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WEBfactory 2010

WEBfactory 2010 WCF SignalsService Documentation

This WCF web service handles all the signals related operations. The following methods are available:

GetLastValuesBeforeDate(Sstring sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, DateTimeOffset date, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetLastValuesBeforeDate(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, DateTimeOffset date, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets the last signal value before the specified date


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • signalLogTags (SignalLogTagFilterDTO[]) - the list of signal log tags data transfer objects, each containing:

    • SignalID (guid) - the unique id of the signal

    • LogTag (string) - the log tag of the signal

  • date (DateTimeOffset) - the date and time defining the date limit

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date of each logged value

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetLastValuesBeforeDateByToken(string securityToken, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, DateTimeOffset date, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetLastValuesBeforeDateByToken(string securityToken, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, DateTimeOffset date, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets the last signal value before the specified date using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • signalLogTags (SignalLogTagFilterDTO[]) - the list of signal log tags data transfer objects, each containing:

    • SignalID (guid) - the unique id of the signal

    • LogTag (string) - the log tag of the signal

  • date (DateTimeOffset) - the date and time defining the date limit

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

A list of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date of each logged value

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetSignalDefinitions(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO filter, int languageId, int startIndex, int count, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetSignalDefinitions(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO filter, int languageId, int startIndex, int count, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets the signal definitions that respect the filter in a paged manner


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO) - the filtering object. With this you can specify a certain server or signal (alias) names and log tags to filter out the list. In this filter you can also specify the amount of data that is retrieved:

    • ServerNames (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of server names

    • AliasNames (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of signal aliases or wild-card expressions

    • LogTags (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of log tags

    • ResultsFilter (SignalDefinitionResultsFilter) - the enumeration of flags for specifying the amount of data:

      • Basic

      • Extended

      • Connector

      • Group

      • WriteGroup

      • Server

      • Logs

      • DiscreteValues

      • All

  • languageId (int ) - the language id in which the data is retrieved

  • startIndex (int ) - the start index of the page

  • count (int ) - the count of the current page

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An enumeration of SignalDefinitionDTO objects that contain details about the requested signals:

  • Name (string) - the name of the signal

  • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal

  • Description (string) - the signal's description

  • DescriptionSymbolicText (string) - the symbolic text of the signal description

  • Active (bool) - true if the signal is active, false if not

  • Unit (string) - the signal value unit

  • Status (int) -

  • OPCEnabled (bool) - when this is true, the signal value will be sent to the WEBfactory 2010 WCS OPC server, so other OPC clients can access the value from the WEBfactory 2010 Server like from an OPC server

  • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal

  • FactorX1 (double) - a real value of the PLC used to transform the signal value using a mathematical formula into a SCADA readable value Y1. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorX2 (double) - a real value of the PLC used to transform the signal value using a mathematical formula into a SCADA readable value Y2. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorY1 (double) - the SCADA value of the X1 PLC value. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorY2 (double) - the SCADA value of the X2 PLC value. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • LogUserActivity (bool) - if true, the user's activity on this signal is logged

  • Hysterese (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for signal visualization. Hysteresis refers to the difference between consecutive signal values of a signal. Only field-level signal values are taken into account.

  • HystereseLog (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for logs

  • HystereseAlarm (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for alarms

  • Hysterese_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for signal visualization

  • HystereseLog_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for logs

  • HystereseAlarm_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for alarms

  • Maximum (double) - the maximum signal value for writing

  • Minimum (double) - the minimum signal value for writing

  • VChannel (bool) - if true, the signal is a virtual channel

  • VChannelTypeID (int) - the virtual channel type, script or collective alarm

  • VChannelInitValue (string) - the initialization value of the virtual channel

  • AltValue (bool) - if true, the substitute values are used

  • AltValue_1 (double) - the value used when the minimum value is not reached or the maximum value is exceeded

  • AltValue_2 (double) -

  • AltValue_3 (double) -

  • AltValue_4 (double) -

  • DataTypeID (int) -

  • OfflineValue (string) - the value when the signal is offline

  • DiscreteValues (IEnumerable<DiscreteValueDTO>) - a list of discrete value data transfer objects, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the discrete value

