i4connected Import Service JSON examples
Check out this article and learn more details about the newly introduced i4connected addon, the import Service.
As indicated by the dedicated article, the Import Configuration function allows you to create or update multiple entities, by providing the following parameters:
Entity | Parameters | Example |
Roles | In order to create or update Roles, the following parameters need to be defined:
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "roles": [{ "name": "", "isPrivileged": , "isDefault": , "isFrontEnd": , "manageConfiguration": , "manageSharedFilters": , "manageSharedTiles": , "managePersonalTiles": , "importAppend": , "importOverwrite": , "configureSecurity": , "configurePrivilegedSecurity": , "viewUsers": , "viewAllUsers": , "manageUsers": , "changePassword": , "viewSitesAreas": , "manageSitesAreas": , "viewOrgUnits": , "manageOrgUnits": , "viewDevices": , "manageDevices": , "viewAdapters": , "manageAdapters": , "readSignals": , "writeSignals": , "viewEvents": , "manageEvents": , "closeEventOccurrences": , "acknowledgeEventOccurrences": , "takeEventOccurrenceOwnership": , "assignEventOccurrenceOwnership": , "changeEventOccurrencePriority": , "commentEventOccurrences": , "viewEventOccurrenceComments": , "viewEventOccurrenceHistory": , "viewEventLogbook": , "viewAuditLog": , "manageMessenger": , "manageReportDefinitions": , "scheduleReports": , "useDistributionLists": , "reportArchive": , "manageMeasureAction": , "importMeasureAction": , "viewMeasureAction": , "manageManualCounter": , "requisitionNoteHallManager": , "requisitionNotePowerPlantUser": , "viewAllAdapters" : , "viewAllUserInvitations" : , "viewAllSitesAreas" : , "viewAllOrgUnits" : , "viewApplications" : , "manageApplications" : , "viewAllApplications" : , "editMeasurementHistory" : , "viewReportDefinitions" : , "viewAllReportDefinitions" : , "managePersonalPanels" : , "pinSharedPanels" : , "unpinSharedPanels" : , "manageEventScripts" : , "manageVirtualSignals" : , "manageUserAccounts" : , "manageEmailEventScripts" : , "viewResponseTeams" : , "manageResponseTeams" : , "viewAllResponseTeams" : , "viewNotificationProfiles" : , "manageNotificationProfiles" : , "viewAllNotificationProfiles" : , "manageRolePackages" : , "manageSiteUsers" : , "manageSiteApplications" : , "manageSiteMeasureAggregations" : , "manageSitePublicHolidays" : , "manageSiteResponseTeams" : , "publishSiteEvents" : , "manageAreaUsers" : , "manageAreaApplications" : , "manageAreaMeasureAggregations" : , "manageAreaResponseTeams" : , "publishAreaEvents" : , "manageOrgUnitUsers" : , "manageOrgUnitApplications" : , "manageOrgUnitMeasureAggregations" : , "manageOrgUnitResponseTeams" : , "publishOrgUnitEvents" : , "manageDeviceUsers" : , "manageDeviceApplications" : , "manageDeviceResponseTeams" : , "publishDeviceEvents" : , "viewServerEvents" : , "manageOwnComponentConfigurations" : , "manageSharedComponentConfigurations" : , "viewEventOccurrences" : , "linkedRoleNames": [""] }] } |
Role packages | In order to create or update Role packages, the following parameters need to be defined:
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "rolePackages": [{ "name": "", "description": "", "globalRoleNames": [""], "entityRoleNames": [""] }] } |
Sites | In order to create or update Sites, the following parameters need to be defined: ImportantWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
NotePlease note that the Import Configuration function does not support Custom Fields Definitions (metadata) imports. Therefore, when updating via import an entity that already has metadata defined, the metadata will not be affected. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "sites":[{ "name": "", "addressLine": "", "postalCode": "", "city": "", "country": "", "latitude": , "longitude": , "lockfordelete": , "siteType": "", "subpage": "", "measureAggregations": [ { "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "" } ], "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "roleNames": [""], "rolePackageName": "" }], }] } |
Areas | In order to create or update Areas, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
NotePlease note that the Import Configuration function does not support Custom Fields Definitions (metadata) imports. Therefore, when updating via import an entity that already has metadata defined, the metadata will not be affected. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "areas": [{ "siteName": "", "path": [ "", "", ], "page": , "lockfordelete": , "measureAggregations": [{ "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "" }], "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "rolePackageName": [""] }] }] } |
Organizational Units | In order to create or update Organizational Units, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
NotePlease note that the Import Configuration function does not support Custom Fields Definitions (metadata) imports. Therefore, when updating via import an entity that already has metadata defined, the metadata will not be affected. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "orgUnits":[{ "path": [""], "alias": "", "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "roleNames": [""], "rolePackageName": "", }], "lockfordelete": , "page": "", "measureAggregations": [ { "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "" } ] }] } |
Devices | In order to create or update Devices, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
NotePlease note that the Import Configuration function does not support Custom Fields Definitions (metadata) imports. Therefore, when updating via import an entity that already has metadata defined, the metadata will not be affected. NotePlease note that the Import Configuration function does not support the GPS Tracking settings. Therefore, the user needs to manually enable the GPS Tracking settings after creating a new Device. In the case of existing Devices that already have the GPS Tracking settings enabled, the import operation will not affect these settings. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "devices":[{ "adapter": , "name": "", "alias": "", "description": "", "site": "", "areaPath": , "orgUnitPath": [""], "visible": , "active": , "deviceType": "", "manufacturer": "", "model": , "hwVersion": "", "swVersion": "", "configuration": "", "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "roleNames": [""], }], "overwriteEventPriorityValue": "", "suppressionMode": 0, "suppressAlarms": false, "suppressionStartDate": "", "suppressionEndDate": "" }] } |
Adapters | In order to create or update Adapters, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "adapters":[{ "name": "", "configuration": "{}", "enabled": , "adapterType": "", "timeZone": "", "traceLevel": , "serverName": "", "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "roleNames": [""] }], "ownerName": "" }] } |
Signals | In order to create or update Signals, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "signals":[{ "active": true, "deviceName": "", "name": "", "alias": "", "description": "", "counter": , "counterOverflow": , "type": "", "configuration": "", "factor": "1", "conversionFactorFrom": "", "conversionFactorTo": "", "deadband": , "timeDeadband": , "plausibilityDelta": , "gapInterval": , "interpolate": , "inactivityInterval": , "log": , "stream": , "mode": , "script": , "scriptSignals":[ { "deviceName": "", "signalName": "", "parameterName": "", "testValue": } ], "userAssignments": [{ "userName": "", "roleNames": [""] }], "readAccess": , "writeAccess": , "minValue": "", "maxValue": "", "isCounter": , "useAbsoluteValue": , "compressionAlgorithm": , "compressionSettings": { "deviation": , "minimumTimeInterval": "", "maximumTimeInterval": "", }, "staleDataDetectionInterval": "", }] } |
Signal types | In order to create or update Signal types, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "signalTypes":[ { "name": "", "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "", "icon": "", "aggregation": "", "unit": "", "visible": , "siteVariable": , "areaVariable": , "orgUnitVariable": } ] } |
Measure types | In order to create or update Measure types, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "measureTypes": [{ "name": "", "icon": "", "order": , "visible": true }] } |
Measure groups | In order to create or update Measure groups, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "measureGroups": [{ "name": "", "description": "", "icon": "", "order": , "visible": true }] } |
Measure aggregations | In order to create or update Measure aggregations, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "measureAggregations":[{ "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "", "aggregation": "[]", "goal": "", "reversed": , "unit" : "" }] } |
KPIs | In order to create or update KPIs, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "kpis":[{ "name": "", "description": "", "measureGroup": "", "measureType": "", "icon": "", "visible": , "aggregation": "", "goal": "", "reversed": , "unit" : "" }] } |
Events | In order to create or update KPIs, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "events":[{ "name": "", "alias": "", "description": "", "cause": "", "effect": "", "repair": "", "helpLink": "", "stream": , "manualEvent": , "priorityValue": "", "type": "", "groupPath": [""], "acknowledgeInterval": "", "ownershipInterval": "", "closeInterval": "" }] } |
Event scripts | In order to create or update Event scripts, the following parameters need to be defined: NoteWhen creating new entities, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When updating an entity, the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) need to be an exact match with the existing entity.
