Suppressing Alarms for Devices
Check out this article and learn more details about the possibility to suppress alarms in manual or scheduled mode, in the context of specific devices.
Whenever there is a need to take a device out of the i4connected system – for example, for maintenance work – there is a potential that simply stopping the device will cause an alarm shower in the system. This results in unnecessary work for users to acknowledge/close some event occurrences that look like issues, but that really arise from the device being taken out for maintenance.
In order to avoid such situations, users having the Manage Devices permission enabled, the alarms for a Device can be suppressed for the duration of the maintenance tasks, using the Alarm Suppression feature, introduced along with version 5.6.16 of i4connected.
Suppressing Alarms in Manual mode
To turn on the Alarm suppression for a Device, using the Manual mode, please proceed as follows:
Open a Site in detailed view mode and click on the Devices tile.
The list of Devices associated with that Site is opened. Select the Device for which you need to overwrite the priority of the events.
Click the Edit toolbar button, to open the Device in edit mode.
Scroll down the Edit Device panel until reaching the Alarm suppression section.
For more details about the management of Devices, please also visit the dedicated articles, here.
Click on the Suppression mode selector and choose the Manual mode.
Enable the Manual alarm suppression by setting the toggle button to "Enabled".
Click the Save and Close button of the Edit Device panel, to preserve your changes.
Once your changes have been saved the Device details panel will show an additional button, where details about the Alarm suppression can be seen.
Also the Device card, in the Devices list, will show an additional icon indicating that Alarm suppression is turned on.
Next, let's trigger an event in the context of this Device, by clicking the Publish Manual Alarm toolbar button.
Select an Event from the Manual Alarms list.
Type in a comment and click the Publish button.
For this tutorial, we shall leave the Alarm priority set to "Use system default". The expectation is that no alarm will be triggered, as long as the Alarm suppression is turned on.
The event is published but no new alarm is triggered for it.
As long as the alarm suppression is enabled, on Manual mode, no alarms will be triggered in the Device's context. To resume alarms, the user needs to manually disable the Alarm suppression, in the Edit device panel.
Suppressing Alarms in Scheduled mode
To schedule the Alarms suppression for a Device, please proceed as follows:
Open a Site in detailed view mode and click on the Devices tile.
The list of Devices associated with that Site is opened. Select the Device for which you need to overwrite the priority of the events.
Click the Edit toolbar button, to open the Device in edit mode.
Scroll down the Edit Device panel until reaching the Alarm suppression section.
For more details about the management of Devices, please also visit the dedicated articles, here.
Click on the Suppression mode selector and choose the Scheduled mode.
Select the Start Date and the End Date, using the Calendar views. Within this time interval, no alarms will be triggered for this Device.
Click the Save and Close button of the Edit Device panel, to preserve your changes.
Once your changes have been saved the Device details panel will show an additional button, where details about the Alarm suppression can be seen.
Also the Device card, in the Devices list, will show an additional icon indicating that Alarm suppression is turned on.
Next, let's trigger an event in the context of this Device, by clicking the Publish Manual Alarm toolbar button.
Select an Event from the Manual Alarms list.
Type in a comment and click the Publish button.
For this tutorial, we shall leave the Alarm priority set to "Use system default". The expectation is that no alarm will be triggered during the selected time interval.
The event is published but no new alarm is triggered for it.
As long as the alarm suppression is enabled, on Scheduled mode, no alarms will be triggered in the Device's context, during the selected time interval. As soon as the selected time interval ends, the alarms flow will be automatically resumed.