    • Value (double) - the value of the discrete value

    • Description (string) - the description of the discrete value

  • Logs (IEnumerable<LogDTO>) - the list of log data transfer objects, each containing:

    • LogTag (string) - the name of the log

    • Description (string) - the description of the log

    • Active (bool) - if true, the log is active for this signal

  • Server (ServerDTO) - the server data transfer object, containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the server

    • name (string) - the name of the server

    • description (string) - the description of the server

  • Connector (ConnectorDTO) - the connector data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the connector

    • description (string) - the description of the connector

  • Group (SignalGroupDTO) - the signal group data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the signal group

    • description (string) - the description of the signal group

  • WriteGroup (WriteGroupDTO) - the write group data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the write group

    • description (string) - the description of the write group

The results have exactly the same order as the supplied list. If a signal name is invalid (corresponding signal does not exist) the results will contain a null value on that position.

GetSignalDefinitionsByToken(string securityToken, GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO filter, int languageId, int startIndex, int count, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetSignalDefinitionsByToken(string securityToken, GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO filter, int languageId, int startIndex, int count, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets the signal definitions that respect the filter in a paged manner


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (GetSignalDefinitionsFilterDTO) - the filtering object. With this you can specify a certain server or signal (alias) names and log tags to filter out the list. In this filter you can also specify the amount of data that is retrieved:

    • ServerNames (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of server names

    • AliasNames (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of signal aliases or wild-card expressions

    • LogTags (IEnumerable<string>) - the list of log tags

    • ResultsFilter (SignalDefinitionResultsFilter) - the enumeration of flags for specifying the amount of data:

      • Basic

      • Extended

      • Connector

      • Group

      • WriteGroup

      • Server

      • Logs

      • DiscreteValues

      • All

  • languageId (int ) - the language id in which the data is retrieved

  • startIndex (int ) - the start index of the page

  • count (int ) - the count of the current page

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An enumeration of SignalDefinitionDTO objects that contain details about the requested signals:

  • Name (string) - the name of the signal

  • AliasName (string) - the friendly name of the signal

  • Description (string) - the signal's description

  • DescriptionSymbolicText (string) - the symbolic text of the signal description

  • Active (bool) - true if the signal is active, false if not

  • Unit (string) - the signal value unit

  • Status (int) -

  • OPCEnabled (bool) - when this is true, the signal value will be sent to the WEBfactory 2010 WCS OPC server, so other OPC clients can access the value from the WEBfactory 2010 Server like from an OPC server

  • OPCQuality (int) - the quality of the signal

  • FactorX1 (double) - a real value of the PLC used to transform the signal value using a mathematical formula into a SCADA readable value Y1. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorX2 (double) - a real value of the PLC used to transform the signal value using a mathematical formula into a SCADA readable value Y2. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorY1 (double) - the SCADA value of the X1 PLC value. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • FactorY2 (double) - the SCADA value of the X2 PLC value. The transformation is based on a XOY coordinate system and needs 4 values (X1, X2, Y1, Y1) to be applied.

  • LogUserActivity (bool) - if true, the user's activity on this signal is logged

  • Hysterese (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for signal visualization. Hysteresis refers to the difference between consecutive signal values of a signal. Only field-level signal values are taken into account.

  • HystereseLog (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for logs

  • HystereseAlarm (double) - the absolute hysteresis value for alarms

  • Hysterese_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for signal visualization

  • HystereseLog_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for logs

  • HystereseAlarm_2 (double) - the relative hysteresis value for alarms

  • Maximum (double) - the maximum signal value for writing

  • Minimum (double) - the minimum signal value for writing

  • VChannel (bool) - if true, the signal is a virtual channel

  • VChannelTypeID (int) - the virtual channel type, script or collective alarm

  • VChannelInitValue (string) - the initialization value of the virtual channel

  • AltValue (bool) - if true, the substitute values are used

  • AltValue_1 (double) - the value used when the minimum value is not reached or the maximum value is exceeded

