device type updated

Occurs when a device type is updated.

Device updated

Occurs when a device is updated.

Email template tested

Occurs when an invitation email template is tested in the Edit email templates panel.

Email template updated

Occurs when an invitation email template is updated in the Edit email templates panel.

Entity default application updated

Occurs when an entity default i4designer application is updated.

Entity role assignment copied

Occurs when the role assignments of an entity are copied to another entity, by means of Merge behavior.

Entity role assignment deleted

Occurs when the role assignments of an entity are deleted.

Entity role assignment recalculated

Occurs when the roles assignments of an entity are recalculated after a set of changes took place.

Entity role assignment replaced

Occurs when the role assignments of an entity are copied to another entity, by means of Replace behavior.

Entity role assignment updated

Occurs when the role assignments of an entity are updated.

Entity selector application updated

Occurs when an entity selector i4designer application is updated.

Event comment created

Occurs when a new comment is added to an event.

Event comment deleted

Occurs when an event comment is deleted.

Event comment reordered

Occurs when the position of an event comment is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Event occurrence comment list.

Event comment updated

Occurs when an event comment is updated.

Event created

Occurs when a new event definition is created.

Event deleted

Occurs when an event definition is deleted.

Event group created

Occurs when a new event group is created.

Event group deleted

Occurs when an event group is deleted.

Event group reordered

Occurs when the position of an Event group is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Event groups panel.

Event group updated

Occurs when an event group is updated.

Event script created

Occurs when a new event script is created.

Event script deleted

Occurs when an event script is deleted.

Event script tested

Occurs when an event script is tested.

Event script updated

Occurs when an event script is updated.

Event type created

Occurs when a new event type is created.

Event type deleted

Occurs when an event type is deleted.

Event type updated

Occurs when an event type is updated.

Event updated

Occurs when an event is updated.

External user created

Occurs when an external user is invited to the i4connected portal.

External user updated

Occurs when the assignments of an external user are updated in i4designer portal.

Filter set created

Occurs when a new filter set is created.

Filter set deleted

Occurs when a filter set is deleted.

Filter set updated

Occurs when a filter set is updated.

Function created

Occurs when a new function is created.

Function deleted

Occurs when a function is deleted.

Function updated

Occurs when a function is updated.

Geo fence created

Occurs when a new geo fence is created.

Geo fence deleted

Occurs when a geofence is deleted.

Geo fence updated

Occurs when a geofence is updated.

Help created or updated

Occurs when a help page is created or updated.

Invitation canceled

Occurs when a user invitation is canceled.

Invitation resend

Occurs when a user invitation is resent.

Key performance indicator created

Occurs when a new KPI is created.

Key performance indicator deleted

Occurs when a KPI is deleted.

Key performance indicator reordered

Occurs when the position of a KPI is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Key Performance Indicators panel.

Key performance indicator updated

Occurs when a KPI is updated.

Language default set

Occurs when a language listed in the Language Management panel is selected and set as default.

Language reordered

Occurs when the position of a language is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Language Management panel.

Languages updated

Occurs when the list of languages is changed by either adding or removing languages.

Measure action created

Occurs when a new measure action is created.

Measure action deleted

Occurs when a measure action is deleted.

Measure action imported

Occurs when an import of measure actions takes place.

Measure action media values updated

Occurs when the media values of a measure action are updated.

Measure action updated

Occurs when a measure action is updated.

Measure aggregation created

Occurs when a new measure aggregation is created.

Measure aggregation deleted

Occurs when a measure aggregation is deleted.

Measure aggregation updated

Occurs when a measure aggregation is updated.

Measure group created

Occurs when a new measure group is created.

Measure group deleted

Occurs when a measure group is deleted.

Measure group reordered

Occurs when the position of a measure group is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Measure groups panel.

Measure group updated

Occurs when a measure group is updated.

Measure type created

Occurs when a measure type is created.

Measure type deleted

Occurs when a measure type is deleted.

Measure type reordered

Occurs when the position of a measure type is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Measure types panel.

Measure type updated

Occurs when a measure type is updated.

