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WEBfactory 2010


The WFStatesButton1 button provides the same functionality as WFButton1, with the addition of visual state-based feedback and the ability to set button icons.


The WFStatesButton1 control shares the following common features of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also provides the following particular features:

Button icon

The WFStatesButton1 control can display any PNG or JPEG image file as icon, at run time. The icon's position, margin and opacity can be configured at design-time.

Design-time properties

The WFStatesButton1 control shares the following common design-time properties of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also exposes the following particular properties in 's Property Inspector:

General properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - Signals category.

  • Value - the value that will be written to the selected signal when the button is pressed at run-time.

Icons properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - Icons category.

  • IconImage - the source JPEG or PNG file that will be displayed as icon.

  • IconMargin - the margins of the icon (in pixels).

  • IconMaxSize - the maximum size of the icon (in pixels). The icon scales depending on the text and margins, but cannot exceed this size.

  • IconOpacity - the opacity of the icon.

  • IconPlacement - the position of the icon in the button. Can be: Center, Left, Top, Right or Bottom.

  • IconStretch - the stretching proportions of the icon. Can be: None, Fill, Uniform or UniformToFill.