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WEBfactory 2010

WEBfactory 2010 WCF SymbolicTextService Documentation


This article provides all the needed information to learn and understand the WCF SymbolicTextService documentation.

This WCF web service handles all the Symbolic Texts related operations. The following methods are available:

GetSymbolicTextTranslations(int[] languageIDs, int startIndex, int count, IncludedSymbolicTexts includedSymbolicTexts)


GetSymbolicTextTranslations(int[] languageIDs, int startIndex, int count, IncludedSymbolicTexts includedSymbolicTexts);


Retrieves the text translations, based on the provided language id's, index and count, for all symbolic texts of the specified type


  • languageIDs (int[]) - the list of ids of the languages in which the text translations to be retrieved

  • startIndex (int ) - the starting index from where the text translations are retrieved

  • count (int ) - the number of text translations to be retrieved

  • includedSymbolicTexts (IncludedSymbolicTexts ) - the enumeration of symbolic texts types for which to retrieve the translations. Can be:

    • SymbolicTexts = 0

    • InternallyUsed = 1

    • AlarmGroups = 2

    • AlarmTypes = 4

    • Alarms = 8

    • AlarmHelpTexts = 16

    • ExtendedAlarmProperties = 32

    • Signals = 64

    • SignalGroups = 128

    • Logs = 256

    • DiscreteValues = 512

    • All = 1024

Return Value

A list of SymbolicTextDTO objects, each containing:

  • SymbolicText (string) - the symbolic text to which the translation is associated

  • Translations (List<SymbolicTextTranslationDTO>) - the list of symbolic text translations data transfer objects, each containing:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language of the translation

    • Tranlsation (string) - the translated text

GetSpecificSymbolicTextTranslations(int[] languageIDs, string[] symbolicTexts)


GetSpecificSymbolicTextTranslations(int[] languageIDs, string[] symbolicTexts);


Retrieves the translation texts for the provided symbolic texts, based on the specified language


  • languageIDs (int[]) - the list of ids of the languages in which the text translations to be retrieved

  • symbolicTexts (string[]) - the list of symbolic texts for which the translations to be retrieved

Return Value

A list of SymbolicTextDTO objects, each containing:

  • SymbolicText (string) - the symbolic text to which the translation is associated

  • Translations (List<SymbolicTextTranslationDTO>) - the list of symbolic text translations data transfer objects, each containing:

    • LanguageID (int) - the id of the language of the translation

    • Tranlsation (string) - the translated text





Retrieves the ids of the active languages



Return Value

A list of ids corresponding to the languages set as active in the WEBfactory 2010 system





Retrieves all available languages in the WEBfactory 2010 system



Return Value

A list of LanguageDTO objects, each containing:

  • Id (int) - the id of the language

  • Name (string) - the name of the language

  • IsActive (bool) - the flag that indicates if the language is active or not

  • IsDefault (bool) - the flag that indicates if the language is the default language or not