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i4connected Knowledge Base

Measures import tool


This article provides information regarding the measures data import procedure and the required Excel template.

This article provides information regarding the measures data import procedure and the required Excel template.

The measures data import in i4connected is done by uploading the appropriate Excel document, containing all the required information, in the administration section of the i4connected portal by clicking the Measures Import tile.


The Measures Import tile

The Measures Import panel allows the Admin user with the possibility to upload measurements using an Excel file, structures as described in the following sections.


The Measures Import panel

The Measures Data Import template

The Excel template used for importing measures data in the i4connected is a classic spreadsheet having the following columns:

Column Name



The location where the measures are being applied

Organizational Unit

Organizational Unit matching the existing Organizational Unit from the database.


The UNIQUE number of the measure


The title of the measure


The status of the measure:

  • Status 1 - the potential savings are identified

  • Status 2 - the potential savings are validated

  • Status 3 - the measure for achieving the potential savings is decided

  • Status 4 - the measure for achieving the potential savings is implemented

  • Status 5 - the savings achieved by the measure are confirmed

  • Status 9 - the measure is uneconomical or postponed

Current Date

The most recent date when the measure changed its status

Expected Date for Status 4

The date when the measure is expected to reach Status 4

Expected Date for Status 5

The date when the measure is expected to reach Status 5

Created On

The date when the measure was created


The person responsible for the measure

Media type

The media types affected by the measure


The general description of the savings implied by the measure


The workshop in which the measure and its implementation is explained

Workshop Host

The person responsible for the workshop

Workshop Starts On

Workshop start date

Workshop Ends On

Workshop end date


The origin of the measure idea

Energy Cycle

The area of energy production or energy consumption


Production trade (e.x. Plastics, Wheels, etc.)


The exact media for which the measurement is applied


The amount of money required to implement the measure

Running costs

The amount of money required to run the measure


The potential amount of money to be saved each year


The number of years required to cover the investment and the running costs


The country where the measure is applied


The city where the measure is applied


The potential savings for electricity in MWh

CO2 Emission Factor

The CO2 emission factor for electricity

CO2 Emission

The total CO2 emission for electricity


The potential savings for heating in MWh

CO2 Emission Factor

The CO2 emission factor for heating

CO2 Emission

The total CO2 emission for heating


The potential savings for gas in MWh

CO2 Emission Factor

The CO2 emission factor for gas

CO2 Emission

The total CO2 emission for gas


The potential savings for fuel in MWh

CO2 Emission Factor

The CO2 emission factor for fuel

CO2 Emission

The total CO2 emission for fuel

Total CO2 Reduction

The total amount of CO2 that is not released


The expected savings for water


The expected savings for other media types

Final Situation

The description of the goal

Initial Situation

The description of the current situation


Additional remarks

Calculation / Explanation

The calculation for savings

Deadline Status

The days left to finish

Stopped At Status 9

The explanation why the measure switched to Status 9

Status 9 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 9

Last Change Date

The date of the last measure change

Responsible for Change

The person responsible for the last change

Up to Date

A flag that states if the entry is up to date

Status 4 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 4

Status 5 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 5

VOC Emissions

The savings for VOC emissions


The savings for waste

Toxic Waste

The savings for toxic waste

Source measure number

The number of the source measure

Attached Files No.

The number of attached files

Expected Date for Status 2

The date when the measure is expected to reach Status 2

Expected Date for Status 3

The date when the measure is expected to reach Status 3

Status 1 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 1

Status 2 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 2

Status 3 Date

The date when the measure switched to Status 3

Calculation Methods

In order to correctly insert the data in the import template columns, the method that i4connected uses to display the data must be understood.

If the data is not placed correctly in the import template's columns, i4connected will not display the measures data correctly in the measures section.

Total savings for a specific status

i4connected calculates the total savings for a given status by summing all the values of the Savings column for all the measures which have the same given status. For example, the total savings for the measures at status 3 (measures that have been decided upon) would be calculated in a manner similar to this scheme:


Total savings for a specific status

Total energy savings for a specific status

i4connected calculates the total energy savings for a given status by summing all the values of the Electricity, Gas , and Heating columns for all the measures which have the same given status. For example, the total savings for the measures at status 3 (measures that have been decided upon) would be calculated in a manner similar to this scheme:


Total energy savings for a specific status

Filtering criteria based on time selection

i4connected computes the filtering criteria based on the Status, Expected Date for Status 4 , and Current Date columns from the measures data import template and the intersections of the predefined Goals time interval, current year, and the user-selected time interval.

The Goal's start and end years are configurable within the i4connected portal.

The default selected time interval, if the user doesn't make any time selection, is the current year.

There are three predefined rules of filtering the measures in i4connected:

  1. Filtering for Status 1 (identified potential savings) - All the measures are displayed, considering that all the measures are based on the potential savings that their implementation would provide.

  2. Filtering for Status 2 or 3 (the potential savings are validated or the measures have been decided upon but are not implemented yet) - Displays all the measures that have the Status 2 or 3 and their Expected Date for Status 4 date (the date to be implemented) is anywhere inside the time range defined by the intersection of the user-selected interval and the interval between the beginning of the current year and the end of the Goal's final year.


    Filtering for status 2 or 3

  3. Filtering for Status 4, 5, or 9 (the implemented measures, including those with already confirmed savings and uneconomical/postponed ones) - Displays all the measures that have the Status 4, 5, or 9 and their Current Date date (the date of the latest status change) is anywhere inside the time range defined by the intersection of the user-selected interval and the interval between the beginning of the Goal's start year and the end of the current year.

Scatter diagram calculation

On the Scatter diagram, each measure is represented using two defining values, Savings, and Payback. The Savings value determines the position on the vertical axis and the Payback determines the position on the horizontal axis. The intersection of these two values in the Cartesian space represents the measure.

The Payback value of the measure in the Scatter diagram corresponds to the value from the Payback column inside the data import template.

The Savings value is calculated as the sum of the values from the Electricity, Heating, and Gas columns inside the data import table.

Other Scatter diagram information like the Measurement Number or the Title have direct correspondence with the columns inside the data import template:

  • The Measurement Number value is taken from the Number column.

  • The Title value is taken from the Title column.