i4connected Site selector
Check out this article and learn more details about the Site selector panel and the actions that operations are available in this view.
The Site selector panel can be accessed by clicking the tile with the same name. Visibility of the Site selector tile is granted on the basis of tile roles, distributed by a system administrator having the Manage shared tiles permission enabled.

The Site selector panel
Further on, the Site selector panel displays all the sites that the currently logged-in user has view permissions enabled. In this view, sites are distributed as cards in a scroll-able list view, Each site card provides the user with the following information:

Example of a Site card
the site picture fitted to the card size. If the site has no associated picture, the picture designated space will be left blank.
a list of the site's general information such as site name, type, and address.
the Alarms button displaying the site's health information. When clicking the Alarms button the Online alarms panel is opened, filtered to display only the open alarms of the respective site.
The Site selector Online alarms panel
the Details button that opens the i4designer Application in a new panel. The Application mapping opened in this view, is the Application assigned to the Site under the Site selector application section.
The Site selector Application preview panel