Role assignments
This article describes the role assignment methods and their overall interaction with the users and hierarchical entities.
Once roles are defined they can be assigned to users, hierarchical entities, tiles, and pages. All the listed items can have one or more roles.
However, when it comes to users, the role assignments can take place on different levels, as follows:
Global role assignment is performed directly at the user level, by selecting a user and choosing the user roles.
For more details on User roles please also check this article.
Hierarchical role assignment - is performed indirectly at the hierarchy level, by selecting the hierarchical entity and choosing the entity role. The hierarchical entities allowing role assignments are Organizational Units, Sites, Areas, Devices, and Signals.
For more details on Hierarchical role assignments, you can visit the following articles: Sites Management, Areas Management, Organizational Units Management, Devices Management , and Signals Management.
Linked role assignments - is performed at the Role level, by selecting a Role and choosing other Roles as linked. The Linked role assignments can also be of two types:
Directly linked roles are those roles that have been specifically linked to a role.
Indirectly linked roles are those roles that have been inherited from a previous direct link action.
For more details on Linked role, assignments please also check this article.
Besides the above-listed role assignment levels, roles can also be assigned to Pages and Tiles, by users having the necessary permissions to edit or add them, However, any role assigned either globally or hierarchically will be considered when the page/tile access is determined.
Users having at least the "Manage users" permission can assign roles to other users and grant them access to certain entities (Organizational Units, Sites, Areas, Devices, or Signals).
User/ Entity/ Role Mappings
The user/ entity/ role mapping can be added in two directions:
From an entity (by adding users to entities)
From a user (by assigning him/her to entities)
In both cases, an invitation mechanism is triggered, which delivers an email to the involved user. The email contains information about the involved entity and the provided access role.