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WEBfactory 2010

StringPlaceholdersResolver SDK


Check out this article and learn more details about the WEBfactory 2010 StringPlaceholdersResolver SDK.

For SDK Developers

To use the StringPlacehodersResolver class, WFShared.dll library must be referenced to the project.

Also, StringPlacehodersResolver class needs the using "using WFSilverlight.Shared" to be stated in the usings section of the code.

WFShared.dll library can be found in WEBfactory 2010 /Silverlight/Standard folder

The StringPlacehodersResolver class has the Resolve method, which when executed, calls another method named BuildSignalName.

StringPlacehodersResolver class must be called when the template of the project is applied, and must run only at runtime.

public override void OnApplyTemplate() \\ the class is called when the template is applied
            bool inDesignTool = DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool;

            if (!inDesignTool) \\ the class is called at runtime and not at designtime
				if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SignalName))
					\\ SignalPrefix property only exist in WF standard controls
					this.SignalName = StringPlaceholdersResolver.Resolve(this.SignalName, this); 
															\\ the Resolve method of the StringPlaceholdersResolver class is called

All placeholders coming from standard parameters (e.g. [OID]) or from the parameter control (WFNavigationParameterControl, e.g. [PC:signal]) will be resolved at runtime in the related string property