Measurements correction applied

Occurs when measurement corrections are applied to a signal.

Measurements imported

Occurs when measure mappings are imported.

Move area

Occurs when an area is moved to another parent

Move organizational unit

Occurs when an organizational unit is moved to another parent

Notification profile created

Occurs when a new notification profile is created.

Notification profile deleted

Occurs when a notification profile is deleted.

Notification profile updated

Occurs when a notification profile is updated.

Org unit created

Occurs when a new organizational unit is created.

Org unit deleted

Occurs when a new organizational unit is deleted.

Org unit kpi cross-link created

Occurs when a new organizational unit KPI cross-link is created.

Org unit kpi cross-link deleted

Occurs when an organizational unit KPI cross-link is deleted.

Org unit kpi cross-link reordered

Occurs when the position of a KPI-Cross link is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the KPI Cross-links panel.

Org unit kpi cross-link updated

Occurs when an organizational unit KPI cross-link is updated.

Org unit mapping created

Occurs when a new organizational unit mapping is created under the Measures import mappings panel.

Org unit mapping deleted

Occurs when an organizational unit mapping is deleted.

Org unit mapping updated

Occurs when an organizational unit mapping is updated.

Org unit measure aggregations updated

Occurs when an organizational unit measure aggregation is updated.

Org unit reordered

Occurs when the position of an organizational unit is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Organizational Units panel.

Org unit shift updated

Occurs when an organizational unit shift is updated.

Org unit updated

Occurs when an organizational unit is updated.

Page created

Occurs when a new page is created.

Page defaulted

Occurs when a page is set as default.

Page deleted

Occurs when a page is deleted.

Page reordered

Occurs when the position of a page is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Page list panel.

Page roles updated

Occurs when the roles of a page are updated.

Page updated

Occurs when a page is updated.

Panel default deleted

Occurs when a default panel is deleted.

Panel defaulted

Occurs when a panel is set as default.

Password changed

Occurs when a user's password is changed.

Personal tile created

Occurs when a new personal tile is created.

Personal tile roles updated

Occurs when the roles of a personal tile are updated.

Personal tile updated

Occurs when a personal tile is updated.

Priority created

Occurs when a new priority is created.

Priority deleted

Occurs when a priority is deleted.

Priority updated

Occurs when a priority is updated.

Public holiday created

Occurs when a new public holiday is created.

Public holiday deleted

Occurs when a public holiday is deleted.

Public holiday imported

Occurs when a public holiday is imported.

Report created

Occurs when a new report is created.

Report deleted

Occurs when a report is deleted.

Report group created

Occurs when a new report group is created.

Report group deleted

Occurs when a report group is deleted.

Report group updated

Occurs when a report group is updated.

Report schedule created

Occurs when a new report schedule is created.

Report schedule deleted

Occurs when a report schedule is deleted.

Report schedule updated

Occurs when a report schedule is updated.

Report updated

Occurs when a report is updated.

Requisition note confirmed

Occurs when a requisition note is confirmed.

Requisition note created

Occurs when a new requisition note is created.

Requisition note deleted

Occurs when a requisition note is deleted.

Requisition note handled end confirmed

Occurs when a confirmed requisition note end period took place.

Requisition note handled start confirmed

Occurs when a confirmed requisition note start period took place.

Requisition note updated

Occurs when a requisition note is updated.

Response team assignment deleted

Occurs when a Response team assignment is removed.

Response team assignment updated

Occurs when a Response team assignment is updated.

Response team created

Occurs when a response team is created.

Response team deleted

Occurs when a response team is deleted.

Response team notification profiles updated

Occurs when the notification profiles of a response team are updated.

Response team updated

Occurs when a response team is updated.

Response team users updated

Occurs when the users of a response team are updated.

Role created

Occurs when a new role is created.

Role deleted

Occurs when a role is deleted.

Role package created

Occurs when a new role package is created.

Role package deleted

Occurs when a role package is deleted.

Role package updated

Occurs when a role package is updated.

Role updated

Occurs when a role is updated.

