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WEBfactory 2010

WEBfactory 2010 WCF Logbook Documentation

This WCF web service handles all the Logbook related operations. The following methods are available:

AddLogbookEntry(LogbookEntryDTO logbookEntryDTO)


AddLogbookEntry(LogbookEntryDTO logbookEntryDTO);


Adds a new entry in Logbook, based on the provided DTO


logbookEntryDTO (LogbookEntryDTO) - the Logbook entry data transfer object, containing:

  • ID (guid) - the unique id of the entry

  • CreatedOn (DateTime) - the date and time of the entry

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the new entry

  • Author (string) - the author of the new entry

  • Subject (string) - the subject of the new entry

  • Body (string) - the body of the new entry

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the new entry. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.

Return Value


GetLogbookEntries(LogbookEntryQueryDTO logbookEntryQueryDTO)


GetLogbookEntries(LogbookEntryQueryDTO logbookEntryQueryDTO);


Retrieves Logbook entries based on the provided query DTO


logbookEntryQueryDTO (LogbookEntryQueryDTO) - the Logbook entry query data transfer object, containing:

  • TopN (int) - the number of (first) entries to be retrieved

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the entries

  • Author (string) - the author of the entries

  • From (DateTime?) - the optional date and time of the first entry to be retrieved

  • To (DateTime?) - the optional date and time of the last entry to be retrieved

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the entries. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.

Return Value

A list of LogbookEntryDTO objects, each corresponding to one retrieved logbook entry and containing:

  • ID (guid) - the unique id of the entry

  • CreatedOn (DateTime) - the date and time of the entry

  • Topic (string) - the topic of the new entry

  • Author (string) - the author of the new entry

  • Subject (string) - the subject of the new entry

  • Body (string) - the body of the new entry

  • Format (RichContentFormat) - the format of the new entry. Can be: Text, Xaml, Html, Docx, Rtf or MsRichTextBoxXaml.





Retrieves all available Logbook topics



Return Value

A list of strings representing the Logbook topics