  • AltValue_2 (double) -

  • AltValue_3 (double) -

  • AltValue_4 (double) -

  • DataTypeID (int) -

  • OfflineValue (string) - the value when the signal is offline

  • DiscreteValues (IEnumerable<DiscreteValueDTO>) - a list of discrete value data transfer objects, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the discrete value

    • Value (double) - the value of the discrete value

    • Description (string) - the description of the discrete value

  • Logs (IEnumerable<LogDTO>) - the list of log data transfer objects, each containing:

    • LogTag (string) - the name of the log

    • Description (string) - the description of the log

    • Active (bool) - if true, the log is active for this signal

  • Server (ServerDTO) - the server data transfer object, containing:

    • id (guid) - the unique id of the server

    • name (string) - the name of the server

    • description (string) - the description of the server

  • Connector (ConnectorDTO) - the connector data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the connector

    • description (string) - the description of the connector

  • Group (SignalGroupDTO) - the signal group data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the signal group

    • description (string) - the description of the signal group

  • WriteGroup (WriteGroupDTO) - the write group data transfer object, containing:

    • name (string) - the name of the write group

    • description (string) - the description of the write group

The results have exactly the same order as the supplied list. If a signal name is invalid (corresponding signal does not exist) the results will contain a null value on that position.





Starts a new session, getting back a new session id and license check



Return Value

The SessionDTO object, containing:

  • SessionId (string) - the id of the new session

  • IsValidLicense (bool) - if true, the license is valid

Disconnect(string sessionId)


Disconnect(string sessionId);


Disconnects the current session based on the session id


  • sessionId (string) - the id of the current session to be ended

Return Value


DisconnectByToken(string securityToken)


DisconnectByToken(string securityToken);


Ends the current session using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

Return Value


ReadSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames)


ReadSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames);


Gets the values for the specified signals


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names for which to return the values

Return Value

An array of SignalValueDTO objects, each containing:

  • Value (object) - the value of the signal

  • Result (int) - the result of reading the signal value:

    • 0 - success

    • 1000 - unknown error

    • -999999998 - invalid license

    • -999999999 - authentication failed

    • -1 - connection failure

    • -2 - invalid array for signal names

    • -3 - other problems for signal names

    • -4 - invalid array for signal values

    • -5 - mismatch counters for signal names and values

ReadSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames)


ReadSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames);


Reads the specified signals in a secured manner, using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names for which to return the values

Return Value

An array of SignalValueDTO objects, each containing:

  • Value (object) - the value of the signal

  • Result (int) - the result of reading the signal value:

    • 0 - success

    • 1000 - unknown error

    • -999999998 - invalid license

    • -999999999 - authentication failed

    • -1 - connection failure

    • -2 - invalid array for signal names

    • -3 - other problems for signal names

    • -4 - invalid array for signal values

    • -5 - mismatch counters for signal names and values

RegisterSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames)


RegisterSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames);


Registers new signals based on the supplied signal names and session and client id


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names to be registered

Return Value

An array containing a result code for each signal registration

RegisterSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames)


RegisterSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames);


Registers new signals in a secured manner


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names to be registered

Return Value

An array containing a result code for each signal registration

UnregisterSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames)


UnregisterSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, string[] signalNames);


Unregisters new signals based on the supplied signal names and session and client id


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names to be unregistered

Return Value

An array containing result code for each signal unregistration

UnregisterSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames)


UnregisterSignalsByToken(string securityToken, string[] signalNames);


Unregisters new signals in a secured manner


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • signalNames (string[]) - the array of signal names to be unregistered

Return Value

An array containing result code for each signal unregistration

GetUpdates(string sessionId, string clientId, int requestId)


GetUpdates(string sessionId, string clientId, int requestId);


Gets signal updates based on the session, client and request ids, for all signals that have updated since the last request.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • requestId (int) - the id of the request. The first request will have the id 0 and will be incremented for each request after. This id is used to retrieve only the signals that were updated since the last request.

