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WEBfactory 2010


WFNavigationComboBox1 allows the user to select the navigation page to be displayed in the navigation frame using a combo-box menu. It also supports visual customization and multiple visual states driven by the value of a signal. In addition, all the WEBfactory specific properties like Advanced Security and Translations are available.


The WFNavigationComboBox1 control shares the following common features of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also provides the following particular features:

Visually enhanced options

At run-time, the WFNavigationComboBox1 control can display icons for every option provided in the combo-box menu. These icons can be configured at design-time using the Navigations editor available in the Navigation property category.

Design-time properties

The WFNavigationComboBox1 control shares the following common design-time properties of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also exposes the following particular properties:

Configuration properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - General category.

  • SelectedIndex - allows the user to select combo-box option that will be selected by default at run time. The numbering of the options starts with 0. The value -1 stands for no default selection.

Misc properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following property is not available.

  • IsTabStop - is selected, the control will be selectable with the Tab keyboard button.

Layout properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - General category.

  • TextAlignment - the vertical alignment of the textual content. This setting is overridden by any other HorizontalContentAlignment option but Justified.

Navigation properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - General category.

  • Navigations - allows the user to create combo-box options and assign them icons, titles and NavigationItems.

The combo-box options can be created, copied, moved around or deleted using the buttons from the bottom of the Edit items window.

Each combo-box option exposes the following properties:

  • Height - the height of the option.

  • Source - the source file of the icon. The file must be either JPED or PNG.

  • SymbolicText - the translatable text to be used as the option's title.

  • NavigationItems - opens the navigation Edit items dialog which allows the user to create and assign navigation items to the current combo-box option.

    The navigation items can be created, copied, moved around or deleted using the buttons from the bottom of the Edit items window.

    Each navigation item exposes the following properties:

    • Display Window - the frame in which the navigation SubPage should be displayed.

    • SubPage - the navigation page to be displayed in the target frame.

    • ParameterValues - opens the Parameter editor window which allows the user to configure navigation parameters to be passed to the SubPage. The navigation parameters can be created, copied, moved around or deleted using the buttons from the bottom of the parameter's Edit items window.

    Each navigation parameter exposes the following properties:

    • Name - the name of the navigation parameter.

    • Value - the value of the navigation parameter.