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WEBfactory 2010


WFHtmlHost control allows the user to display a web page within an frame inside the Silverlight visualization. The web page address is set at design-time using the WFHtmlHost control's properties. At run-time, the web page will be displayed automatically in the control.


The WFHtmlHost control shares the following common features of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also provides the following particular features:

Custom size

Like most of the WEBfactory controls, the WFHtmlHost control allows the user to customize the size of the frame. The selected web page will be displayed according to the size of the frame (if the frame size falls into the mobile size category, the web pages that have mobile support or themes will be displayed accordingly).

Design-time properties

The WFHtmlHost control shares some of the following common design-time properties of the WEBfactory 2010 controls library:

It also exposes the following particular properties:

General properties

In Microsoft Blend and Visual Studio, the following properties can be found under the WEBfactory 2010 - General category.

  • Url- the URL of the web page to be displayed inside the frame at run time.