Return Value

The SignalUpdateDTO object, containing:

  • ResponseId (int) - the id of returned by the server for the request

  • Updates (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of key-value pairs representing the signal names and their values. The values can be either one of the standard signal value types or an array of those types.

GetUpdatesByToken(string securityToken, int requestId)


GetUpdatesByToken(string securityToken, int requestId);


Gets signal updates based on the request id, for all signals that have updated since the last request, in a secured manner.


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • requestId (int) - the id of the request. The first request will have the id 0 and will be incremented for each request after. This id is used to retrieve only the signals that were updated since the last request.

Return Value

The SignalUpdateDTO object, containing:

  • ResponseId (int) - the id of returned by the server for the request

  • Updates (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of key-value pairs representing the signal names and their values. The values can be either one of the standard signal value types or an array of those types.

WriteUnsecuredSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values)


WriteUnsecuredSignals(string sessionId, string clientId, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in an unsecured manner


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • values (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of the key-value pairs representing the names of the signals and the values to be written

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteUnsecuredSignalsByToken(string securityToken, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values)


WriteUnsecuredSignalsByToken(string securityToken, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in an unsecured manner, using the security token for validating the session and client


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • values (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of the key-value pairs representing the names of the signals and the values to be written

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteUnsecuredSignalValues(string sessionId, string clientId, WritableSignalDTO[] values)


WriteUnsecuredSignalValues(string sessionId, string clientId, WritableSignalDTO[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in an unsecured manner, passing the signals and values as a DTO


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • values (WritableSignalDTO[]) - the list of writable signals data transfer object, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal for which the value is written

    • Value (object) - the value to be written to the signal

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteUnsecuredSignalValuesByToken(string securityToken, WritableSignalDTO[] values)


WriteUnsecuredSignalValuesByToken(string securityToken, WritableSignalDTO[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in an unsecured manner, passing the signals and values as a DTO and using the security token for validating the session and client


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • values (WritableSignalDTO[]) - the list of writable signals data transfer object, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal for which the value is written

    • Value (object) - the value to be written to the signal

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignals(string userName, string userPassword, bool isDomainUser, string sessionId, string clientId, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values)


WriteSecuredSignals(string userName, string userPassword, bool isDomainUser, string sessionId, string clientId, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, using the user name and password.


  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 or Active Directory user

  • userPassword (string) - the password of the WEBfactory 2010 or Active Directory user

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the user is an Active Directory user, false if the user is a WEBfactory 2010 user

  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • values (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of the key-value pairs representing the names of the signals and the values to be written

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignalsByToken(string securityToken, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values)


WriteSecuredSignalsByToken(string securityToken, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, using the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • values (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of the key-value pairs representing the names of the signals and the values to be written

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignalValues(string userName, string userPassword, bool isDomainUser, string sessionId, string clientId, WritableSignalDTO[] values)


WriteSecuredSignalValues(string userName, string userPassword, bool isDomainUser, string sessionId, string clientId, WritableSignalDTO[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, using the user name and password and passing the signals and values as a DTO


  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 or Active Directory user

  • userPassword (string) - the password of the WEBfactory 2010 or Active Directory user

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the user is an Active Directory user, false if the user is a WEBfactory 2010 user

  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • values (WritableSignalDTO[]) - the list of writable signals data transfer object, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal for which the value is written

    • Value (object) - the value to be written to the signal

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignalValuesByToken(string securityToken, WritableSignalDTO[] values)


WriteSecuredSignalValuesByToken(string securityToken, WritableSignalDTO[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, using the security token and passing the signals and values as a DTO


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • values (WritableSignalDTO[]) - the list of writable signals data transfer object, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal for which the value is written

    • Value (object) - the value to be written to the signal

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignalsWithPasswordReinforcement(string securityToken, string password, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values)


WriteSecuredSignalsWithPasswordReinforcement(string securityToken, string password, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, using the security token and the user password provided by the user, as a security reinforcement


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • password (string) - the password provided by the user for security reinforcement

