Shift Definition
Learn how to define and manage shifts in your i4connected project. Check out also an example explaining the Shift and Organizational Unit relation.
This article describes how Shifts are defined within the i4connected system.
The Shift schedules are assigned to Organizational Units and represent real-life working shifts (for example manufacturing plant working shifts). The Shift list panel can be accessed either from the context of an Organizational Unit or through the dedicated Shifts tile.
In this view, the user can organize the following operations:
Viewing, filtering, and refreshing Shifts
The Shift List panel displays all the Shifts available in the system. The shifts are listed as cards that only display the Shift name.
The user can filter the listed Shifts, searching by their name, using the dedicated search field. By clicking the Reset filter button all the contents in the search field are removed and the filter is no longer applied.
At any point, the user can also manually reload the list, by clicking the Refresh toolbar button.
Adding new Shifts
By clicking the Add toolbar button, the Add Shift panel is opened. In this view, the user can define a new shift by filling in the following properties:
Name - the name of the shift
Type - the shift type, selectable from the list of predefined values:
Daily - shifts that repeat every day
Weekly - shifts that repeat every week, in the specified weekdays
Monthly - shifts that repeat every month, during the specified days of the month
Yearly - shifts that repeat every year on the specified days of the year
For every shift-type except the daily type (when the shifts are the same every day), the days and start/end times must be specified. For example:
a weekly morning shift must have the working days of the week specified and the start and end times for each day: Monday - Friday from 07:00 to 15:00 and Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00.
enabled - if the shift is enabled it will be visible for further use.
delete currently defined shift interval
Add new shift interval
Day - accepts numerical values less than or equal to 31.
Start time and End time
Editing Shifts
By clicking a listed Shift the Edit shift panel is opened. In this view, the user can update all the Shift details.
Deleting a Shift
The user can remove a Shift by clicking the Delete toolbar button located in the Edit Shift panel. With all the i4connected deletion panels, the Delete Shift panel requires the user to manually type the provided deletion code, to confirm the operation.
Organizational Units association
The Shift is associated with Organizational Units and is inherited to all the Organizational Units children unless another Shift is particularly associated with one or more of the children.
We have the following structure:
Assembly Plant (parent Organizational Unit) -> shift Normal Work Days
Assembly Line 1 (child Organizational Unit)
Section A (child of the child) -> shift Daily Morning and Late
Section B (child of the child)
Assembly Line 2 (child Organizational Unit) -> shift 6 Days Weekly Morning and Late
Section 1 (child of the child)
Section 2 (child of the child)
The above Shift association would be applied as follows:
The Assembly Plant, Assembly Line 1, and Section B would use the associated Normal Work Days shift. If the Shift time range is selected in these organizational units drill-downs, the data will be resolved using this shift as a time range.
Section A would use the associated Daily Morning and Late shifts. Using its drill-down with the Shift time range selected, it will resolve the data using this shift as a time range.
Assembly Line 2 and both Section 1 and Section 2 would use the 6 Days Weekly Morning and Late shift, and their corresponding drill-downs will resolve the data using this shift as a time range when the option is called from the Time Selector.