Synchronizing Areas
Check out this article and learn more details about the i4connected Areas synchronization function and how it works.
Users having the Manage applications permission enabled, can synchronize i4connected Areas, to an i4designer project, using the Synchronize Areas toolbar button.
Clicking this button opens the Synchronize Areas panel. On the first use, the list of Areas is, by default, empty.
To add items to the list, the user can click the Add toolbar button. Areas can be selected for synchronization, from the Select Areas panel.
The Select Areas panel lists all the Areas available for the currently logged-in user. To aid users with pinpointing the Areas to be synchronized with an i4designer project, the list features a simple filtering mechanism.
In this view, the user can either individually select some of the listed Areas, or click the Select All toolbar button, to apply the selection to the entire list.
After selecting the desired Areas, the user needs to click the Select button, located at the bottom left side of the Select Areas panel, to add the entities to the Synchronize Areas panel.
By clicking the Refresh button in the toolbar of the Select Areas panel will remove all your selections, without further notice.
Once the Synchronize Areas panel is populated with the selected entities, the listed Areas will be accompanied by the Not synchronized icon , until the user clicks the Synchronize Areas toolbar button.
Clicking the Synchronize Areas button parses the list of Areas to the associated i4designer project. Upon a successful synchronization, the icon is removed and a toast confirmation message is displayed.
Synchronized and unsynchronized Areas can be removed from the list, as follows:
by individually clicking the Delete button of all the Areas that need to be removed.
by clicking the Remove all toolbar button, to empty the list.
After removing Areas, the list needs to be resynchronized.
Removing Areas from this view does NOT delete the Area itself.
The Refresh toolbar button can be used, to manually update the list of Areas. However, as earlier indicated, if there are any unsynchronized Areas in the list, these will be removed when using the refresh option.
Further on, users having the Manage Sites and Areas permission enabled, can also open the listed Areas in edit mode, in order to process further changes.
For more details about the management of Areas, please also visit the dedicated article, here.
Since the list of Areas considers the security level of the currently logged-in user, some Areas may display the Purged icon .
The Purged icon marks all the Areas that have been previously synchronized with the i4designer project, but otherwise are not accessible for the currently logged-in user.
Since the user cannot synchronize these Areas, with an i4designer project, the user can click the Remove incorrect Areas toolbar button, in order to clean up the list.
In case the list contains both incorrect and correct Areas, the user can proceed with the synchronization operation, without being obliged to purge incorrect Areas.
For more details about the i4designer integration with i4connected, please also visit our online technical documentation, here.