  • values (KeyValuePair<string, object>[]) - the list of the key-value pairs representing the names of the signals and the values to be written

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

WriteSecuredSignalValuesWithPasswordReinforcement(string securityToken, string password, WritableSignalDTO[] values)


WriteSecuredSignalValuesWithPasswordReinforcement(string securityToken, string password, WritableSignalDTO[] values);


Writes the specified values to the specified signals in a secured manner, passing the signals and values as a DTO and the user password for security reinforcement


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • password (string) - the password provided by the user for security reinforcement

  • values (WritableSignalDTO[]) - the list of writable signals data transfer object, each containing:

    • Name (string) - the name of the signal for which the value is written

    • Value (object) - the value to be written to the signal

Return Value

An array containing result codes for each signal writing

GetLogIDs(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetLogIDs(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log ids based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • signalLogTags (SignalLogTagFilterDTO[]) - the array of signal log tag filter objects, each containing:

    • SignalID (guid) - the unique id of the signal

    • LogTag (string) - the log tag

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of log unique ids

GetLogIDsByToken(string securityToken, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetLogIDsByToken(string securityToken, SignalLogTagFilterDTO[] signalLogTags, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log ids based on the provided parameter and security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • signalLogTags (SignalLogTagFilterDTO[]) - the array of signal log tag filter objects, each containing:

    • SignalID (guid) - the unique id of the signal

    • LogTag (string) - the log tag

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of log unique ids

GetLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log values based on the provided filter


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log values based on the provided filter and security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetUTCLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log values with UTC time stamps based on the provided filter. When calling this method in a HTML environment, the browser will automatically convert the UTC time stamps to the client time.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the UTC date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetUTCLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the log values with UTC time stamps based on the provided filter and security token. When calling this method in a HTML environment, the browser will automatically convert the UTC time stamps to the client time.


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the UTC date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetPeekLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetPeekLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the highest logged values based on the provided filter.

The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • resolution (int) - the number of data relevant points to be retrieved

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetPeekLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetPeekLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the highest logged values based on the provided filter and security token.

The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • resolution (int) - the number of data relevant points to be retrieved

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetPeekUTCLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


GetPeekUTCLogValues(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the highest logged values using the UTC time stamp, based on the provided filter. When calling this method in a HTML environment, the browser will automatically convert the UTC time stamps to the client time.

The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • resolution (int) - the number of data relevant points to be retrieved

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

GetPeekUTCLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetPeekUTCLogValuesByToken(string securityToken, LogValuesFilterDTO filter, int resolution, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the highest logged values using the UTC time stamp, based on the provided filter and security token. When calling this method in a HTML environment, the browser will automatically convert the UTC time stamps to the client time.

The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • filter (LogValuesFilterDTO) - the log values filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the values

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the logged values

    • MaxResults (int) - the maximum number of logged values to be retrieved. Can be null.

    • SortOrder (LogValuesSortOrder) - the sorting order for the retrieved logged values. Can be DateAscending or DateDescending.

  • resolution (int) - the number of data relevant points to be retrieved

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of DatedLogValuesDTO objects, each containing:

  • EntriesDate (DateTime) - the date and time when the value was logged

  • Values (LogValueDTO) - the list of log value data transfer objects, containing:

    • Value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

    • Value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

    • EditedValue (double?) - the edited numeric signal value

    • EditedValue2 (double?) - the edited textual signal value

UpdateLogValue(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, Guid logId, DateTimeOffset entryDate, double? value, string value2, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol.


UpdateLogValue(Guid logId, DateTimeOffset entryDate, double? value, string value2);


Updates the value of the specified log based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • logId (guid) - the unique id of the log to be updated

  • entryDate (DateTimeOffset) - the date and time when the value was updated

  • value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

  • value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value


UpdateLogValueByToken(string securityToken, Guid logId, DateTimeOffset entryDate, double? value, string value2, int millisecondsTimeOut)


UpdateLogValueByToken(string securityToken, Guid logId, DateTimeOffset entryDate, double? value, string value2, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Updates the value of the specified log based on the security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • logId (guid) - the unique id of the log to be updated

  • entryDate (DateTimeOffset) - the date and time when the value was updated

  • value (double?) - the numeric raw signal value

  • value2 (string) - the textual raw signal value

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value


GetLogStatistics(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogStatisticsFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol. Read the Security note for more information.


