i4connected Import Service
Check out this article and learn more details about the newly introduced i4connected addon, the import Service.
The Manage configuration permission allows administrator users to add new entities or update the existing ones, using the Import Configuration function.
The Import Service is an i4connected addon that requires additional settings. For more details on how to set up the Import service, please visit the dedicated article here.
The Import configuration panel can be opened by clicking the tile with the same name. The Import configuration tile should be available on the i4connected Setup page.

The Import Configuration tile
Using the Import Configuration function, the users can create and/or update the following entities:
Role packages;
User assignments
Areas and Subareas;
User assignments
Organizational Units and Suborganizational units;
User assignments
User assignments
User assignments
Signal types;
Measure types;
Measure groups;
Measure aggregations;
Event scripts;
Event priorities;
In this view, the user organizing the import needs to upload the import file, by clicking the Browse button. As soon as the desired file is appended in the Import configuration panel, the user can either proceed with the import operation, or close the panel, using the bottom action buttons.

The Import Configuration example
The data import panel expects a JSON file, therefore if another file extension type is uploaded, the system will display a validation error:

The Import Configuration validation message
For more information on how to prepare your JSON file to create a simple hierarchical structure, please visit our tutorials section, here.
By clicking the Import button, a toast message will be displayed confirming the fact that the data operation was sent to the server.

The Import operation will be processed in the system’s background. Depending on the amount of imported data, this operation can take a long time to finish.
After the operation is finished, a system notification will be displayed in the Background operation area of the Global menu bar.