Version 5.6.17
Check out the list of Changes and Fixed Bugs processed for the i4connected 5.6.17 version. Upgrade and enjoy our new features!
ID | Description |
I4C-2660 | Entities can be added or updated in bulk with the help of the new Importer Service TipFor more details, please visit the dedicated article, here. |
I4C-2663 | Move area or organizational unit to a new parent TipFor more details, please visit the dedicated article, here. |
I4C-2681 | Change the color of the pin in the map to the color according to the color of the event priority TipFor more details, please visit the dedicated article, here. |
I4C-2708 | Possibility to automatically log out a user TipFor more details, please visit the dedicated article, here. |
I4C-2739 | Upgrade identity and invitation app to .NET Core 6.0 |
I4C-2749 | Implement groupEntities and groupEntity selector under Parameters selector area for Event Ranking dashboard TipFor more details, please visit the dedicated article, here. |
Fixed Bugs
ID | Description |
I4C-2740 | Increased loading time after update (isolated case) |
I4C-2691 | Various issues appear when editing the eventRankings parameters |
I4C-2770 | The print API doesn't get called if the user clicks at the print/pdf button |
I4C-2780 | i4designer default application is not displayed in an area |
I4C-2756 | Historical event scripts do not take into account the latest values of the parameter signal |
I4C-2803 | Using metadata in a script does not give the content of the metadata |
I4C-2805 | Notification in the identity application crashes the complete view if setting app.notification.message is null and displayMode is enabled for the login page |
I4C-2612 | Azure-IOT Device filter settings do not behave as expected |
I4C-2810 | The server keeps crashing because of WebSocket errors (isolated case) |
I4C-1677 | The Sub-Areas list is not populated when opening the Areas panel, using the Areas tile |
I4C-1291 | The Preview button in the manageApplication panel does not work, when Navigation Parameters are used which have a space or any other special character in it. |
I4C-2821 | Errors appear in email notification profiles due to a 4096 characters limit |
I4C-2794 | Cannot redirect to the end session endpoint, the configuration may be missing or invalid. Logout is not working |
I4C-2848 | Events are not acknowledged/closed in the online alarms although values are available (isolated case) |
I4C-2865 | Brand-specific design customization issues after i4connected update |
I4C-2102 | The initial parameter on the orgUnitConsumption tile is not working after copying from the setup page |
I4C-2827 | Telegram Module should not print an error when starting and bot name is not set |
I4C-2799 | Browsing of i4scada adapter does not work |
I4C-1264 | if the object filter is preselected with object types in the configuration the list is empty |
I4C-1293 | The manageApplication panel corrupts the Parameter JSON , if an empty Navigation parameter is added. |
I4C-2922 | Entity variables cannot be added for entities where past values don't exist |
I4C-2786 | The reporting server triggers an error for the maximum message size quota for incoming messages |
New Settings
The following settings were introduced to the appsettings.json file since version 5.6.17:
Relevance | Setting | Description |
API | CookieAuthentication | The CookieAuthentication settings allow the user to customize the web session duration and behavior that are applied to all system users. The CookieAuthentication settings are:
TipFor more details about this setting, please visit the dedicated tutorial here. |
RabbitMQ | The Import Service feature introduced the following settings:
TipFor more details on how to install the Import Service, please visit the dedicated article, here. Read more about the Import Configuration function, here. | |
Identity | CookieAuthentication | The CookieAuthentication settings allow the user to customize the web session duration and behavior that are applied to all system users. The CookieAuthentication settings are:
TipFor more details about this setting, please visit the dedicated tutorial here. |
RabbitMQ | The Import Service feature introduced the following settings:
TipFor more details on how to install the Import Service, please visit the dedicated article, here. Read more about the Import Configuration function, here. |
The following settings were introduced to the app.config file since version 5.6.17:
Relevance | Setting | Description |
Server | rabbitMQ:BulkCopyTimeout | The custom timeout value for copying the bulk data publishing. It is by default set to: " value="00:15:00" |
rabbitMQ:SqlOperationTimeout | The custom timeout value for the SQL operation. It is by default set to: " value="00:15:00" | |
rabbitMQ:Uri | The Url pointing towards the RabbitMQ Server TipThe Url will be formatted as follows: amqp://user:pass@host:port/vs. | |
rabbitMQ:EffectivePermissionsExchange | The name of the RabbitMQ Exchange. ImportantIn case you are using your own RabbitMQ server, please provide the WEBfactory team with the name of your RabbitMQ Exchange. Please also make sure that yourRabbitMQ Exchange meets the following requirements:
| |
rabbitMQ:EffectivePermissionsQueueName | The name of the Queue configured in the RabbitMQ Server application. | |
rabbitMQ:RetryTimeout | The custom timeout value for retrying the data publishing. It is by default set to: " value="00:05:00". |
Removed settings
Since version 5.6.17, the following settings have been removed from the appsettings.json file of the API:
"EffectivePermissions": { "RabbitMqUri": "amqp://localhost", amqp://user:password@host:port/vh "RabbitMqExchange": "new name", "ConfirmPublishTimeout": "00:00:05"}
Since version 5.6.17, the following settings have been removed from the identity appsettings.json file:
"EffectivePermissions": { "RabbitMqUri": "amqp://localhost" "RabbitMqExchange": "effective.permissions"}
Since version 5.6.17, the following settings have been removed from the app.config file of the server:
<!--<add key="effectivePermissions:BulkCopyTimeout" value="00:15:00" />--><!--<add key="effectivePermissions:SqlOperationTimeout" value="00:15:00" />--><!--<add key="effectivePermissions:RabbitMqUri" value="amqp://user:pass@localhost:5297/vs" />--><!--<add key="effectivePermissions:RabbitMqExchange" value="effective.permissions" />--><!--<add key="effectivePermissions:RabbitMqQueueName" value="effectivePermissions" />--><!--<add key="effectivePermissions:RetryTimeout" value="00:05:00" />-->