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "eventScripts":[{ "deviceName": "", "eventName": "", "script": "", "mode": , "scriptSignals":[ { "deviceName": "", "signalName": "", "parameterName": "", "testValue": } ] }] } |
Event priorities | In order to create or update Event priorities, the following parameters need to be defined:
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. { "eventPriorities": [{ "value": , "name": "", "color": "", "displayInStatusBar": , }] } |
i4connected Import Service JSON for Azure IoT devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for Azure IoT devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for Azure IoT devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the Azure IoT device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Azure IoT devices, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"filter\":null,\"deviceId\":null,\"methodConnectionTimeoutInSec\":0,\"methodResponseTimeoutInSec\":120,\"methodName\":null,\"methodPayload\":null}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the Azure IoT adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Azure IoT adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"connectionString\":\"connectionString\",\"ioTHubConnectionString\":\"\",\"methodConnectionTimeoutInSec\":0,\"methodResponseTimeoutInSec\":120,\"methodName\":\"\",\"transportType\":1,\"methodPayload\":null}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the Azure IoT signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Azure IoT signals, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"filter\":null,\"timestamp\":null,\"value\":null}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for CSV adapters and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for CSV adapters and signals.
This tutorial describes the needed steps to update or create new entities using a JSON file. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for CSV adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the CSV adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"address\":\"C:\\\\CSV\",\"correctionAddress\":null,\"pollInterval\":500,\"userName\":\"username\",\"password\":null,\"fileTimePattern\":null,\"searchSubFolders\":false,\"measurementParsers\":[{\"separator\":\";\",\"decimalSeparator\":\".\",\"thousandsSeparator\":\",\",\"delimiter\":\"'\",\"dateIndex\":\"0\",\"dateColumn\":null,\"dateFormat\":\"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm\",\"timeIndex\":null,\"timeColumn\":null,\"timeFormat\":null,\"hasHeaders\":true,\"searchString\":\"searchString\",\"encoding\":encodingnumber,\"id\":\"id\"},{\"separator\":\",\",\"decimalSeparator\":\".\",\"thousandsSeparator\":\",\",\"delimiter\":\"'\",\"dateIndex\":-1,\"dateColumn\":null,\"dateFormat\":\"ddMMyy\",\"timeIndex\":null,\"timeColumn\":null,\"timeFormat\":null,\"hasHeaders\":true,\"searchString\":\"test\",\"encoding\":encodingnumber,\"id\":\"id\"}]}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for CSV signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the CSV signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"parserName\":\"parserName\",\"index\":null,\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"Double\",\"columnSpecification\":\"columnSpecification\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for Email devices & adapters
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for Email devices and adapters.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for Email devices and adapters. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here,
Category | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the Email device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Email devices, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"senderNamePattern\":null,\"senderAddressPattern\":null,\"recipientNamePattern\":null,\"recipientAddressPattern\":null,\"subjectPattern\":\"subjectPattern\",\"bodyPattern\":\"bodyPattern\",\"snippetId\":\"snippetId\"}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the Email adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Email adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"password\":\"<password>\",\"username\":\"username\",\"pollInterval\":60000,\"host\":\"host\",\"maxMessages\":\"maxMessages\",\"useSsl\":true,\"protocol\":1,\"port\":port,\"exchangeAppId\":null,\"exchangeTenantId\":null,\"exchangeClientSecret\":null,\"exchangeUrl\":null,\"exchangeMailBox\":null}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for Ewon devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for Ewon devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for Ewon devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the Ewon device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Ewon devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": {\"ewonDeviceName\":\"ewonDeviceName\",\"userName\":null,\"password\":null}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the Ewon adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Ewon adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"talk2MAccount\":\"talk2MAccount\",\"talk2MToken\":\"talk2MToken\",\"talk2MUserName\":\"talk2MUsername\",\"talk2MPassword\":\"talk2MPassword\",\"pollInterval\":60000,\"deleteDataAfterReading\":false,\"enableAlarms\":false,\"alarmHighPrefix\":\"High\",\"alarmHighSuffix\":\"high\",\"alarmLowPrefix\":\"Low\",\"alarmLowSuffix\":\"low\",\"alarmLevelPrefix\":\"Set\",\"alarmLevelSuffix\":\"set\",\"alarmWarningPriorityId\":null,\"alarmDangerPriorityId\":null}""-:l: 0 |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the Ewon signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Ewon signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"ewonSignalName\":\"EwonSignalName\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for GridVis devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for GridVis devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for GridVis devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the GridVis device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the GridVis devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"id\":idnumber,\"name\":\"name\"}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the GridVis adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the GridVis adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"userName\":null,\"password\":null,\"pollInterval\":\"900000\",\"projectName\":\"projectName\",\"baseAddress\":\"baseAddress/\",\"importMonths\":\"importMonthsNumber\",\"concurrentConnections\":-1}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the GridVis signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the GridVis signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"id\":id,\"valueTypeType\":\"valueTypeType\",\"valueTypeValue\":\"ValueTypeValue\",\"timebase\":3600,\"online\":false,\"valueType\":\"valueType\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for HMS devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for HMS devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for HMS devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the HMS device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the HMS devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"protocol\":\"protocol\",\"project\":\"project\",\"domain\":\"domain\",\"port\":\"port\",\"userName\":\"userName\",\"rootPath\":\"\",\"password\":\"password\",\"inactivityInterval\":120,\"inactivityTimeout\":10}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the HMS adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the HMS adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"protocol\":\"protocol\",\"project\":\"project\",\"domain\":\"domain\",\"port\":\"port\",\"userName\":\"username\",\"password\":\"password\",\"inactivityInterval\":120,\"inactivityTimeout\":10}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the HMS signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the HMS signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": {\"path\":\"/path/variables/variable\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for i4scada devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for i4scada devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for i4scada devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the i4scada device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the i4scada devices, please visitthe dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"alarms\":[\"alarm1\",\"alarm2\"]}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the I4SCADA adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the i4scada adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"address\":\"address\",\"concurrentConnections\":10,\"maxResults\":1000,\"pollInterval\":500,\"userName\":null,\"password\":null}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the i4scada signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the i4scada signals, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"logId\":null,\"signalAlias\":\"signalAlias\",\"logTag\":\"logTag\",\"type\":\"type\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for Modbus devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for Modbus devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for Modbus devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the Modbus device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Modbus devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"id\":\"id\"}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the Modbus adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Modbus adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"address\":\"serveraddress\",\"port\":502,\"pollInterval\":10000,\"reverseRegisters\":true,\"byteIsLittleEndian\":false,\"maxChunkSize\":100,\"maxWasteSize\":30}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the Modbus signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Modbus signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"address\":\"address\",\"length\":1,\"registerType\":registerType,\"dataType\":dataType}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for MQTT devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for MQTT devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for MQTT devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the MQTT device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the MQTT Device, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"host\":\"host\",\"port\":\"portnumber\",\"ssl\":4,\"username\":\"username\",\"password\":\"password\",\"clientId\":\"clientId\",\"parser\":0}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the MQTT adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the MQTT Adapter, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"host\":\"host\",\"port\":\"portnumber\",\"ssl\":4,\"username\":\"username\",\"password\":\"password\",\"clientId\":\"clientId\",\"parser\":0}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the MQTT signal, here are the necessary parameters:
