Custom field definitions
Check out this article and learn more details on how to insert additional information to i4connected entities and use it for filtering operations.
Custom field definitions are a means for supplying arbitrary extra information to an entity.
System administrators having the Manage configuration permission enabled, can see the list of Custom field definitions in the panel with the same name.

The Custom field definitions list
Custom field definitions are represented as cards in a scrollable list view. Each Custom field definition card displays the item name and description (if any description is available).
The order of the listed items can be adjusted, by dragging an item and dropping it to the desired position. The list order will be maintained when displaying the metadata in the detailed view mode of the supported entities.

Dragging a listed item to change its position
The Custom field definitions panel provides a simple filtering mechanism, allowing the user to easily pinpoint the searched items.
For more details about the simple filtering mechanism please also visit the dedicated article.
Adding new Custom field definitions
The Custom field definitions panel can be accessed in the context of the following entities:
System administrators having the Manage configuration permission enabled, can create new Custom field definitions by clicking the Add toolbar button.

The Add button
The Add custom field definition panel features the following parameters:

The Add Custom field definition panel
Name - sets the name of the new Custom definition rule, that will be visible in all the featured contexts.
The Name of Custom field definitions can no longer be updated after saving the entity.
Description - sets a user-friendly description of the new Custom field definition.
Type - sets the Custom field definition type, allowing the user to choose from the following options:
The Custom field definition types
Text - expects a string value.
Email - expects an email address.
Integer - expects an numerical (integer) value.
Decimal - expects a numerical (decimal) value.
Date - expects a start and an end date value.
Time - expects a start and an end time value.
DateTime - expects a start and an end date and time value.
URL - expects an URL value.
Enumeration - expects an array of string values. The values inserted in the Allowed values field should be unique and distributed one per row.
Boolean - expects a Boolean variable, allowing the user to choose between Yes and No values.
Searchable - if the Searchable toggle button is set to yes, the Custom field definition will be available as an advanced filter, under the Object filters panel.
Display - if the Display toggle button is set to yes, the Custom field definition will be visible in the Add / Edit entity panels.
Validation rules
Required - if the Required toggle button is set to yes, the Custom field definition will be mandatory in the Add / Edit entity panels.
Additional type specific settings - depending on the supplied data type, Custom field definitions can also feature a set of validation rules, that can be introduced by filling in the following parameters:
Min length - specifies the minimum allowed number of characters.
Max length - specifies the maximum allowed number of characters.
Regular expression - also known as regex or rational expression, is a sequence of characters that can define a pattern. When setting the entity metadata for this Custom field definition, the user will be required to insert a value that passes the regular expression pattern.
Min length - specifies the minimum number of characters allowed for the Email address.
Max length - specifies the maximum number of characters allowed for the Email address.
Regular expression - also known as regex or rational expression, is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Depending on the value(s) introduced in this field, all Custom field definitions having the Searchable flag set to true will be available as searchable items, under advanced Object filters. The user can type in the value of the Regular expression to easily pinpoint the searched entity.
Min value - specifies the minimum allowed value of integer variables.
Max value - specifies the maximum allowed value of integer variables.
The number 2,147,483,647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing. It is therefore the maximum value for variables declared as integers
Min value - specifies the minimum allowed value of decimal variables.
Max value - specifies the maximum allowed value of decimal variables.
Min value - specifies the minimum date allowed.
Max value - specifies the maximum date allowed.
Min value - specifies the minimum time allowed.
Max value - specifies the maximum time allowed.
Date Time
Min value - specifies the minimum date and time allowed.
Max value - specifies the minimum date and time allowed.
Min length - specifies the minimum allowed number of characters.
Max length - specifies the maximum number of characters allowed for the Email address.
Regular expression - also known as regex or rational expression, is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Depending on the value(s) introduced in this field, all Custom field definitions having the Searchable flag set to true will be available as searchable items, under advanced Object filters. The user can type in the value of the Regular expression to easily pinpoint the searched entity.
Allowed values - specifies the list items of the drop-down list.
The user can add multiple Custom field definitions with the same type, as they will all be available in the Add / Edit entity panels.
After filling in all the desired parameters, the user can click the Save button to preserve the changes, or the Cancel button to close the panel without storing the changes.
Editing Custom field definitions
Users having the Manage configuration permission enabled can open Custom field definitions in edit mode, by clicking the Edit button of the entity to be updated.

Opening a Custom field definition in edit mode
In the Edit Custom field definition panel, the user can change all the parameters, except for the Custom field definition's Name. The Name field becomes uneditable immediately after the Custom field definition is created.

The Edit Custom field definition panel
After updating all the desired parameters, the user can click the Save button to preserve the changes, or the Cancel button to close the panel without storing the changes.
Deleting Custom field definitions
Redundant Custom field definitions can be removed by users having the Manage configuration permission enabled, by clicking the Delete button from the Edit Custom field definitions panel.

The Delete button
The Delete custom-field panel obliges the user to acknowledge the consequences of the deletion operation and confirm the change, by typing in the designated field the provided confirmation code.

The Delete Custom field definition panel
To proceed with the deletion, the user can press the Delete button, located at the bottom of the panel. Deletion is processed in the background and as soon as the operation is finished the Custom field definitions panel and the entities using it are updated.