WFExtendedNumericDisplay displays the numeric value of a selected signal, allowing the user to switch between two different measurement units. The control has the ability to scale the value depending on the displayed unit.

WFExtendedNumericDisplay, showing the same value using two different units.
Advanced security - the WFExtendedNumericDisplay control offers the complete security options, keeping away the unnecessary complications.
Custom value display - the user can select one of the two standard digital styles or customize the font properties of the WFExtendedNumericDisplay control, making the text display control fit any project requirement.
Precision - the WFExtendedNumericDisplay control allows the user to customize the precision of the value (the number of decimals displayed).
Multiple measurement units - the WFExtendedNumericDisplay control provides the option to switch between two pre-defined measurement units and automatically scale the value.
Run-time Features
The run-time features section describes the controls features at run time.
Two measurement units
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay control allows the user to set up two different measurement units, each with proper scale factors. In the example displayed below, the first unit is cm (centimeters), with a scale factor of 1, and the second unit is mm (millimeters), with a scale factor of 10 (1 cm = 10 mm).

WFExtendedNumericDisplay, showing the same value using two different units.
Run time unit switching
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay control allows the user to toggle between the two measurement units at run time. The toggling between the units is controlled by the UnitSignalName, which must be set up at design time. When the value of the UnitSignalName is 0, the first unit (Unit1) is displayed, and the value is scaled according to the unit's scale factor. If the UnitSignalName value is not 0, the second unit (Unit2) is displayed and the value is adjusted according to the second unit's scale factor.
Design-time Features
The design-time Features section describes the controls features at design time.
Units and scale factors
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay control allows the user configure two different measurement units and proper scale factors for each unit.
This feature can be found under the Configuration category (SmartEditor) or States tab (Blend).
Text customization
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay control allows the user to customize the font and color of the text.
This feature can be found under the Appearance category (SmartEditor) or Text category (Blend).
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay control provides the option to set up the number of decimals the value will be written with.
This feature can be found under the Configuration category (SmartEditor) or Default tab (Blend).
Advanced Security
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay allows the user to customize the authorizations based security options.
This feature can be found under the Security category (SmartEditor) or Misc tab (Blend).
Design-time Properties
The WFExtendedNumericDisplay properties are available in the Properties panel:
ObjectID - allows the user to define an object ID for the WFExtendedNumericDisplay control, that can be passed as SignalPrefix when using parameter passing in navigation.
SignalPrefix - allows the user to select a signal prefix that can be passed when using parameter control and parameter passing in navigation. The signal prefix can be the ObjectName, ObjectName_PageSignalPrefix, PageSignalPrefix or PageSignalPrefix_ObjectName.
SignalName - allows the user to select a signal (using the SignalBrowser of by typing the signal name in the text box). The selected signal's value will be displayed by the control at run time.
Precision - the number of decimals of the numeric value.
SecurityAuthorizationName - allows the user to select an authorization group. The members of the selected authorization group will have access to the control.
SecurityDenyAccessBehaviour - allows the user to select a behavior that will be active when a user that doesn't belong to the above selected authorization group logs in. The action can either be disabled or hidden.
VisibilityMask - the binary mask used for displaying or hiding the control. The control uses the bitwise AND operation between the binary value of the signal set at the VisibilitySignalName property and the binary value of the mask. This bitwise AND operation must equate to the binary value of the mask in order to be true (e.g. Signal & Mask = Mask). The control is hidden when the bitwise operation is true and visible when the bitwise operation is false.
VisibilitySignalName - the signal that will control the visibility of the control. The binary value of the selected signal is used together with the VisibilityMask binary value to toggle between the control's visible or hidden states.
UnitSignalName - allows the user to select a signal that will control the unit switching at run time. If the value of the selected signal is equal to 0, the first unit will be displayed and the signal value displayed by the control will be properly scaled. If the value if the selected signal is not equal to 0, the second unit will be displayed and the signal value displayed by the control will be properly scaled.
UnitSignalNameMask - allows the user to apply a binary mask for the UnitSignalName. A binary AND operator will be used between the UnitSignalNameMask and the UnitSignalName value. If the result of the AND operation equals with the UnitSignalNameMask value, the first unit will be displayed and the proper scale factor will be applied. If the result of the AND operation is different than the UnitSignalNameMask value, the second unit will be displayed and the second scale factor will be applied.
Unit1 - the first measurement unit for the signal value.
Unit2 - the second measurement unit for the signal value.
Unit1ScaleFactor - the scale factor for the first unit. The signal value will be multiplied with the value of the scale factor.
Unit2ScaleFactor - the scale factor for the second unit. The signal value will be multiplied with the value of the scale factor.