Version 5.6.3
Check out the list of Changes and Fixed Bugs processed for the i4connected 5.6.3 version. Upgrade and enjoy our new features!
ID | Description |
I4C-650 | Adjust importer tool to support the new API parameters for creating and updating a signal |
I4C-718 | Extend permission definitions with flags to indicate the scoping of the permission |
I4C-672 | Recalculate permissions messages to RabbitMq after the transaction was completed |
Fixed Bugs
ID | Description |
I4C-627 | Missing event occurrence property for the corresponding alias of the device of a triggered event |
I4C-626 | Missing event occurrence property for the site |
I4C-318 | Object filter settings are not applied when editing tile parameters |
I4C-570 | Hide the "Change password" button for users without "Change password"permission |
I4C-572 | An error is triggered when trying to open the baseLoadAreas panel |
I4C-573 | The Roles field while in Edit Tile mode is randomly not visible |
I4C-583 | The Effective permissions area from the addEntityUser panel is not updated |
I4C-586 | The inherited permissions of the Effective permissions area are not displayed for users with full rights |
I4C-600 | Display alias instead of the name of the device in "Publish Manual Event"-Panel |
I4C-601 | The wrong countdown timer in Online Alarms panel |
I4C-604 | Missing translation of event occurrence properties |
I4C-623 | Missing possibility to add individual links in addEditNotificationProfile panel |
I4C-625 | The user is receiving notifications from the wrong customer |
I4C-679 | Manual event "Logbook" does not work |
I4C-683 | Alarms Icon inherits the color of the wrong priority |
I4C-700 | The role management tile for a user does not work with the Firefox browser |
I4C-702 | The highlighting buttons displayed for the Invitation tile are incorrectly displayed |
I4C-719 | Users with limited rights on a site cannot see invitations for the site where it belongs |
I4C-648 | The iotAddEditServerPanel displays an error toast message when opened |
I4C-565 | When scripts are failing on compilation system enters performance issues |