| This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"filter\":null,\"timestamp\":\"timestamp\",\"value\":\"null\",\"topic\":\"topic\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for MSCONS adapters and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for MSCONS adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for MSCONS adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the MSCONS device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the MSCONS adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": {\"address\":\"adapter.com\",\"pollInterval\":500,\"userName\":\"username\",\"password\":null,\"fileTimePattern\":null,\"obisCode\":null}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the MSCONS signals, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the MSCONS signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"locationId\":\"123\",\"obisCode\":\"22222\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for Netbiter devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for Netbiter devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for Netbiter devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the Netbiter device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Netbiter devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"id\":\"idnumber\",\"name\":\"devicename\",\"timezone\":\"timezone\",\"gpsActivated\":false,\"radius\":500,\"longitude\":123.456789,\"latitude\":1.23456789}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the Netbiter adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Netbiter adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"accessKey\":\"accessKeynumber\",\"name\":\"name\",\"id\":idnumber,\"enableAlarms\":true,\"useDataChannel\":false,\"dataChannelUrl\":\"tcp://datachannelUrl\",\"dataChannelPassword\":\"dataChannelPassword\",\"dataChannelUserName\":\"DataChannelUserName\",\"dataChannelLogQueue\":\"LOG\",\"dataChannelAlarmQueue\":\"ALARM\",\"pollInterval\":900000,\"criticalAlarmPriorityId\":null,\"majorAlarmPriorityId\":1,\"minorAlarmPriorityId\":null,\"warningAlarmPriorityId\":null,\"clearedAlarmPriorityId\":null}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the Netbiter signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the Netbiter signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"id\":\"idnumber\",\"name\":\"name\",\"logInterval\":logIntervalnumber,\"deviceName\":\"deviceName\",\"unit\":\"unit\"}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for OPC UA devices, adapters, and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for OPC UA devices, adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for OPC UA devices, adapters, and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Device | In order to define the configuration for the OPC UA device, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the OPC UA devices, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example: "configuration": "{\"subscriptionId\":\"SubscriptionId\"}" |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the OPC UA adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the OPC UA adapters, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example: "configuration": {"url":"/url","securityMode":"None","securityPolicyUri":"/securityPolicyUri","userTokenType":"userTokenType","userName":"username","password":"pasword","autoAcceptUntrustedCertificates":true,"subjectName":"subjectName","subscriptions":[{"id":"Test"}]} |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the OPC UA signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the OPC UA signals, please check the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example: "configuration": "{\"namespaceUri\":\"namespaceUri/\",\"identifierType\":\"String\",\"identifier\":\"identifier\",\"attributeId\":13}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for SQL adapters
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for SQL adapters.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for SQL adapters. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the SQL adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the SQL adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example. "configuration": "{\"commandText\":\"SELECT column1, column2 FROM table1, table2 WHERE column2='value';\",\"connectionString\":\"connectionString\",\"pollInterval\":60000}" |
i4connected Import Service JSON for WEBfactory adapters and signals
Check out this article and learn more details about configuring i4connected Import Service JSON for WEBfactory adapters, and signals.
The following article describes the needed configuration parameters of a JSON file for WEBfactory adapters and signals. For more details on how to prepare your JSON files, please check the dedicated article, here.
Entity | Configuration parameters | Example |
Adapter | In order to define the configuration for the WEBfactory adapter, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the WEBfactory adapters, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example: "configuration": "{\"address\":\"address\",\"concurrentConnections\":10,\"maxResults\":1000,\"pollInterval\":500,\"version\":\"V34\",\"userName\":null,\"password\":null}" |
Signal | In order to define the configuration for the WEBfactory signal, here are the necessary parameters:
TipFor more details about the WEBfactory signals, please visit the dedicated article, here. | This is an example. Please make sure to fill in your custom data when using the below JSON example: "configuration": "{\"logId\":null,\"signalAlias\":\"SignalAlias\",\"logTag\":\"logTag",\"type\":\"Double\"}" |