Devices Management
Check out this article to learn how to manage i4connected Devices and understand the functionality they have in the application.
The Device Management article's scope is to provide guidance to Ewon by HMS Networks users regarding Devices. At the level of i4connected, Devices serve as sources for the Signals and their measurements.
Devices can be managed in the context of a hierarchical entity (Organizational Unit, Site, or Area) by clicking the Devices tile. However, the actual list of devices will only be visible to users having at least the View devices permission enabled.
Depending on the selected hierarchical entity, the Devices tile can be displayed differently, as follows:
Sites - As Sites are physical business locations, the Devices tile counter displays the total amount of Devices assigned to the Site and its Areas.
Hence, even though a Device has been assigned to an Area of a Site, its assignment will be propagated to the Site's structure, as well.
As some Devices can be assigned to both Sites / Areas and Organizational Units, the user opening the Site, needs to have the View Organizational Units / View all Organizational Units permissions enabled, to see those devices, as well.
The Devices tile of a Site panel
Areas - As Areas are granular structures of a Site, the Devices tile counter displays the number of Devices directly assigned to the Area and the total amount of Devices obtained through both direct assignment and inheritance.
Hence, the Devices tile will also count the Devices of Sub-Areas.
As some Devices can be assigned to both Sites / Areas and Organizational Units, the user opening the Site, needs to have the View Organizational Units / View all Organizational Units permissions enabled, to see those devices, as well.
The Device tile of an Area panel
Organizational Units - Organizational Units are structural units that do not have physical correspondence like Sites do. As Organizational Units can be structured in multiple Sub-Organizational Units, the Devices tile displays the number of Devices directly assigned to an Organizational Unit and the total amount of Devices obtained through both direct assignment and inheritance.
Hence, the Devices tile will also count the Devices of Sub-Organizational Units.
As some Devices can be assigned to both Sites / Areas and Organizational Units, the user opening the Organizational Unit, needs to have the View Sites and Areas / View all Sites and Areas permissions enabled, to see those devices, as well.
The Devices tile of an Organizational Unit panel