Script signals replaced

Occurs when adding parameters to a virtual signal, while in creating or edit virtual signal mode.

Script tested

Occurs when testing the script of a virtual signal, while in creating or edit virtual signal mode.

Settings written

Occurs each time when settings are updated and saved: i4messenger Transmission settings, editing Normalization Settings, etc.

Shared tile created

Occurs when a new shared tile is created.

Shared tile deleted

Occurs when a shared tile is deleted.

Shared tile updated

Occurs when a shared tile is updated.

Shift created

Occurs when a new shift is created.

Shift deleted

Occurs when a shift is deleted.

Shift updated

Occurs when a shift is updated.

Signal created

Occurs when a new signal is created.

Signal deleted

Occurs when a signal is deleted.

Signal type created

Occurs when a new signal type is created.

Signal type deleted

Occurs when a signal type is deleted.

Signal type reordered

Occurs when the position of a signal type is changed, by means of drag and drop, in the Signal types panel.

Signal type updated

Occurs when a signal type is updated.

Signal updated

Occurs when a signal is updated.

Signal written

Occurs when a signal value is written.

Site created

Occurs when a new site is created.

Site deleted

Occurs when a site is deleted.

Site measure aggregations updated

Occurs when the measure aggregations of a site are updated.

Site type created

Occurs when a new site type is created.

Site type deleted

Occurs when a site type is deleted.

Site type updated

Occurs when a site type is updated.

Site updated

Occurs when a site is updated.

Snippet created

Occurs when a new notification profile snippet is created.

Snippet deleted

Occurs when a notification profile snippet is deleted.

Snippet updated

Occurs when a notification profile snippet is updated.

Tile deleted

Occurs when a tile is deleted.

Tile layout updated

Occurs when the layout of a tile is updated.

Tile roles updated

Occurs when the list of roles, associated with a tile, is updated.

Token issued failure

Occurs each time a login, import, or publishing action takes place and ends in failure.

Token issued success

Occurs each time a login, import, or publishing action takes place and ends in success.

Token revoked by user

Occurs each time a login, import, or publishing action is revoked (canceled) by the user.

Token revoked success

Occurs each time a login, import, or publishing action that has been canceled ends in success.

Translations imported

Occurs when a new translation is imported.

User created

Occurs when a new user is created.

User deleted

Occurs when a user is deleted.

User login failure

Occurs when a user fails to log in. This audit event is also logged when failing to publish an i4designer project to an i4connected environment, due to incorrect login credentials at i4designer end.

User login success

Occurs when a user logs into the system successfully. This audit event is also logged when publishing an i4designer project to an i4connected environment.

User logout success

Occurs when a user successfully logs out of the system.

User panel setting updated

Occurs when a user saves sorting and filtering settings in the Online Alarms panel.

User password changed

Occurs when the password of a user is changed.

User reports added

Occurs when a new user report is added.

User reports replaced

Occurs when the reports assigned to a user are updated.

User roles updated

Occurs when the roles of a user are updated.

User set locked

Occurs when a user account is locked or unlocked.

User updated

Occurs when a user is updated.

Variable updated

Occurs when a variable is updated.

Visualization imported

Occurs when an i4designer visualization is imported.

Weather normalization set

Occurs when weather normalization settings are set.

Historical Audit Events

Occurrences of Audit Events type are stored and listed in the Historical Alarms panel, available for users having at least the View event occurrences permission enabled.


The View event occurrences permission grants all users the possibility to view Audit events involving their own user activities. In order to have access to Audit events involving all portal users, the View audit log permission is required.


The Historical event's panel

By opening a historical audit event in detailed view mode the user is provided with more information about the action that led to the audit event occurrence.


Example of an audit event in detailed view mode

In the Metadata area of the occurrence panel, the Show object button opens the View metadata panel. In this view, the audit event data file is displayed in a human-readable format.


Example of the View metadata panel

The View Metadata of audit events triggered as a result of an entity update is displayed as a two columns comparison panel. This way the user can easily identify what change did the entity go through.


Example of View metadata comparison panel