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i4connected Knowledge Base

Getting started


Check out this article to learn a few easy steps on how to install and log into the i4connected MobileApp.


Additionally, please note that the i4connected MobileApp is compatible with i4connected 5.5 and higher.

Installing the application

The i4connected Mobile App is available for free download on one of the following supported app marketplaces:


i4connected Mobile App for Android

By selecting the Install button the application is installed on the device and the user can decide to open it, directly from the Store.

Alternatively, the application can be opened later on by accessing the app icon, on the device. At the first use, the application will require from the user the Token endpoint and the API endpoint.


Token and API endpoints

TOKEN_ENDPOINT: 'https:// URL>/identity/connect/token'    

API_ENDPOINT: 'https://<Your URL>/api'

After providing both Token and API endpoints, the Save button is enabled. By pressing the Save button, the application is opened.

Logging into the application

In login view, the user is required to type in the User name and the Password.


The user name field is case-sensitive.


Login interface

By pressing on the Language selector, a list of various languages pops up. By default, the English language is set up. To change the language, mark the radio button corresponding to the desired option and press the OK button.

After filling in the User name and the Password, the green Login button becomes active, allowing the user to enter the application.


Login enabled


In case the User name or the password is incorrect, the Login dialog displays an "Authorization failed" message. Consequently, both User name and Password are removed, allowing the user to retype them.