GetLogStatistics(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogStatisticsFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the logs statistics (min/max/average) based on the provided parameters. The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.

For the average statistic, if a value that is exactly the average of the minimum and maximum values exists, it will be retrieved along with its time stamp. If an exact value does not exist but it is calculated, its time stamp will be null.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogStatisticsFilterDTO) - the log statistics filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the statistics

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the statistics

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the statistics

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of LogStatisticsDTO objects, each containing:

  • logID (guid) - the unique id of the log for which the statistics are retrieved

  • Minimum (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the minimum value

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the minimum numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the minimum textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the minimum edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the minimum edited textual signal value

  • Maximum (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the maximum value

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the maximum numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the maximum textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the maximum edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the maximum edited textual signal value

  • Average (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the average value, if an exact average exists. Else it is null.

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the average numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the average textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the average edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the average edited textual signal value

GetUTCLogStatistics(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogStatisticsFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol. Read the Security note for more information.


GetLogStatistics(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, LogStatisticsFilterDTO filter, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Retrieves the logs statistics (min/max/average) using the UTC time stamps, based on the provided parameters. The numeric values are taken into consideration (Value, Value2, EditedValue and EditedValue2). If the EditedValue and EditedValue2 are not null, their values will be returned. If they are null, than the Value and Value2 values will be returned.

For the average statistic, if a value that is exactly the average of the minimum and maximum values exists, it will be retrieved along with its time stamp. If an exact value does not exist but it is calculated, its time stamp will be null.

When calling this method in a HTML environment, the browser will automatically convert the UTC time stamps to the client time.


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • filter (LogStatisticsFilterDTO) - the log statistics filter object, containing:

    • LogIDs (guid[]) - the array of log ids for which to retrieve the statistics

    • StartDate (DateTimeOffset) - the start of the period from which to retrieved the statistics

    • EndDate (DateTimeOffset) - the end of the period from which to retrieved the statistics

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value

An array of LogStatisticsDTO objects, each containing:

  • logID (guid) - the unique id of the log for which the statistics are retrieved

  • Minimum (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the minimum value

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the minimum numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the minimum textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the minimum edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the minimum edited textual signal value

  • Maximum (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the maximum value

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the maximum numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the maximum textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the maximum edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the maximum edited textual signal value

  • Average (DateLogValueDTO) - a DateLogValueDTO object, containing:

    • Date (DateTime) - the time stamp of the average value, if an exact average exists. Else it is null.

    • Value (LogValueDTO) - a LogValueDTO object, containing:

      • Value (double?) - the average numeric raw signal value

      • Value2 (string) - the average textual raw signal value

      • EditedValue (double?) - the average edited numeric signal value

      • EditedValue2 (double?) - the average edited textual signal value

GetAllWriteGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut)

This method follows the WEBfactory 2010 Security Protocol. Read the Security note for more information.


GetAllWriteGroup(string sessionId, string clientId, string userName, bool isDomainUser, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all available write groups based on the provided parameters


  • sessionId (string) - the unique ID of the session, returned by the connect() method

  • clientId (string) - the user defined unique ID of the client from which the web service is called

  • userName (string) - the name of the WEBfactory 2010 defined user in context of which the method is called

  • isDomainUser (bool) - true if the WEBfactory 2010 defined user is an Active Directory user

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated.

Return Value


GetAllWriteGroupByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut)


GetAllWriteGroupByToken(string securityToken, int millisecondsTimeOut);


Gets all available write groups based on the provided security token


  • securityToken (string) - the security token returned by the Login() method

  • millisecondsTimeOut (int) - the amount of time, in milliseconds, in which the authentication process is verified. If this time period is exceeded or the login failed, a fault exception will be generated

Return Value
