Logging in i4connected with a Windows Domain Account
Check out this article and learn how to login into the i4connected portal using your Windows Domain Account. We prepared this for your own convenience.
If you desire to log into the i4connected portal using your Windows Domain Account, please follow the below-described steps:
Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) application.
Select the i4connected Web Site, select the Authentication module and enable the Windows Authentication.
In the Database proceed with the following settings:
Open ClientRedirectUris and add the valid portal URL for the ClientId corresponding to the JS client (by default should be ID 1).
Open the ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris table and add the valid portal URL associated with the ClientID of the JS Client (by default should be ID 1).
Open ClientGrantTypes and make sure that at least the GrantType Implicit is associated with the JS client (by default should be ID 1).
These steps will enable the i4connected login ONLY for Windows Users. To allow access to both Windows Users and i4connected portal Users, you need to create associations of both implicit and password grant types with the same JS client, as shown in the picture below: